Local Events
Germany: A Peaceful Appeal Held in Munich to Commemorate the 5th Anniversary of "4.25"
2004-04-29Five years ago, on April 25th, after being interfered with many times and arrested with no place to appeal, Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appealed to the State Department Appeals Office, beside Zhongnanhai. More than ten thousand people stood quietly on the street. Matters were solved to everyone’s satisfaction and they left peacefully.
While Irish Falun Gong Practitioners were Commemorating the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal, an Eyewitness Pointed Out that the Persecution is a "Long-Premeditated Scheme"
2004-04-28"Since the message we convey in our appeals is to bring Jiang Zemin and his accomplices who persecute Falun Gong to justice, as opposed to aiming at the government, many officials in the Chinese government have come to know that this persecution is wasting money and not supported by the people’s hearts, and that it is not the entire Chinese government’s decision”.
France: Promoting Falun Gong and Clarifying the Facts in Marseille City
2004-04-28In the busy streets of downtown Massy, practitioners demonstrated the exercises, spread the Fa, and clarified the truth about Falun Gong. In the afternoon practitioners joined a peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Consulate. When night fell, practitioners held a candlelight vigil to mourn those practitioners who have been persecuted to death in China.
Sweden: While Commemorating the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal, Practitioners hold a Symbolic Trial of the Persecution's Prime Culprit
2004-04-27On April the 24th 2004, Dafa practitioners in the Gothenburg area of Sweden went to the biggest park in the centre of the City to hold a symbolic trial of Jiang Zemin, who is the prime culprit of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the "4.25" peaceful appeal.
France: Photo Report - Dafa Practitioners Let People Know the facts in Paris for the 5th Anniversary of 4.25
2004-04-27On 24th April, French practitioners clarified the truth about the 4.25 event. In the afternoon, practitioners came to the No.13 district in Paris, where many Chinese people live and work. They displayed a large number of pictures and articles to expose the brutal persecution, which Jiang’s regime has carried out against Falun Gong.
Germany: Photo Report - Explain the Facts in Berlin and Commemorating "4.25"
2004-04-27To commemorate 4-25, Falun Gong practitioners in Berlin started a campaign to let the public know the facts. It attracted much attention, in particular the banner, “Jiang Zemin is Charged with Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity.” Pedestrians accepted materials and some stayed to learn more about the truth.
France: French Dafa Practitioners Hold a Series of Activities to Commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal
2004-04-26In the afternoon of April 23rd some practitioners practiced the exercises, sent forth righteous thoughts and told people the truth at the Chinese Embassy. They requested a stop to the persecution of Falun Gong and severe punishment for the Jiang regime. The activities helped the police and passers-by to learn the truth.
Finland: Telling People the Facts about the April 25th Incident
2004-04-25Falun Gong practitioners held activities in the central Helsinki for the 5th anniversary of the April 25th incident. Finnish practitioners made a special flyer about the incident. People in Helsinki have become more clear about the evil and brutal nature of Jiang Zemin’s campaign against innocent Falun Gong practitioners, and they condemn the persecutors.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Perform at the Fact Art Centre in Liverpool
2004-04-25On April the 17th 2004, the Fact Art Centre in Liverpool organised a show with the theme “A little peace in this changing world”. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to join the show and used this opportunity to tell the audience about Falun Gong and the persecution in China.
Austria: Clarifying the Truth at a Falun Dafa Information Day in Salzburg
2004-04-24As Spring arrives, many tourists are coming to Salzburg, the home town of Mozart. This provides a good opportunity to clarify the truth to people from all over the world. Although the weather was cold and windy, many people from Austria, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom learned about the Jiang regime's cruel persecution of Falun Gong.
Germany: Clarifying the Truth at a Computer Exhibition in Hanover
2004-04-22"Then, I talked to many Chinese people; I asked them would they please pass on the contents of the leaflets to their relatives and friends, because this information is very precious. It can only be obtained overseas and the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners in China now are in severe danger. When I asked for their help directly and sincerely, their reactions were not how I expected, they were listening to me and gradually realising the severity of the persecution."
United Kingdom: Morning Practice in the City of Edinburgh
2004-04-21On the Saturday morning practitioners met in an Edinburgh park to practise the Falun Gong exercises together. Practitioners agreed that practising the exercises together outside was very different to practising by oneself at home and everyone benefited from the strong energy field and serene atmosphere.
Slovakia: Letting People Know about the Persecution of Falun Gong in more than 100 Cities and Towns
2004-04-20Slovakian Falun Gong practitioners visited more than 100 Slovak cities and towns to deliver information about the persecution of Falun Gong in China during Easter 2004. As the practitioners put up information posters, passers-by stopped to find out more. After learning the truth, they also expressed their opposition to this persecution.
Germany: Information Day in Nuremburg
2004-04-19In Nuremburg, people watched a demonstration of the five Falun Gong exercises by practitioners from northern Germany. In China, those who practise these exercises could be be sent to labour camps, tortured by various means and force-fed while on hunger strike. Even worse, they may be killed as a result of the persecution. Falun Gong, a peaceful cultivation practice, has become widely popular the world. Many practitioners in Germany have benefited, so they try to help people understand this persecution.
Talking with Haroldo: "Our Song Frightens Evil"
2004-04-19If you saw the performance given by the European ‘Coming for You’ Choir at The Inaugural Chinese New Year Global Gala in New York this year, you probably remember Haroldo’s excellent performance as conductor. In fact, he not only excels at playing the piano and conducting, but also composes. Haroldo introduced a saying from his hometown, ‘Singing frightens Evil’, which means that when people feel upset or are in trouble, they turn to singing because they believe that singing frightens evil.