Local Events

  • UK: Promoting Dafa and Explaining the Facts at Cambridge University Freshers’ Fair

    Practitioners performed the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises, and distributed materials so that new students could learn more about the brutal persecution that is happening in China. Practitioners handed out around 3,000 English flyers. More than 100 Chinese Vdoe-CDs were handed out in one day.
  • France: Practitioners hold a Solemn Public Trial of Jiang Zemin

    Falun Gong practitioners staged a public trial of criminal Jiang Zemin. A journalist from Angers came to interview practitioners and participated in the entire trial of Jiang in the court of morality and justice. Lots of people watched the activity. During the trial, people could hear Chinese people laughing at the cartoon drawings of Jiang. This shows that Chinese people do not respect Jiang.
  • Sweden: Promoting Falun Dafa and Exposing Jiang’s Crimes at Nossebro Market

    There were many people there on that day to celebrate the market’s one hundredth birthday. Visitors received information about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution in China. Practitioners also collected signatures to appeal for the release of Charles Li, an American Doctor who has been unlawfully detained in China since January 2003.
  • Denmark: Drummer of a Famous Musician’s Band attracts Media Attention

    Famous musician and rock music icon David Bowie recently performed in Copenhagen. His drummer, Sterling Campbell, has attracted a lot of media attention because he is a Falun Gong practitioner. Like millions of practitioners who work in all sorts of different professions, Sterling volunteers his spare time to let people know the facts about the persecution.
  • Germany: Dafa Practitioners bring a Good Day to Bad Kreuznach City

    Many people stopped to watch the exercise demonstration, listen to the music, look at the display boards and take materials to find out more. Some of them signed a petition calling for the release of Xiong Wei, a practitioner from Germany who has been illegally detained in China, and others asked questions about Falun Gong.
  • Germany: Exposing Jiang's Crimes to Tourists during the Munich Beer Festival

    Instead of practitioners handing out materials, people were coming up to practitioners and asking for information whilst they watched the Falun Gong exercise demonstration. They expressed a tremendous interest in Falun Gong by constantly asking questions and they were angry at this cruel suppression of the innocent. People could not comprehend that there exists a place where Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance are prohibited and people are not allowed to be good.
  • UK: People learn the Truth at a London Garden Party (pictures)

    Practitioners felt that this was a great opportunity to let them know more about the persecution of Falun Gong and the appeal to rescue UK practitioners’ friends and relatives who are illegally imprisoned in China. People signed practitioners’ petition and expressed support after listening to a speech by the brother of Zhu Baolian, who is illegally imprisoned in Beijing for handing out Falun Gong leaflets.
  • Russia: The Fourth Russian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference successfully concludes in Moscow

    Hundreds of practitioners appealed in front of the Chinese Embassy. They held pictures of those who have been persecuted to death while standing on the square in front of the Embassy. They also sent forth righteous thoughts and demonstrated the exercises peacefully, whilst some practitioners handed out materials to passersby.
  • UK: Scottish Dafa Practitioners participate in the Glasgow Peace Festival (Part 2)

    Though the weather was unstable and moved from rain to sunshine, Dafa practitioners’ exercise demonstration and traditional Chinese fan dance attracted a large audience. After the performance, practitioners voluntarily taught people the Falun Gong exercises. Many people came to learn.
  • Germany: Falun Dafa Information Day in Detmold

    Many passers-by stopped to look at the display boards and the exercise demonstration. After learning about the truth of the persecution and the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin that have been filed around the world, people praised practitioners for their quest for justice and wished them success.
  • Germany: Collecting Petition Signatures and Revealing the Facts at a Town Festival in Nuremberg

    In addition to enthusiastically signing their names to support the appeal, many young people asked their friends to sign their names too. Before the end of the activity, a German citizen who was very interested in Falun Dafa talked with a practitioner enthusiastically and was reluctant to leave. He ended up staying with practitioners and helping them to collect their materials and pack everything away.
  • UK: Scottish Dafa Practitioners participate in the Glasgow Peace Festival (Part 1)

    The event organiser had arranged for practitioners to teach the exercises to children that were at the festival. Looking at the children’s earnest and innocent appearance, the organiser and many passers-by also came and joined in learning the exercises. One young boy said to his grandmother: “This is the best!”
  • The Fourth Russian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference is successfully held in Moscow

    The fourth Russian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held to help Dafa practitioners in Russia and the surrounding areas to improve together and make a further step forward in Fa-rectification.
  • Germany: Overseas Chinese People show Support for Falun Gong

    One Chinese man heard that there was information about Falun Gong available at the display and specifically came to find out more. He also told a German practitioner that China does not have any human rights and that people should support Falun Gong.
  • Sweden: Explaining the Facts to the People of Uddevalla

    Falun Gong practitioners were invited to demonstrate the exercises and introduce the facts about the brutal persecution in China at an adult education college open day. A lot of people at the open day were very interested in Falun Gong. When hearing what was happening, local newspapers and TV stations arrived and interviewed practitioners.