Local Events

  • Germany: Dafa Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at Dresden City Festival (I)

    The annual Dresden City Festival in Germany was held from August the 20th to August the 22nd. Tens of thousands of people went on to the streets to watch a variety of performances. German Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in this event and perform Falun Gong exercises on the stage for forty-five minutes twice a day.
  • Greece: A Story from Athens During the Olympic Games

    A chief police officer praised Dafa practitioners for the quality of the performance. She said, “You are all very nice. People from the Chinese Embassy told me that you are troublemakers. In the past week, you have not brought us any trouble. Instead, it is them who gave us trouble. Please let me know if there is anything that I can be of help with. Next time when you come to Athens, please call me. We should stay in touch.” Through Dafa practitioners’ songs and dances, Greek citizens experienced the benevolence and compassion of Dafa practitioners.
  • Germany: Anti-Torture Exhibition Brings Support from a Local MP

    As Passau is the sister city of Liuzhou city in Guangxi, China, local citizens are very interested in things happening in China. However, they know little about the persecution against Falun Gong. On the 21st of August 2004, local Falun Dafa practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in the city centre.
  • Greece: Falun Gong Events were the Only Officially Sanctioned Events During the Olympic Games

    Due to our efforts in letting the public know about Falun Gong and the genocide that is taking place against practitioners in China, and thanks to the peaceful nature of Falun Gong cultivation practice, people who practise Falun Gong were the only group who received permission to hold events in Athens. The Chief of Police asked us to ‘not disappoint her’ because she had experienced enormous pressure from the Chinese Government, who demanded that she arrest all Falun Gong practitioners. Indeed, Dafa practitioners did not disappoint her and our peaceful demeanour touched the police and the public alike.
  • Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Anti-Torture Exhibition and Other Activities in Moscow

    On the 21st of August 2004, Russian Falun Gong practitioners held activities in central Moscow to introduce Falun Gong and let people know about the persecution in China. After viewing the anti-torture exhibition, Moscovites came to learn more about the extremely ruthless and brutal nature of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Greece: Distributing Paper Lotus Flowers and Singing on the Beach in Athens

    On our last day in Athens, I went to the beach with a few practitioners who are part of the European choir. It was an Autumn evening with a brisk breeze and blue sky. A lot of tourists were on the beach. We hired a parasol and hung a Falun Dafa banner beneath it and then did some meditation, distributed leaflets and a few of us went swimming. When I encountered two Chinese tourists near the parasol, I immediately walked towards them and offered them a leaflet.
  • Germany: Oriental Art Performance During the Dresden City Festival

    According to a report in the Epoch Times, on August 23rd Falun Gong practitioners were invited to perform Falun Gong exercises and self-choreographed oriental dances at the 2004 Dresden City Festival in Germany. The festival ran from August the 20th to August the 22nd.
  • Greece: Falun Gong Practitioners Host a Musical Evening Entitled "Lotus Inspiration" in Athens

    On the 16th of August, a musical evening entitled "Lotus Inspiration" was held in Athens' Greek Dance Theatre and hosted by The Acropolis Environmental Ecological Cultural and Development Society. All of the songs, dances and instrumental recitals were performed by Falun Gong practitioners as an introduction to Falun Gong and the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008.
  • Greece: Traditional Chinese Performances and Falun Gong Exercise Demonstration Attract Large Crowds in Athens

    As soon as a group exercise demonstration began, hundreds of people gathered round to witness the beautiful sight. Cameras were flashing and people were videoing the scene. Falun Dafa has not been practised in Greece for that long, but after these successful evenings in Athens there will be many more people learning the exercises.
  • Germany: Some Experiences While Letting People Know about Falun Gong Outside Cologne Cathedral

    The Cathedral in Cologne is one of the area's premier tourist attractions. Many tourist groups gather there every day, among which there are a lot of Chinese people. In our efforts to let them know about the persecution against Falun Gong, we have learned how to do better and work together well. Here are a couple of short stories about or appeal at the cathedral.
  • Greece: Falun Gong Attracts Media Attention in Athens

    Dafa practitioners have been holding continuous, large-scale activities to introduce Falun Dafa and the persecution in Athens over the last week, attracting the attention of media from all over the world that are in Athens to report on the Olympic Games.
  • Greece: Photo Report - Displaying Truthfulness, Compassion Tolerance in the City of Athens

    During the Olympic Games, many people visiting Greece have had the chance to learn about Falun Gong and the persecution that people who practise Falun Gong in China are suffering. At the heart of Athens, in Syntagma Square practitioners, held group exercises and performances such as waist drumming and traditional Chinese dancing.
  • Scotland: Introducing Falun Dafa at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

    On Sunday the 15th of August, Edinburgh's Fringe Festival Sunday dawned bright and sunny. As well as being able to see the five sets of Falun Gong exercises demonstrated throughout the day, passersby were treated to the elegance of traditional a Chinese Parasol Dance and Fan Dance. Over 700 petition signatures were gathered calling for Jiang to be brought to justice for his terrible crimes.
  • Russia: Promoting Falun Gong at an International Aviation Expo

    On the 15th of August, Russian Falun Dafa practitioners went to introduce Falun Dafa in Zhukovski, which was holding the Annual International Aviation and Spaceflight Science and Technology Expo. Russian practitioners tirelessly distributed newspapers and leaflets to the huge crowds during breaks between the performances. Materials exposing the persecution against Falun Gong were also sent to every factory and science research unit's exhibition sites.
  • Greece: Promoting Falun Gong During the Olympic Games in Athens (2)

    Practitioners from Europe, Australia, Taiwan and the USA have held activities in Athens during the Olympic Games to let people know about Falun Dafa and the persecution. These include a literature and art performance with traditional Chinese characteristics in the bustling Constitution Square, as well as practising the exercises together there.