Local Events

  • Germany: Students in Albert-Einstein Middle School in Bochum Learn Falun Gong

    On March the 19th 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from Bochum in Germany were invited to Albert-Einstein Middle School to teach the students the Falun Gong exercises. The students could not imagine how a peaceful and wonderful practice such as Falun Gong could be banned in China and they asked many questions. They all enjoyed practising the exercises.
  • Germany: People Near the Highest Mountain in the Country Happily Learn about Falun Dafa

    Recently, a Falun Dafa practitioner moved to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which is located at the foot of Germany’s highest mountain, Zugspitze. In order to let the local people know more about Falun Dafa, he immediately applied for a space in the town centre. A Falun Gong Information Day activity was successfully held on April 3rd 2004.
  • Clarifying the Truth at a School’s Parents' Evening

    My daughter is a second-year student in a secondary school. She is a little Dafa practitioner and a good student. Ever since my daughter started secondary education, I have wanted to let all of her new teachers know the truth about Falun Dafa by speaking to them at the school’s Parents' Evening, in which the teachers of all subjects meet the parents individually. Unexpectedly, there was no opportunity to attend the school’s Parents' Evening because my daughter’s academic performance was very good.
  • Spain: Telling the Truth at “Immigration, Freedom Land” Symposium at Comillas University

    On March the 18th, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in the “Immigration, Freedom Land” symposium at Comillas University in Madrid. The Falun Gong practitioners told the audience that Jiang Zemin’s regime has orchestrated a bloody suppression of millions of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and extended this persecution beyond the mainland, into democratic countries.
  • Special Interview with a German Practitioner: Legalization of the Falun Symbol in Germany Is Significant

    In Germany, there is a law that prohibits the display of the Nazi Swastika or other similar symbols. To someone who knows nothing about Falun Gong, the Falun Symbol might be wrongly associated with its Nazi counterpart. The Chairman of the German Falun Gong Association received an indictment from his local district court, on the charge that displaying the Falun symbol on the German Falun Dafa Association’s website was illegal. This interview follows a year of investigations and court proceedings.
  • Interesting Stories from Falun Gong Exercise Practice Sites

    Falun Gong has always been taught for free at practice sites that are now in over 60 countries around the world. Falun Gong is often practised outdoors and this has allowed many people to learn more about the practice. Here are some short stories of how people discovered Falun Gong.
  • Germany: Clarifying the Facts in a Radio Interview

    The hostess of the radio station decided to produce a forty-five minute programme about Falun Gong to be broadcast several weeks after our interview. So, several days ago, a practitioner from Karlsruhe and I went to the radio station. While we waited in the hall, we introduced Falun Gong to the receptionist who took a deep interest in Falun Gong. She asked us about the reason for the persecution. We did not have enough time to talk about the persecution in detail before it was time to hurry into the broadcasting studio...
  • Sweden: Falun Gong recieves Warm Support at Sweden's Largest Mind and Body Fair

    On March the 27th and 28th Falun Gong was displayed at Swedens largest body and mind fair in Liljeholmen, Stockholm. The fair, which is very popular amongst spiritual seekers and people who are interested in alternative health care, attracted thousands of visitors. Many payed a lot of attention to the Falun Gong booth where practitioners explained the facts and demonstrated the exercises.
  • Spain: Promoting Falun Gong and Explaining the Facts in Lerida City

    After attending the Health Fair in Lerida, Spain, practitioners from Madrid and Barcelona returned to Lerida City on March the 22nd to help local practitioners set up a new practice site. It was a fine day with a clear blue sky. Early in the morning, people came to the spacious area of grass in the centre of the city to learn the Falun Gong exercises.
  • Belated News from Geneva: Taking to the Streets to let People Know the Facts

    On March the 13th, two days before the Annual UN Human Rights Conference began, practitioners from Europe, Taiwan, the United States, Israel and Australia took to the streets in Geneva to let local people and the government representatives taking part in the UN Human Rights Commission know the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.
  • UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Explain the Facts by a Local Amnesty International Group in Leeds

    Falun Gong practitioners were invited by Amnesty International in Leeds to attend their meeting on March the 18th. The practitioners introduced the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China to the participants at the meeting. The Amnesty members were deeply shocked by the practitioners’ personal experiences and the scenes of persecution shown in the Video-CDs.
  • Before the Meeting of UN Human Rights Commission, International Human Rights Organisations Held a Human Rights Dinner and Dance

    Through beautiful music and dance, the human rights evening hoped to remind people of the continuous violations of human rights in other parts of the world. Taking place before the meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission, the human rights evening appeared more meaningful.
  • Switzerland: The Sounds of Singing Drift in the Geneva Spring Rain

    On the 14th of March, the eve of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, the streets of Geneva were busy with people despite continuous rain. From afar, I heard the sound of singing. Following the voices, I found a wonderful street-concert taking place in the rain. The song “Coming For You” attracted many residents, tourists and representatives participating in the Human Rights Commission.
  • Sweden: Introducing Falun Dafa at a Prison

    At first they gave an introductory class in which they demonstrated the exercises and told inmates about Falun Dafa and how in 1999, China’s former President Jiang Zemin banned the most popular qigong-practice in China’s history as he was jealous and afraid of losing people’s hearts, hearts that were his by fear and terror. The inmates could hardly believe the harsh situation for illegally detained practitioners in Chinese prisons.
  • Sweden: Promoting Falun Gong in Uddevalla

    Recently, Swedish Falun Gong practitioners held an activity in the small but beautiful city of Uddevalla to let the local people know about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution against the practice, which has been happening for almost five years in China. Practitioners handed out flyers and collected petition signatures from passers by.