European Parliament
MEP Writes to Irish Prime Minister Urgently Asking the Irish Government to Strongly Request an End to the Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights
2004-03-03"The government should however also be voicing strong condemnation of the on-going persecution of Falun Gong in China. According to NGO reports the verified number of deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in China has now reached more than 880 people. New reports of brutal tortures continue to be received everyday from China. The Irish government should use their Presidency of the EU to take a stand and make a strong request urging China to desist in its persistent abuse of Falun Gong practitioners' rights immediately."
EU Commissioner Shows Concern over the Paris Incident
2004-02-29"As you certainly know, the EU meets with China biannually to hold a joint dialogue on human rights. Violations of the individual rights of members of Falun Gong in China are among the issues regularly raised, under the banner of freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of belief. We will again raise these concerns at the next session of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue to be held in Dublin on 26 and 27 February."
MEP Letter Expresses Hope of Apology from French Authorities to Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-26"I am writing as a European Parliamentary Friend of the Falun Gong to protest the arrest and handcuffing of practitioners who were peacefully demonstrating in the Champs Elysees on Saturday 24th January. There are serious allegations that this was done at the request of the Chinese Embassy. France as a member of the EU and Council of Europe is committed to the fundamental right of peaceful political protest. I find the allegations of giving in to pressure from the Chinese authorities anxious to deny any platform to protesters during the parade deeply regrettable. I do hope that the request by Falun Gong for an apology from the French authorities will be shortly forthcoming."
Irish MEP Replies to a Letter Regarding Recent Incidents in Paris
2004-02-24“The EU, in all political dialogue meetings with China, underlines the importance it attaches to respect for human rights, including the freedom of religion and belief and that it will continue to do so on every possible occasion. At every session of the human rights dialogue with China, the EU urges the Chinese authorities to respect the human rights of the followers of Falun Gong."
MEPs Talk about the Violations of Human Rights Against Falun Gong in Paris
2004-02-23"I am very happy that this morning the European Parliament passed a resolution regarding the preparation for the UN Human Rights Conference in Geneva. The resolution urged the European Union to initiate a motion at this year’s Human Rights Conference to condemn the human rights abuses in China and a series of other countries. In the resolution, the persecution of Falun Gong was mentioned in the text about China. Let’s see if the EU member states would make some active responses to European Parliament's initiatives."
MEP Writes about Mistreatment of Practitioners in Paris: “I take this matter very seriously.”
2004-02-22"I have been in close contact with my colleague Michael Cashman who has written to Ambassador Sellal, head of the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union, not only to express our concerns that this may be a continuation of the campaign by the Chinese authorities against Falun Gong, but also to raise our concerns about the behaviour of the French Police during the New Year parade. This is an issue we have been monitoring for some time and we will continue to do so."
MEP Writes to European Friends of Falun Gong about the Violations of Human Rights in Paris
2004-02-21"I am aware of the Chinese government’s policy on persecuting the practitioners of Falun Gong. My colleagues and I have made representations to the Chinese authorities regarding this issue on a number of occasions and I also raised it myself when I visited Beijing on a British Council sponsored visit eighteen months ago. I am therefore particularly disappointed to see that the French government appear to be seeking to curry favour with the Chinese authorities by the actions to which you have referred concerning the Chinese New Year parade."
Practitioners Appeal to the European Parliament Regarding the Paris incidents - MEPs Express their Support
2004-02-18Outside the parliament building, the practitioners’ appeal and exercise demonstration was peaceful and serene. Local media reporters were present and MEPs from different countries stopped to get more information from the practitioners. Lots of practitioners met MEPs from their own countries who said they would pay close attention to the recent incidents in France.
Irish MEP Writes to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Regarding Recent Arrests in France
2004-02-08"Could the Presidency call on the French authorities to clarify the arrest policy used during this official visit. Could the Presidency also urge the French authorities to respect the fundamental rights of all European citizens to the right to freedom of expression and the right to freedom of assembly and freedom from arbitrary arrest."
MEP: “Extending the persecution to France is not acceptable."
2004-02-02Member of the European Parliament Roger Helmer wrote a letter on January 23rd to the Ambassador of the French Embassy in England regarding the incident in which Falun Gong practitioners were stopped from joining the Chinese New Year celebration parade in Paris. He pointed out that the attempt to extend such a persecution to member countries of the European Union is completely unacceptable. “Although most of us will never practise Falun Gong ourselves, the very democratic principles of the French Republic are there to protect peaceful minority lifestyle choices."
Letter from a Member of European Parliament to the Mayor of Paris -- "Paris Should Not Have Yielded to Beijing!"
2004-01-30"I was saddened to learn that you yielded to pressure for the dictators of China and stopped the French Falun Gong practitioners from participating in the Chinese New Year parade in Paris. France should have stayed true to European democratic and egalitarian principles by standing up to the pressure from China. China suppresses its own people and now France is allowing China to suppress the citizens of France from expressing their beliefs!"
MEP Condemns Human Rights Violations Initiated by the Former President of China
2003-12-27"Jiang Zemin should be held responsible for the human rights violations that occurred during his time in power. Jiang's case has also become a clear message to the present leader of China, which is China must make an immediate correction of its policy of persecuting Falun Gong in order to fulfil the requirements of the International Human Rights criterion."
Speech by John Bowis MEP at a Falun Gong Press Conference in Strasbourg
2003-12-23"What was clear was that in its early days, the Chinese authorities actually encouraged it. It was seen as something not threatening; it was seen as something healthy that contributed to the wellbeing of people. And then they got cold feet, and thought that perhaps this was leading to some self-expression that went beyond the wishes of the regime. I think that was very sad. Because China is a very big country, to be part of a country, it does not need to suppress the instincts and wishes of individuals and groups and minorities."
Speech by Roger Helmer MEP at a Falun Gong Press Conference in the European Court of Human Rights
2003-12-22"I have been speaking to representatives of Falun Gong over the last three or four years. I have been briefed on the sort of persecution that the Chinese practitioners of Falun Gong have faced on the Chinese mainland and I think nobody can hear those stories without being very distressed and saddened, both for the individual suffering of those people and also for the fact that in China there appears to be no freedom to practise religion and no freedom to take an alternative view."
MEP Offers Help to Bring Chief Persecutor Luo Gan to Justice
2003-11-18This MEP reminded practitioners that action must be taken, justice will win and as a result the persecution of Falun Gong will come to an end. In conclusion, she stated "if there is an opportunity, I am willing to help you with the lawsuit against Luo Gan. With regards to this, please let us keep in contact."