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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Europe Wish Master Li a Happy Chinese New Year 2025
2025-01-26 -
Practitioners from Europe Wish Master Li a Happy New Year
2024-12-29 -
Germany: Prominent Human Rights Activists Call on CCP to Stop Persecuting Falun Gong During Peaceful Protest Outside Chinese Embassy in Berlin
2024-12-20After dropping off the letter, Mr. Kirch told the embassy staff, “Release all detainees immediately.” “The CCP is ruling China now. It’s a dictatorship. I think the regime is on the brink of collapse.” “You can simply step away from the CCP.”He also said, “Falun Dafa has profound principles – Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. People can follow these principles and everything will turn out well.”
Finland: People Support Protest Against the Persecution on Human Rights Day
2024-12-20Matialta, who usually pays attention to events taking place in China such as organ harvesting, the CCP’s persecution of Muslims and so on said, “Your being here is important.”Julia, who is a doctor, said she read a book that talked about the organ harvesting. She said it was “horrifying” and told practitioners, “I understand you need to tell the stories of those who are suppressed.”Miraslava, who is from Slovakia, spoke to practitioners for a long time. Regarding the Internet censorship and brainwashing of Chinese citizens, she said, “The Chinese authoritarian regime uses this to brainwash and coerce people.”
UK: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil on Human Rights Day to Protest the Persecution
2024-12-20Mr. Ma, Chairman of the UK Headquarters of the China Democracy Party, said, “In China, one may be arrested and tortured just for exercising one’s freedom of speech. This is unacceptable to the Chinese people. We stand here today to tell the world that tyrannies like the CCP must be overthrown. Dictatorship must perish, and freedom will always belong to the people.“I am honored to have met Falun Dafa practitioners today. I have great respect for what they have done over the decades, persisting in protesting the CCP and in speaking out for human rights. Their perseverance is admirable.”
Spain: Introducing Falun Dafa to the Public at a Health Expo
2024-10-30Francisco and Juani are from Palma, the capital of the island. They were drawn by the music and came to the Falun Dafa booth. After watching practitioners demonstrate the exercises they said that they liked this practice. They also said that they would send the flyer and the small lotus to their daughter in India. Francisco said, “The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance should be compulsory courses in schools because today’s society urgently needs these values.” Juani said that she would go to the practice site in Palma to learn Falun Dafa.
Antwerp, Belgium: Falun Dafa Practitioners Raise Awareness and Gain Public Support
2024-10-30Korneel , Gilbert, and Steven, three Belgian university students from Ghent University studying science and engineering were drawn to the peaceful meditation practice. After watching for a while, they approached the information table. It was the first time they had heard of Falun Gong. They talked to the practitioners for a long time.Korneel said, “I signed the petition because I saw what they (the practitioners) are doing is good. Even though it’s a small act, signing the petition is a way to support the practitioners against the persecution. I believe it can help, so I should do it.”
Spain: Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Barcelona
2024-10-07Sheila, a young Western practitioner, talked about the changes practicing cultivation for two and a half years brought her. Before she began to practice, a thought suddenly came to her mind one day: “There is a diamond in China.” She didn’t know what that meant, but a few days later, she met Falun Dafa practitioners raising awareness about the persecution in China. Although she was shocked by the extent of the brutality, she was curious about this cultivation practice from China. It was tough when she first began studying the Fa, but the teachings provided answers to many questions that she had about the purpose of life. After following the principles for a period of time, she discovered that she was no longer depressed and she understood the meaning of life.Her health improved as well. The menstrual pain that affected her disappeared. Her attitude towards things also changed. She realized that in the past, when she argued and lost her temper when things did not go her way, she was being interfered with. Now, she is able to face everything calmly, look inside for attachments or desires, and see the problem from the perspective of Falun Dafa’s principles, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.Her friends and family were surprised by her transformation. Her mother said that Sheila became peaceful and healthy after practicing Dafa. Her best friend told her that she hopes she too can be positive like Sheila.
Sweden: Raising Awareness about Falun Dafa Near the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm
2024-10-07In the noisy small square in front of the museum, practitioners’ exercise demonstration and eye-catching banners drew people’s attention. They accepted fliers, read the display boards, and talked with practitioners. Many people were interested in the exercises and some learned them on the spot. A Chinese couple read the display boards and took photos. When a practitioner greeted them, the woman said, “I often get around the Internet censorship to read information outside of China. I don’t want to read the CCP’s fake news. I have long known that the CCP-staged Tiananmen self-immolation was planned to frame Falun Dafa. I admire you for daring to publicly expose the CCP’s shameful deeds here. It’s so inspiring, you are amazing!”
Brussels, Belgium: People Are Informed about Falun Gong and the CCP’s Persecution on International Day of Peace
2024-10-07Frenchman Raphael and his girlfriend Josepha were taking a walk in the park. When they saw the practitioners doing the Dafa exercises, they noted that the scene was peaceful and calm. Raphael said, “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are great. They are positive for humanity, and all human beings should experience this positivity.”Josepha, who is a lawyer, added, “Yes, everyone should follow these principles.”
Practitioners from Europe Send Greetings to Respected Master Li on the Moon Festival!
2024-09-15 -
Switzerland: Public Support for 25-year Effort to Expose Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2024-08-08Patrik told a practitioner, “I am deeply encouraged. I can feel your conviction and unity working together for a goal. I want to support you from my heart; I want to offer my help.”While chatting with practitioners, he learned that over the past 25 years, practitioners all over the world have helped people understand what Falun Gong is all about and the efforts to stop the persecution through various peaceful means. He said, “I guess this is why I stopped here. I am happy to see your activities and give you my support.”
Polish Practitioners Participate in City’s 601st Birthday Celebration
2024-08-08“This parade is really beautiful! Energetic, colorful and positive,” Anna, who lives in Łódź, told her friend Magdalenafrom Warsaw. “I feel refreshed and want to know more.”Magdalena watched the parade with great interest and said, “I don’t know much about Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong), and I still need to understand it, but the words ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance’ written on that boat are very important today. If we can all live according to these principles, our society, communities and neighborhoods will be better and better, and there will be less trouble.”
Germany: People Condemn the CCP’s Brutality During Activities in Berlin
2024-08-08 -
Sweden: Members of Parliament Sign Joint Statement to Support Falun Gong
2024-07-23The statement concludes, “We, the undersigned, therefore call on the Chinese government to respect international norms and the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, such as China have signed, and to immediately end the 25-year persecution of Falun Gong in China, as well as to unconditionally release all imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience.”