European Parliament
Swedish MEP's Message at the Opening of a Falun Gong Exhibition in Mora
2003-11-12"As a member of the European Parliament and the Swedish State Committee, my attention has on several occasions been drawn to the infringement and mistreatment of Christians and Falun Gong practitioners within the oppressing dictatorship of China. It is a matter of direct persecution, where many people have lost their innocent lives. Let us all think about those who have sacrificed, who have been victimised for believing in freedom and the right to choose their religion, theory of life, belief and form of meditation. With deep respect for those people who are suffering, and with hope that this exhibition at the Mora house of culture will attract many visitors and receive great appreciation, I send my heartfelt greetings to you all."
"Something needs to be done, so that justice is served and the persecution against Falun Gong is stopped." - A Member of European Parliament Offers Help to Bring a Persecutor to Justice
2003-11-07"The measures that China has taken against Falun Gong, especially after the systematic persecution began in 1999, are not only strictly condemnable but also very concerning...Something needs to be done, so that justice is served and the persecution against Falun Gong is stopped. Therefore I am interested in helping you in your legal battle against Luo Gan, if a suitable opportunity arises."
Ireland: Speech from Member of European Parliament Patricia MacKenna
2003-08-31"I think it is up to the international community to raise at every opportunity, the issue of human rights in China. We shouldnt be afraid to do it. We shouldnt allow ourselves to be bullied or blackmailed with the issue of trade, money or financial resources or anything else to stay silent. Any democratic government in any democratic country must fight for the people of all countries regardless of where that country is and regardless of what they say."
MEP Writes to UK Ambassador for China regarding a Practitioners Persecuted Family and Friends
2003-06-30"I have been informed that this people have been imprisoned solely due to their belief in Falun Gong and I would urge you to convey my concerns about these people to your government. I would ask your government to allow family and friends from the United Kingdom to visit these people in China as soon as possible."
Letter from Member of European Parliament to Thailand Ambassador
2003-05-24"The world knows that the Chinese government hid the truth of SARS and this has severely contributed to the current worldwide disaster. This incident shows again the attitude of the Chinese regime. What the Swedish citizen Mrs. Pirjo Svensson was holding was material that told the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and the human rights abuses there...I am truly concerned, not only for my countryman Mrs. Pirjo Svensson but also for the people and the government of Thailand. The longer this situation continues, the more it is unworthy of an independent and democratically ruled Kingdom."
Letter from a UK MEP to the Thailand Ambassador about Illegally Detained Swedish Practitioner
2003-05-22"Thailand is supposed to be a democratic and independent country but it seems that the Thai authorities are violating both national and international laws and human rights. Two weeks ago a diplomatic note was issued by the Swedish Embassy in Thailand to the Thailand authorities, but there has been no reply as yet. I am extremely concerned about the situation of Mrs Svensson and other Falun Gong practitioners."
Office of the EU Commissioner on Foreign Affairs Expresses Concern Over Article 23 Legislation in Hong Kong
2003-05-13"..the EU also underlined that the proscription mechanism, as well as the broad definition of sedition offences, remain specific areas of concern to the EU. It reiterated that the handling of the Article 23 legislation would be an important test for the One country, two systems principle and called on the Hong Kong authorities to go on upholding the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Basic Law.
Belgium: Statement of Support from a Member of the European Parliament on April 25
2003-04-30"For a long time, I have been following the Human Rights situation in China and the extremely harsh repression the Chinese regime is using against Falun Gong practitioners who cultivate "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance". For me, condemning "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" is telling people that they are not allowed to be good and blatantly opposes common moral standards."
European Parliament Unanimously Adopted a Resolution Expressing strong opposition to any move on the part of the Hong Kong authorities to ban the Falun Gong and serious concern over Article 23
2003-04-10On April 8 2003, the plenary session of the European Parliament unanimously adopted a resolution regarding two reports on Hong Kong. The resolution contained sharp criticisms of the Hong Kong authoritys treatment of Falun Gong and, in particular, the proscription mechanism in the proposed Article-23 legislation which is widely believed to be targeting Falun Gong.
Letter from an MEP regarding the Illegal Forced Closure of Zhang Cuiying's art Exhibition due to Pressure from Chinese Embassy staff
2003-04-05"In the past few days, the Chinese Embassy in Romania has twice forced the closure of the traditional painting exhibition in Bucharest by Falun Gong practitioner, Australian citizen, Mrs Zhang Cuiying...I would be very grateful if you could tell me what the position of the Romanian Embassy is on ...the illegal forced closure of the art exhibition by the Chinese authorities in Bucharest."
Ireland: Letter to a Practitioner from a Member of European Parliament
2003-04-04"I am horrified to learn of the jailing of pregnant practitioners and use of their pregnancy to force a choice between their beliefs and their unborn children. The list of barbaric acts by the Chinese authorities make for chilling reading and I assure you I will do what I can in the context of the European Parliament."
Letter from MEP Featuring Question Tabled to European Commission on Article 23
2003-03-27"The Commission will closely monitor further developments on this important issue, especially as regards eventual effects of future legislation in respect for human rights and civil liberties. The Commission will continue to exert pressure on the Chinese authorities for improvements regarding respect for freedom of expression, association and religion for all groups of the Chinese population including practitioners of Falun Gong."
The European Union Makes a Further Request for Close Attention to be paid to Human Rights in China
2003-03-25According to a report from the BBC on March 19 2003, the European Union again expressed their concerns about human rights in China. It was also mentioned in the report that the way China treats Falun Gong practitioners has caused criticism from the International society.
Swedish and Danish MEPs Send Letter to Hong Kong Government Expressing Concerns Over Article 23
2003-03-23"The proposed legislation concerning article 23 of the Basic Law has shocked the international community. This legislation appears to far exceed the requirements of protecting nation security at the expense of individual freedoms. ... More worrying are recent comments from the vice premier Qian Qi Chen on National television when he stated the Hong Kong must pass the article 23 legislation so that Falun Gong can be banned in the territory."
More Details of MEP Marco Pannella`s Question to the European Commission on the Persecution against Falun Gong in China
2003-03-17"Considering that since 1999: - according to public and well-known information provided by the Falun Dafa Information Centre, Amnesty International and other major international and national NGOs, Mr. Jiang Zemin, the leader of China, has begun the persecution of the more than 100 million people Falun Gong practitioners..."