Local Events
Belgium: Practitioners Reveal the Truth in the City of Antwerp's Chinatown
2003-02-04Many of the Chinese people have been deceived by the web of lies created by Jiang Zemin, so the practitioners hoped to help them see the goodness of Dafa and the truth about the brutal persecution being carried out by the Jiang regime.
Norway: Chinese New Year Celebrations in Oslo
2003-02-03On the first day of the Chinese new year, practitioners from Norway and Sweden hosted a cultural event to show some of the rich Chinese culture to the people of Oslo. The performances were very beautiful and moving. During the singing and dancing, some of the onlookers even shed tears.
New Years Greetings to Master Li from Practitioners in Norway
2003-02-03 -
Italy: Falun Gong is popular in Genova
2003-02-02The activity continued for four hours, but the Italians were not fully satisfied. Some asked when we would practise the exercises again. Some simply suggested to the organiser to hold an exercise practice every week.
All Dafa Practitioners In The UK Send Greetings to Master Li for the Chinese New Year
2003-02-01 -
Video: Swedish Dafa Practitioners Send Chinese New Years Greetings to Master and All the Dafa Practitioners around the World
2003-02-01With the approach of the Chinese New Year, January 30th 2003 was named the first Falun Dafa Day in the Swedish city of Lerum. Dafa practitioners in Lerum on behalf of all Swedish practitioners would like to send Chinese New Years greetings to Master Li and to all the practitioners around the world. Falun Dafa is good!.
Croatia: Falun Gong in the City of Rijeka
2003-02-01"Your master is truly a master. Other qigong masters just teach the movement and never explain the principles. Your master teaches the highest principle of the universe. He unselfishly taught this precious knowledge. Falun Gong and your master are wonderful."
France: Overseas Chinese Communities Celebrate Chinese Spring Festival and Send Best Wishes to Falun Gong Practitioners Being Persecuted in China
2003-01-31Each of the guests was given a yellow ribbon. It symbolised that, as well as enjoying the celebration, they expressed their concerns and best wishes for those democracy supporters and Falun Gong practitioners who are suffering persecution and have been imprisoned for their belief in China.
UK: Promoting Falun Dafa at a University Freshers Fair
2003-01-29A large number of Chinese students were more than happy to accept the VCDs and leaflets that expose the horror of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. After the activities there were many remarks on how peaceful the exercises looked. Many students were astonished at how something so peaceful could be persecuted so viciously.
Sweden: Western Practitioners sing We Come For You
2003-01-28 -
Sweden: Lotus Dance at the Chinese New Year party
2003-01-27 -
Austrian Falun Gong Practitioners Wish Chinese People a Joyful Early Spring
2003-01-27 -
European Dafa Assistants hold Experience Sharing meeting and Fa-study
2003-01-27During the discussion, practitioners shared experiences from recent truth clarifying efforts, and gained tremendous benefits. Everyone truly realised how important it is to share their understandings on the principles of the Fa, in order to elevate practitioners as a whole.
Chinese New Year Party in Sweden Little Practitioners Dance to Music of Falun Dafa Hao
2003-01-25 -
Sweden: People say Youve done well! when receiving materials from Practitioners
2003-01-24Groups of people watched the exercise demonstration and chatted with practitioners about Falun Gong and the persecution. Afterwards, many showed a great interest in Falun Gong and went directly to the library to borrow Falun Gong books.