Press Conferences
Sweden: Press Conference Held in Gothenburg to Highlight the Detention of Mrs. Pirjo Svensson
2003-05-25Among those present were journalists from the biggest newspaper in Gothenburg, and TV station Västnytt. The Chairman of Swedens Association for Human Rights was also at the press conference and showed great enthusiasm. He asked several questions and revealed that he hopes to begin working together with Falun Gong practitioners to end the persecution in China.
Sweden: Press Conference to Gather Support for the Trial of Jiang Zemin
2003-05-17Practitioners listed the crimes committed by Jiang Zemin, including abuse of power and embezzling national funds to persecute Falun Gong. They also let the public understand the meaning and importance of bringing Jiang to justice on the grounds of morality, conscience and law. One Swedish journalist stated, We should not wait while facing this kind of persecution. We should take action immediately and tell the worlds people.
UK Practitioners Speech on April 25th: Rescue my Sister, Zhu Baolian (photo)
2003-04-29"Baolian is one of the many thousands of unlawfully detained Falun Gong practitioners in China. The persecution in China is still going on. As far as we know, thousands of practitioners have been incarcerated in mental hospitals and abused. Many hundreds have been sentenced to up to eighteen years imprisonment. More than 600 Falun Gong practitioners have died whilst in police custody. Many of them were badly tortured."
UK Practitioners Speech on April 25th: Please Help to Rescue My Fiancée (photo)
2003-04-28"I worry constantly about her safety. Every day I read about practitioners being subjected to severe physical, mental and sexual abuses and I dread to think what Yongjie might have suffered. She is a sweet-natured person who always thinks of others first and would never hurt anyone. She has not committed any wrongdoings and poses no danger to anyone. She does not belong in a labour camp that is meant for criminals. It is an insult to human dignity to put good people in those places."
UK: Activities in London to Commemorate the Peaceful Appeal on the 25th April 1999
2003-04-27On April 25th 2003, Falun Gong practitioners met at the Chinese Embassy in London and held a press conference as part of the worldwide activities on this day. Practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts at the top of every hour to support the lawsuit against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin, instigator of the persecution against Falun Gong.
Speech from Chairman of the European Falun Dafa Association on April 25
2003-04-27"The SARS tragedy demonstrates the Chinese regimes willingness to lie and spread propaganda for its own self-interest, even when the lives of millions are at stake. For almost four years, we have witnessed this regime severely persecute Falun Gong and then lie and spread propaganda to the world to cover it up. Its the same pattern, and it poses an extraordinary threat not just to China but also to the world."
German Practitioner: Let's Stop this Persecution Together
2003-04-07"As long as the illegal persecution of innocent people continues, we will continue to make open and peaceful appeals. These appeals have received support from a large number of citizens and VIPs in political circles of this country. We hope that last years violation of human rights can be atoned for by way of a serious apology, and we can try to stop this persecution together.
Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Press Conference Regarding the Lawsuit Against German Police (photos)
2003-04-06During Jiang Zemin's state visit to Germany in 2002, Falun Gong practitioners' constitutional rights were infringed upon by German federal agents and the Berlin police. Recently, practitioners have been planning to file lawsuits against the German federal police's actions, to the administrative courts in Berlin and other areas. The goal of the lawsuits is to establish facts of human rights transgressions against Falun Gong practitioners during Jiang's state visit in Germany in April 2002, so as to prevent such acts in the future.
Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation Appeal During 59th Session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission
2003-03-24The Chairman of the "Global Coalition Against Article 23" said that although the wording of article 23 had changed, the vicious motive for depriving Hong Kong residents of their freedom had been retained. He also reiterated We are not going to discuss how to modify Article 23, but we completely dont want Article 23."
Photo Report: Practitioners Appeal Opposite the United Nations Building in Geneva
2003-03-22 -
Falun Gong Practitioners from Around the World Hold Large-Scale Appeal Activities in Geneva
2003-03-19On March 17th 2003, one thousand practitioners took part in a parade through Geneva. The parade finished outside the United Nations building in Geneva, where a press conference was held, to expose the evil persecution in China and to appeal to the United Nations to act to help stop the persecution.
Opening Statement of Press Conference Outside UN by the European Falun Dafa Association
2003-03-18Faced with the urgency of the situation, we Falun Gong practitioners, on this symbolic day of the opening of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, appeal to the hearts and actions of every individual so that the voices of millions of innocent persons who are persecuted can be heard and so that in China and elsewhere freedom of conscience and fundamental human rights will prevail.
UK: Rally and March Against Article 23 in London
2003-02-12The Chinese people's responses were very good. In order to let the passers-by know the goal of the march more clearly, a gentleman shouted in Chinese and English as he marched on: "Article 23 jeopardises freedoms. Stop the enactment of Article 23...Call for equal human rights. Call for equality and freedoms." Passers by, many of them Chinese, patted his shoulders to show their respect and gratitude. Also, many Chinese people who drove by gave a thumbs up.
Germany: Photo report - Many Associations gathered in Frankfurt to Appeal Against Article 23
2002-12-26On Friday December 21st, many different associations and members of the public gathered to publicly voice their opposition against Jiang Zemins attempts to export his regime of hatred to Hong Kong and persecute innocent Hong Kong citizens and visitors to the area.
France: Falun Dafa Practitioners Rally in Strasbourg to call on the European Union to oppose Article 23
2002-12-24Officials and visitors to the European Parliament building were very impressed by the peaceful scene that confronted them as the practitioners did Falun Gong exercises and collected signatures against Article 23. They gave encouragement and support to the practitioners.