Local Events
Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Righteously Display the Falun Emblem
2001-11-28 -
Falun Gong Society established at the University of London, UK
2001-11-28 -
Journey of Truth: Notes from Greece
2001-11-22A practitioner recounts the activities in Greece -
Maltese Media Clearly Know Why the Chinese Government Does Not Want Its Officials to Know the Truth about the Persecution of Falun Gong
2001-11-19This is exactly as the news reporters have commented: “what your leaders are scared of the most is to let the government officials know the truth about the persecution of the people. They can only govern the people through blocking the news to brainwash them, because they know very well that what they have done can not be known by the people, however, the truth will be known one day”. -
Russia: Practitioners in St. Petersburg Clarify the Truth with Compassion
2001-11-19 -
Falun Gong Reaches Chinese People in Greece
2001-11-19 -
Italy: Telling the Truth in Milan's Chinatown
2001-11-19At the end of the day, the two policemen from the Milan Police Department also said that they would like to know more about Falun Dafa. Their presence helped us carry out the activities smoothly. It also checked the conduct of those with evil intentions. Here we are sincerely grateful for their work in promoting justice. -
Falun Gong Activities when Chinese Vice President Hu Jin Tao Visits Germany
2001-11-17The future president of China, Hu Jin Tao, arrived in Germany on 9/11/2001 to present his credentials to the German government. Practitioners in Germany made use of this opportunity to peacefully appeal to Mr. Hu to end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. -
Clarifying the Truth and Spreading Falun Gong to Teachers in My School
2001-11-17In my education programme at my school in Aneby, Smaland, we oftentimes have teachers coming to our class to lecture from other places. As these are precious opportunities, I take these opportunities to give them some information about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China, and also have some conversation about it with those who are interested. -
Germany: An Extraordinary Church Service in the City of Leipzig’s St. Nikolai Church
2001-11-15 -
Truth-Clarification Journey Through Southern Europe
2001-11-15 -
Falun Gong Invited to Healing Conference in Sweden
2001-11-14 -
Visit to the Liberal Catholic Church in Stockholm, Sweden
2001-11-12 -
Belgium: “We have run out of leaflets, but we have mouths! Let’s speak of the truth of the persecution to people around!”
2001-11-12Therefore we started talking to people who gathered around to watch the exercises. In the end, more and more people stopped at us, and we had to use the loud speakers to reveal the truth of the persecution to everyone on site. We told people of the dirty tricks that the Chinese government had been playing and the brutal persecution behind. Many showed sympathy and support. The “Free Zhao Ming Petition” pages were filled in one after another. Falun Dafa music was played right throughout the busy city centre and was heard from a long, long distance. -
How the Centre of Cambridge, England Became a Peaceful, Harmonious and Sacred Place
2001-11-12Gradually a big crowd formed around us and the street became so quiet. People opened their eyes wide and were attracted to the sight of so many practitioners of different races and ages practising peaceful movements together. All of a sudden, a busy city centre turned into a peaceful, harmonious and sacred place.