Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Suspected to Have Died from Organ Harvesting Ten Years Ago
2014-09-08Mr. Fan Xuejun died as a result of persecution on September 12th, 2004 while imprisoned. His family suspected that he died from organ harvesting when they inspected his body. It bore so many cuts that it appeared to have been dissected, and there was a gaping hole in the waist area. However, under huge pressure, they did not have the courage to expose their findings at the time.
Guizhou Province: Police Use Devious Schemes to Acquire Blood Samples from Falun Gong Practitioners
2014-08-04Police and local authorities in Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, have tried to get their hands on samples of local Falun Gong practitioners' blood in recent months. Different schemes have been used to trick practitioners into giving a sample of their blood. The local authorities are reportedly attempting to establish a DNA database of local practitioners. These unusual incidents are suspected of being linked to state-sanctioned organ harvesting.
Practitioners Recall Suspicious Blood Draws in Mudanjiang Prison and Daxing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2014-07-27I was sentenced to four years in Mudanjiang Prison for practising Falun Gong. Between 2002 and 2006, I underwent three “health checkups.” Each time, they took my blood pressure and drew a syringe of blood. When I was released I read the reports about organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners while they were still alive. It has come to light that in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) prisons and forced labour camps all over China, practitioners have been subjected to “health checkups,” and their blood is taken for tests.
New International Convention Adopted to Make Organ Trafficking a Criminal Offence
2014-07-25The Council of Europe has recently adopted a new international convention to make trafficking of human organs for transplant a criminal offense. The convention will be open for signatures by state members and non-state members of the Council of Europe. The European Union passed a resolution last December, condemning and calling for the end of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China, a large majority of whom are Falun Gong practitioners.
Falun Dafa Continues to Thrive Despite 15 Years of Persecution: The Story in Numbers
2014-07-21Fifteen years ago, on July 20th, 1999, the onset of persecution turned the lives of 100 million Falun Gong practitioners upside down overnight. Practitioners who have persevered through the brutal persecution have told extraordinary stories of their faith, and the choices they have made in the face of unprecedented oppression.
Blood Sample Drawn for No Apparent Reason at Liaoning Women's Prison
2014-07-15Since organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China was first exposed in 2006, many practitioners have come to a shocking realization. The unexplained physical examinations and blood tests they were forced to go through while detained could very well have put them in danger of becoming a victim of this state-sanctioned crime.
Hunan Province: 4,350 People Sign Petition against Forced Organ Harvesting
2014-06-16Over the past several years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners has been exposed internationally. Due to practitioners' constant efforts to expose the persecution and explain the truth about Falun Gong, as well as the support of concerned individuals, more and more people worldwide are calling for an end to the organ harvesting crimes in China. As of this May, 4,350 people in Hunan Province have signed the petition and demanded that the chief culprits, Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang, and Bo Xilai be punished.
Evidence Pointing to Organ Harvesting: “DNA” Label on a Vial of Blood
2014-03-25When I was held in a women's prison, they took a sample of my blood. The label on the test tube said, “Blood-DNA.” At that time, I only knew that DNA had something to do with genes and could be used in paternity tests. I wasn't sure why I had to have a DNA test in prison. I recently found out that DNA screening is required for an organ transplant. I then remembered that I had read about living Falun Gong practitioners having their organs removed and sold to patients who needed organs.
Crimes at Chinese Labour Camps Must Be Fully Exposed and Accounted For (Part 1)
2014-01-21Ms. Gao Rongrong was disfigured due to electric shocks at the Longshan Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. Ms. Gao was arrested and taken to the Camp in July 2003 because of her belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Gao was captured again in March 2005 and sent to the Masanjia Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. She died on June 16th, 2005. Zhang Sukun, Ms. Gao's mum, over 75 years old, petitioned for justice for Ms. Gao's death and encountered a lot of difficulties and threats. She died five years later.
Case Specifics Point to Reason of Death: Organ Harvesting
2013-12-22The global condemnation of forced organ harvesting in China is on the rise, yet the magnitude of this heinous state-sanctioned crime is still to be fully exposed. For the Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in China, more and more specifics point to a likely reason for some death cases—organ harvesting. Mr. Peng Min's case is one such example. One day after being injected with unknown drugs, Mr. Peng died at a hospital on April 6th, 2001. Prior to that, the hospital had performed an unauthorised surgery on him, after he became paralysed due to torture. The surgery left him with a large hole in his lower back, which was never treated.
Making Sense of “Health Examinations” in Prison and Forced Labour Camp
2013-12-10I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Sichuan. I was sentenced to prison and held in the Sichuan Provincial Women’s Prison in Yangmahe, Jianyang City. I was subjected to many physical examinations while detained there. The doctors at the prison collaborated with the guards in actively persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners were subjected to several physical examinations, which included X-rays of the internal organs and blood draws. I was held for almost three years, but never told about any examination results. I suspect that these physical examinations were done for possible harvesting of my organs.
1.5 Million Signatures Delivered to the UN Call for Action Against Organ Harvesting in China
2013-12-10International Human Rights Day falls on the 10th of December each year, and a significant event set the stage for the occasion at the United Nations. A petition bearing a remarkable 1.5 million signatures was delivered to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The petition asks the UN to initiate further investigations into forced organ harvesting from imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners in China, and to call upon China to immediately end this crime against humanity.
What Really Happened to These Two Falun Gong Practitioners?
2013-11-05The Epoch Times , a Chinese newspaper that is not controlled by the Chinese regime, reported that it appears that Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xia Junfeng's organs were removed and sold for profit, and netizens in China have recently started to pay attention to his case. After reading about Mr. Xia's death, it occurred to me that the organs of Mr. Li Baishun, a practitioner who died as a result of the persecution, could also have been removed and sold for profit.
Atrocities Committed in the Chinese Communist Regime's Brainwashing Facilities
2013-10-08The Chinese communist regime has set up numerous brainwashing centres all over China to detain, brainwash and torture Falun Gong practitioners, including the elderly and pregnant women. These facilities are euphemistically labelled “Legal Education Training Centres” to deceive the public. Mr. Zhu Xianghe, 64, was beaten to death in the Sutang Village Brainwashing Centre of Suining County, Xuzhou City, on May 4th, 2005. His eyes were dug out, and his organs were cut out.
Recording of Bo Xilai's Voice Confirms Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Brutality Against Falun Gong
2013-09-17Bo Xilai has recently been sentenced for certain crimes, but his involvement in organ harvesting atrocities from Falun Gong practitioners has not been publicly discussed or prosecuted. However, a voice recording implicating his involvement in live organ harvesting was recently obtained. In the recording, which was made several years ago, Bo states that Jiang Zemin gave the order to initiate the process of live organ harvesting.