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France: “The CCP Destroyed the Spirit of China” – Parisians Condemn the CCP and Call for Its Demise
2021-01-19Practitioners did the exercises, talked to people about the benefits of the practice and the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 21-year persecution of Dafa, and collected signatures on a petition calling for an end to the CCP
15,235 Falun Gong Practitioners Targeted for Their Faith in 2020
2021-01-19While China was hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, its ruling party, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), has continued its persecution of Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline also known as Falun Dafa that is based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
Sweden: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa and Call on People's Conscience in Stockholm
2021-01-19Practitioners continued to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution on Mynttorget, a square near Sweden's Royal Palace.
U.S. Secretary of State: “The True Face of the Chinese Communist Party Has Been Exposed”
2021-01-19U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that religious freedom is at the centre of every civilization and when that goes wrong, bad things will emerge.
Germany: Locals Encourage Falun Dafa Practitioners in Cologne
2021-01-18Despite the rain, they demonstrated the five sets of exercises and told people about Falun Dafa. The event also featured performances by a band and a waist drum team.
French Journalist: Chinese Communist Party Is the Main Enemy of Mankind
2021-01-18In a recent interview with NTDTV, Jean Robin said the CCP should bear full responsibility for the spread of COVID-19, which has raged across the world, killing millions and destroying the global economy.
The Process of Forced Organ Harvesting Revealed by a Witness
2021-01-18In the past 14 years, over 2,000 voice recordings and witness accounts have been collected, and they depict a vicious organ supply chain with participation by the communist government, military police, and hospitals in China.
German Practitioners Express Gratitude to Master for Introducing Falun Dafa
2021-01-18Since its introduction to the world in 1992, Falun Dafa and its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance have improved the lives of millions, physically and mentally.
Sweden: Practitioners Continue To Introduce Falun Dafa and Raise Awareness of the Persecution
2021-01-11After learning about the 20-year-long persecution of Falun Dafa, people signed the petition calling for the disintegration of the CCP and to protest the persecution.
83 Falun Gong Practitioners Die in 2020 As a Result of the Persecution of Their Faith
2021-01-11Hundreds of thousands of practitioners have since been harassed, arrested, detained, imprisoned, and tortured. A total of 4,595 deaths have been documented by Minghui as of December 25, 2020. But due to the strict censorship of information in China, the actual number is most likely much higher.
Switzerland: People Support Falun Dafa and Condemn Persecution in China on Human Rights Day
2021-01-11“I have a great impression of Falun Dafa. It has given me positive energy. My body can feel that the practice is good for me,” said Ms. Marisella Meier at a Falun Dafa information booth.
Deep Erosion of Democratic Society by the CCP
2021-01-11Of the current human rights violations being committed by the Chinese Communist Party, the persecution of Falun Gong is probably the worst one. There are several reasons behind that.
Bulgaria: Hundreds of Thousands Learn about the CCP’s Crimes on Human Rights Day
2021-01-11Practitioners of Falun Gong from the Bulgarian cities of Sofia, Stara Zagora, and Peshtera gathered peacefully in front of the Chinese Embassy in the capital city of Sofia to call on the CCP to immediately stop the persecution of the spiritual practice.
Germany: People Sign Petition to End the CCP During Activities in Wuppertal
2021-01-11Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises, gave waist drum performances and told people about the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party.
UK Parliament Members Express Concern About Arbitrary Arrest of Falun Gong Practitioner in China
2021-01-11UK Parliament member Jim Shannon said he was shocked to hear about Ms. Wang’s arrest. He said Ms. Wang’s ordeal and what her family has gone through offers a glimpse into the brutal persecution campaign against Falun Gong practitioners in China in the past two decades.