Press Conferences
Swiss Members of Parliament sent Speeches to the Falun Gong Anti-Persecution Press Conference in Geneva
2004-03-27On March the 15th, Mr. Ueli Leuenberger, member of the Swiss Federal Parliament, and Ms. Maria Roth-Bernasconi, councillor of Geneva State, sent speeches to the anti-persecution press conference held by Falun Gong practitioners at the Places Des Nations. In Mr. Leuenberger’s letter, he indicated his support for practitioners’ efforts to promote the value of human rights in China.
Austria: Falun Dafa Information Centre holds a Press Conference before the Annual Meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission
2004-03-12On the Eve of the 60th annual meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Austrian Falun Dafa Information Centre held a press conference in Vienna on March the 4th. During the press conference, the Falun Gong Information Centre updated people on the Jiang’s latest crimes of genocide against Falun Gong practitioners, as well as the worldwide lawsuits against Jiang and his followers.
Italy: Practitioners are Invited to Explain the Facts About the Persecution at an International Human Rights Conference in Rome
2004-02-22On February 13th and 14th the well-known Italian human rights organisation “Hands Off Cain” hosted an international human rights conference concerning the abolishment of capital punishment. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Erping was invited to explain the facts of the persecution against Falun Gong in China and to participate in the press conference. Mr. Zhang cited some specific cases. For example, how a judge in Jiangxi province had been unlawfully arrested and injected with poisonous drugs; how a farmer in Shandong province was persecuted to death and his body cremated...
Belgium: Plaintiff Ms Zhang Cuiying and her Lawyer Held a Press Conference in Brussels Regarding Lawsuit Against Jiang
2004-02-22On the 13th of February 2004, Australian artist Ms Zhang Cuiying and Belgium human rights lawyer Georges-Henri Beauthier held a joint press conference in Brussels, appealing for an immediate end to Jiang Zemin’s genocide against Falun Gong practitioners in China and for the upholding of human rights and justice.
France: The French Falun Dafa Association held a Press Conference in Strasbourg
2004-02-20On February the 11th, the French Falun Dafa Association held a press conference to let the local media know about the behaviour of the French police and their irrational arrest and detention of practitioners on the streets of Paris. They appealed to the public to pay attention to this serious matter, which shows Jiang’s persecution extending to western society.
France: Press Conference After a Lawsuit is Filed Against the Chinese New Year Arrests in Paris
2004-02-08On February the 5th 2004, the French Falun Gong Association organised a press conference to announce that they would file a complaint against the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners by the French police, which occurred under tremendous pressure from Chinese officials during the Chinese New Year. The press conference was attended by five major national and international media organisations.
UK: Practitioners held a Press Conference outside the French Embassy in London
2004-02-07UK practitioners called upon the embassy staff to pass on the following message to the French government: During the official visit by Hu Jintao on January 28th, French police were poisoned by the Jiang regime’s relentless spread of its fabricated lies against Falun Gong and used excessive force to arrest and detain seven UK Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners from other countries.
Finland: Press Conference Highlights Lawsuits Launched Against Main Persecutors of Falun Gong
2004-02-04On February 2 2004, the Finnish Falun Dafa Association held a press conference at Finlandia House in Helsinki in order to raise awareness about the international lawsuits that have been launched against the persecutors of Falun Gong. The Association also announced that it will take legal action immediately if any responsible person of the persecution of Falun Gong visits Finland.
Press Conference At International Conference on 'Genocide in the New Era’ in Stockholm
2004-02-02The International Conference on 'Genocide in the New Era’, which was jointly held by the ‘International Advocates for Justice’ and ‘Friends of Falun Gong’, convened in Stockholm, Sweden, on January the 26th 2004. The conference was attended by eighteen international human rights groups, many famous human rights lawyers and a few social activists.
French Falun Gong Association Invited to the Senate for a Press Conference with NGOs and VIPs
2004-02-02On January the 14th, the French Falun Gong Association was invited to the Senate in Paris for a press conference on human rights in China. Among the guests were Former Minister of Education Jack Lang, Amnesty International, Reporters Without Borders, ECPM (Together Against Capital Punishment), France Tibet and Chinese dissidents.
France: Practitioners Hold a Press Conference and Prepare to Sue the Authorities Responsible for Unreasonably Arresting Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-01On the morning of January the 28th 2004, the French Falun Dafa Association held a press conference outside the Supreme Court in Paris. They announced that the Falun Gong practitioners who were badly treated and arrested during Hu Jintao’s Chinese New Year visit are preparing to sue the responsible French authorities.
Delegates Attending the Stockholm Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" Hold a Press Conference with Dafa Practitioners
2004-02-01On January the 28th, some delegates attending the international conference on ‘Genocide in the New Era’, together with practitioners from Europe, North America and Asia held a press conference at the Swedish Parliament, regarding the French Government’s treatment of Falun Gong and their kowtowing to Beijing. During the period of the Chinese New Year Parade and Hu Jintao’s visit to France, the Paris police unreasonably arrested several Falun Gong practitioners who did not do anything wrong.
France: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Press Conference to Condemn the Chinese Embassy's Unreasonable Conduct
2004-01-27As a result of pressure from China, permission for Falun Gong to hold activities during the Chinese New Year was withdrawn despite practitioners obtaining permission through proper legal channels. This has caused an infringement upon the public rights of a legal group in France. French Dafa practitioners held a press conference to expose the Chinese Embassy's actions.
French Falun Dafa Association Holds a Press Conference to Expose the Facts About the Chinese Embassy's Infringement Upon Public Rights
2004-01-25As a result of pressure from China, permission for Falun Gong to hold activities during the Chinese New Year was withdrawn despite practitioners obtaining the permission through the proper channels. This has caused an infingement upon the public rights of a legal group in France.
Ireland: Practitioners in Dublin Hold a Press Conference Concerning the Situation of Liu Feng
2004-01-22Ireland student Liu Feng was detained in Dalian Forced Labour Camp because he is a Falun Gong practitioner. Recently, practitioners received information that Liu Feng has been released but is in hospital. This only occurs when a labour camp detainee has been tortured close to death and prison authorities intend to shift the blame away from themselves.