Local Events
Ireland: Telling the Facts of the Persecution to Journalists Attending the 56th World Newspaper Congress
2003-06-15When the media and VIPs, including the Prime Minister of Ireland and human rights activist Bono from the band U2, arrived to make speeches we realised that this was an unmissable golden opportunity to let people learn more about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. It was an exceptionally important occasion. We met mid-week and decided to focus on clarifying the truth to people there. At this point, only one day was left until the end of the Congress...
Germany: Practitioners Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang and the Efforts to Rescue their Imprisoned Relatives and Friends in China (Part II)
2003-06-15Two German cyclists also stopped to investigate the activities. One of them said, I support your actions. Such a person (Jiang) should be taken to trial. He signed his name immediately. In an emotional tone, the other one said, Your suffering is our suffering. I support your activity for justice. I would like to give my signature, too.
Ireland: Spreading the Fa Across the Country
2003-06-13Recently Irish practitioners have been travelling to different parts of the country every weekend to spread the Fa and clarify the facts of the persecution to areas where there are little or no Dafa practitioners. The response has been positive and encouraging.
Germany: Practitioners Hold an Information Day in Berlin to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-12There was a continual flow of Chinese people coming to the Information desk to ask for materials revealing the truth about Jiangs crimes and about the practice of Falun Gong. One Chinese person said, All those who practise Falun Gong are very good people.
Germany: Practitioners Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang and the Rescue Efforts for Xiong Wei and Other Practitioners in China (Part I)
2003-06-11After reading the information boards and talking with practitioners, many people immediately offered their support. Some said, We will definitely help you! One school teacher said that she will discuss the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong in China more often with her students.
Norway: Practitioners Attend Festival of Peace in Drammen
2003-06-11Practitioners introduced people to the Falun Gong exercises and many learned eagerly. The atmosphere was very serene for the entire day and outside, there was warm and sunny weather. Practitioners also talked with many people. Some expressed an interest in learning the exercises and asked about the nearest Falun Gong class.
Ukraine: Falun Gong Practitioners Take Part in the Folklorama Festival in Kiev
2003-06-11Practitioners took part in a concert, performing the Fan Dance and the Lotus Dance, while the five Falun Gong exercises were being demonstrated in the background. As well as an exercise demonstration and the dance performances, all of the practitioners who were present sang a song that they had composed entitled Way Home.
Netherlands: Dutch and German Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in the Asian Festival in Mondo Verde Park
2003-06-08On the day before the Mondo Verde Asian Festival, the organizer received a fax from the Chinese Consulate asking him to cancel the Falun Gong demonstration. He rejected this irrational request and this incident was extensively reported by Dutch media; it became a talking point throughout the whole of the southern part of the Netherlands.
Germany: Clarifying the Facts on World Religion Day in Berlin
2003-06-08More than two hundred thousand people from Germany and the neighbouring countries participated in the activities. Dafa practitioners from Berlin utilised the opportunity to clarify the facts, and collect signatures to rescue Ms. Xiong Wei, a Dafa practitioner who lived in Germany and is currently being detained in a Chinese labour camp for distributing Falun Gong flyers.
Sweden: How Students and Teachers at my School Learnt about Falun Gong
2003-06-07I had to teach a cultural studies class on society. I told them about Chinas history and culture and how freedom of expression and belief differs greatly between different countries. The students stayed after class to ask more questions. One assistant teacher, who was accompanying me, told me that it was the most interesting class she had ever attended.
Germany: Local TV Stations Broadcast Falun Gong Videos
2003-06-07In recent months, various local TV stations in Germany have broadcast truth clarification videos about Falun Gong one after another, enabling the general public to realise the facts about the persecution happening in China. The broadcasting of the video generated very good results as people can quickly realise the truth of a situation. Some of the TV stations agreed to repeat the broadcast at practitioners and many other viewers requests.
Germany: Falun Dafa Information Day in Frankfurt
2003-06-06Using an exhibition and an information booth, practitioners will provide an opportunity for Frankfurts citizens to understand the peaceful nature of Falun Gong over the next few weekends. They will clarify the facts about the persecution in China and detail the crimes committed by the Jiang regime against Falun Gong practitioners. People will also be informed about how practitioners in different countries are bringing lawsuits against Chinese dictator and instigator of the persecution against Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin.
Austria: Practitioners from Different Countries Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong during the Eastern European Summit
2003-06-05The summit was attended by leaders from various countries and media outlets. Information about Falun Dafa and the persecution instigated by Jiang Zemin was quickly distributed. A photographer told practitioners that a local TV station would broadcast a report about Falun Gong that evening.
Finland: Practitioners asked to Return to a School and let Students Know More about Falun Gong
2003-06-05The Dafa practitioner briefly introduced the practice, and told the students about the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong and the terrible human rights abuses in China. After the introduction, everyone practised the exercises together. The reactions were very positive and the effects were apparent. Very soon, there was a serene atmosphere in the classroom and nothing seemed to trouble the students. The students were very grateful, and the teacher was excited when she discovered that she could learn more about the Falun Gong exercises for free at the local practice site.
Norway: Celebrating Norwegian National Day in Oslo
2003-06-04People from all over Oslo came to join in the festivities. Practitioners thought that this would be an excellent chance to meet a lot of people to tell them about Falun Gong and show them the beauty of the exercises. Practitioners also talked about the cruel persecution in Mainland China, which has already resulted in over 700 innocent deaths.