Local Events
Spain: Beautiful Scenes In the City of Tarragona
2003-09-25Practitioners sat down to send forth righteous thoughts, before they hung up Dafa banners, displayed pictures and demonstrated the exercises. People stopped to watch and said: Look! How beautiful it is! How wonderful the music is! Many people took photos with the exercise demonstration as a background. Others asked practitioners for information.
Germany: Falun Dafa Information Day in Recklinghausen
2003-09-25Passers-by stopped to watch the exercise demonstration and talk with practitioners. They wanted to know more about Falun Gong. Some people already knew about Falun Gong since they have seen other Falun Dafa Information Day events. One of them learned about Falun Gong in Australia. We received many heart-felt messages of encouragement and support.
Moldova: Luo Gan Faced a 4th Lawsuit on the Last Stop of his European Tour
2003-09-24On the morning of September the 18th, the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, The Committee for Global Action in Rescuing Family Members, the European Falun Dafa Association and the St. Petersburg Falun Dafa Association in Russia jointly filed a lawsuit against Luo Gan for his crimes of torture and genocide. Luo Gan, head of the Gestapo-like "610 Office"* in China, was visiting the Republic of Moldova.
Moldova: Another Lawsuit is filed against 610 Office Head Luo Gan before he leaves Europe
2003-09-23On September the 16th, during Luo Gans visit to Armenia, Falun Gong practitioners, with the help of international human rights organisations, submitted a lawsuit to a court in the capital Yerevan, against Luo Gan for his crimes of torture and genocide. Immediately after legal action in Iceland and Finland, Luo Gan was again placed in another embarrassing situation. This was the third lawsuit that Luo Gan faced during his visit to Europe.
France: Photo Report Promoting Falun Dafa in a Lively Area of Paris
2003-09-23 -
Finland: Media Attention Turns to Dafa Practitioners Peaceful Appeals against the Human Rights Abuser
2003-09-22The TV news stated that Luo Gan was unwilling to see the reporters and that during his visit to Europe he had seen Falun Gong demonstrations from various parts of the world. The Finnish Minister of Justice, Mr. Johannes Koskinen, stated in the report that the peaceful demonstrations by Falun Gong practitioners enabled the Chinese officials to know the thoughts of Finnish and European people.
Greece: Spreading the Fa and Telling People the Facts
2003-09-21Practitioners visited Athens and held an exercise demonstration on the street while passing out flyers to introduce the practice to passersby. Many locals and tourists all stopped to ask questions and were shocked and sympathetic upon hearing about the persecution in China. Luckily practitioners had flyers in many different languages to give to the passersby.
UK: Telling Chinese People the Facts at a Moon Festival Party in Leeds
2003-09-20A man from Mainland China met with practitioners and happily said, When is your next exercise class? Please phone me and take me there. I want to learn the exercises as well. A large amount of materials were distributed and looking around, practitioners found that everyone was carefully reading them. In a single evening, nearly everyone received some Falun Gong materials. Someone said jokingly, I think tonight isnt a Moon Festival party but a Falun Gong material reading meeting!
France: Practitioners Spread the Fa in l'Ile d'Oleron on the West Coast
2003-09-20In the intense heat of summer, Dafa practitioners went to l'Ile d'Oleron on the west coast of France. There were many tourists there and practitioners told them the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong in China, as well as demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises. Many people stopped to listen to the practitioners. The following pictures contain images of Faluns.
Many People in Finland learn the Truth about Falun Gong
2003-09-19The next day, many people took leaflets. They told us that they had read the report in newspapers and would like to learn more about Falun Gong. Over one thousand leaflets were handed out in only two hours. One passer-by said, I watched the report on TV. It condemned the persecution of Falun Gong. We support you. One boy shouted while pressing his bike bell, You did a very good job. An old man took one copy of leaflet and read it. After reading it, he came toward the practitioners and said, The truth will win. God bless you.
UK: Practitioners Spread the Fa at the Birmingham International Arts Festival
2003-09-19Tens of thousands of people from all over Britain attend the Birmingham Arts Fest every year and this is the second time that UK Falun Gong practitioners have taken part. Practitioners who gave out leaflets were rushed off their feet for the whole day due to the enormous amount of people. Many people came to know the truth about Dafa through this arts festival.
Norway: A Weekend of Fa Study and Promoting Falun Gong in two Cities in Southern Norway
2003-09-19The practitioners divided into two groups: one group stayed in Sandnes and the other travelled to the city of Stavanger, to conduct similar activities. Passers-by learnt how peaceful practitioners are tortured to death, just because they want to live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.
Spain: Touring the Country to let People know about Falun Dafa (part 2)
2003-09-18Many people were anxious to know more about Falun Dafa and asked for flyers. When accepting the flyers and looking at them, some people already knew about Dafa and uttered: Its Falun Gong, very good! Some of them also enquired about information on the free classes where they can learn the Dafa exercises.
France: Telling People the Facts and Appealing for Justice
2003-09-18Many television reporters came to interview Ms. Dais and some other practitioners. The interviews lasted about two hours. All of the reporters were shocked by the persecution in China, and assured us that they would do whatever they could to let the French public know about the persecution and the slander that Falun Gong practitioners have suffered.
Macedonia: Public, Media and Government of Macedonia are Supportive of Falun Gong (pictures)
2003-09-17Government officials at the Foreign Ministry and other offices were all very kind and supportive and offered their help. Practitioners told them they would help us a lot if they spread the truth about Falun Gong to other government officials, and they promised to do this. A representative of the Ministry of Justice was very interested in the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin. He asked to receive regular information from practitioners and agreed that it was about time something was done to stop this persecution.