European Parliament
MEPs Adopt Resolution Expressing Concern Over Article 23
2002-12-20MEPs expressed concern over the Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong by adopting a resolution emphasising that the future development of relations with China hinges on respect for the full autonomy of Hong Kong and the freedom of the Hong Kong citizens.
More MEPs, including a Vice-chairman of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, express concern over Article 23 legislation
2002-12-20"This is a very important issue and one that I have been following closely...If this particular change [toward more draconian laws] does occur as a result of pressure from the Chinese Government, I will make representation to the British Government. Certain moves have already been made regarding this subject."
Letter from Member of European Parliament to European Friends of Falun Gong
2002-12-15'Thanks you for your letter on the Hong Kong authoritys introduction of Article 23 legislation and the implications for the Falun Gong...I have raised this issue in a letter to Chris Pattern, now the EUs Commissioner for External Relations, and whom I know takes these issues very seriously.'
MEP's Question to the European Commission
2002-12-06'What approaches will be adopted by the European Commission to prevent the Hong Kong government from legislating on the Article 23 of the Basic Law?'
Letter from Robert Evans MEP to European Friends of Falun Gong
2002-12-05"You may be pleased to learn that the human rights situation in Hong Kong has received serious attention within the European Parliament on many occasions. The persecution of the Falun Gong practitioners and general respect for human rights has been debated and MEPs have used their position to highlight the situation and apply pressure on the Commission and Council for action."
MEP: Article 23 widens Jiang persecution of Falun Gong to Hong Kong
2002-12-04Mr Helmer MEP asked: How will the Commission oppose China's introduction of Article 23 which will tend to limit the right to free speech and freedom of the press in Hong Kong?
MEPs Support European Friends of Falun Gong's Appeal Against Loss of Freedom in Hong Kong
2002-11-25"In reply to your letter I have sponsored a motion in the European Parliament condemning the Hong Kong governments proposals. I wish you all the best in your campaign against the introduction of Article 23."
Letter to European Friends of Falun Gong from Member of European Parliament
2002-11-14"I have raised the issue of persecution of the Falun Gong in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing when a European Parliament delegation met Chinese ministers and I objected to the serious oppression they endure. Recently I have had a meeting with members of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong and raised my deep concerns about the increasing pressure being exerted by Beijing on Hong Kongs liberal legislative traditions."
Member of European Parliament Writes Letter of Support for Rights of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-11-03"I indeed support your cause on behalf of the Falun Gong and do not believe any regime should be allowed to get away with using bullying tactics, particularly to the extent that the Chinese regime has done in this case."
Letter from UK MEP Caroline Jackson to Hong Kong Chief Executive
2002-11-02"I very much hope that you will use your powers to ensure that there is no repeat of the most regrettable incidents in the spring of this year when Falun Gong practitioners were treated very badly by police who seem to have been out of control. If Hong Kong wants to be a part of the modern world, it needs to leave behind the kind of mindset that has produced the proposal for its 'subversion' law."
EU Foreign Ministry: We are monitoring the developments in Hong Kong closely
2002-11-01The Office of Chris Patten, the EU Commissioner for External Affairs, wrote to a Falun Gong practitioner in September. The letter stated: "Concerning the development in Hong Kong, our delegation is monitoring them closely".
UK: Letter from MEP to Chief Executive of HK government.
2002-10-20If Hong Kong wants to be a part of the modern world, it needs to leave behind the kind of mindset that has produced the proposal for its subversion law...I urge the Hong Kong SAR government to investigate the human rights abuses that have been alleged and to drop the charges against Falun Gong practitioners.
Letter from MEP regarding Practitioners Art Performance During the Asia-EU Summit
2002-10-04'Given the continued human rights abuses in China and, as you note, the EUs democratic tradition and way of life, it is of prime importance that Falun Gong practitioners be given every opportunity to perform and to be allowed to demonstrate their grievances.'
EU Foreign Minister: We will follow the developments in Hong Kong very closely
2002-09-28MEP Olivier Dupuis put forward a written question to the European Commission in August, regarding the political trial and false conviction of 16 Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong. Here is the reply that he received from the EU's Foreign Affairs Commissioner Mr Chris Patten.
MEP questions Denmark Minister about bowing to Chinese pressure on Art Performance
2002-09-17"I believe Falun Gong to be a peaceful organisation, which should be allowed to practice its philosophical system in a democratic society. I would be grateful if you could look into this matter for me and comment on the policy of the Danish Government on the issue of freedom of religion. In particular, has the Danish Government changed its position as a result of pressure from the Chinese Government?"