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Sweden: Falun Dafa Practitioners Commemorate April 25 Appeal
2021-05-03Falun Dafa practitioners commemorated the 22th anniversary of the historic April 25 appeal in China and protested the Chinese regime’s persecution of their faith in front of the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden.
Italy: Falun Dafa Practitioners Do the Exercises to Commemorate the April 25 Peaceful Appeal
2021-05-03Milan Falun Dafa practitioners gathered in Milan’s center to do the exercises and commemorate the April 25 peaceful protest, where tens of thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners gathered at the central appeals office in Beijing.
Witness Recounts April 25, 1999, Appeal and Preceding Events
2021-04-27Twenty-two years ago, about 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners staged a peaceful appeal outside the State Council’s Appeals Office in Beijing on April 25, 1999, requesting the release of dozens of practitioners arrested in Tianjin for the previous two days, and calling for an environment where Falun Gong could be freely practiced and its books published.
Belgium: Falun Dafa Practitioners Protest the Persecution and Commemorate April 25 Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy
2021-04-27Falun Dafa practitioners held activities in front of the Chinese Embassy in Brussels on April 21, 2021 to peacefully protest the CCP's ongoing persecution and to commemorate the April 25 Appeal.
Austria: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Information Day Activities in Graz
2021-04-22Falun Gong practitioners in Austria held an Information Day activity in Graz on April 10, 2021, to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong and introduce this traditional Chinese cultivation practice to the public. Many people stopped to get more information, and many signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution.
A Look Back: Master Li Teaches Falun Dafa in Sweden on Easter
2021-04-22Twenty-six years ago, during Easter in April 1995, Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong), visited Gothenburg, Sweden, and taught the spiritual discipline over the course of seven days. The classes allowed locals to hear of Falun Dafa for the first time.
Germany: Munich Falun Gong Events Continue During Pandemic
2021-04-22Falun Gong practitioners have held activities in downtown Munich and at the Chinese Consulate once a week since the beginning of 2021, despite the harsh weather and travel restrictions.
The CCP Rewards Agencies and Individuals for Persecuting Falun Gong
2021-04-22The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has officially persecuted Falun Gong since July 1999. Untold numbers of Falun Gong practitioners have been detained, imprisoned, and tortured.
France: Strong Voices of Support at Paris City Hall Square
2021-04-22Passersby at City Hall Square in Paris showed their support for Falun Gong practitioners on March 28, 2021, by signing a petition demanding the Chinese communist regime end its 21-year-long persecution of Falun Gong.
Heilongjiang Man Imprisoned for 12 Years, Subjected to Nonstop Torture
2021-04-22When Mr. Yang, 65, was introduced to Falun Gong, an ancient spiritual and meditation discipline, in the 1990s, he felt the teachings opened up his heart and offered a new perspective about everything. He let go of the strong pursuit for personal gain and learned to take setbacks in life easily. Through doing the Falun Gong exercises, his health quickly recovered. He felt his life was renewed.
Former MEP: Communism Is Harming the Entire World
2021-04-22Anthony, 75, used to work in the pharmaceutical industry in France before he served as an MEP for 15 years. He warned that, although the Berlin Wall has fallen, communism still exists in China and keeps expanding globally. Therefore, ending communism is a responsibility for all of us.
Turkey: Mayor of Kadıköy District Learns about the Persecution of Falun Dafa
2021-04-22Practitioners visited Mayor Odabaşı on behalf of the Falun Dafa Association. The mayor, who gave the practitioners a warm welcome, did some research on Falun Dafa before their visit.
Germany: People in Freiburg See Through the CCP’s Evil Nature
2021-04-22After over two months of lockdown to control the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus, restrictions in parts of Freiburg in Breisgau, a popular tourist destination in southwest Germany, were lifted. The city began to regain its vibrancy as shops large and small resumed business.
Finland Resident Recounts Eight Years of Persecution in China
2021-03-28When Ms. Zhu Luoxin fled China to Finland in 2012, she was relieved that she could finally start a new life and reunite with her husband after being separated for eleven years.
France: Parisians Sign Petition Condemning the CCP’s Persecution of Falun Dafa
2021-03-28Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises and collected signatures on a petition calling for an end to the persecution of the practice in China.