Death of Dafa Practitoner, Ms. Xu Jinzhi from Heilongjiang Province, While Detained at Mudanjiang Prison

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Dafa practitioner, Ms. Xu Jinzhi, lived in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province. In 2002, Ms. Xu Jinzhi was arrested while making Dafa truth clarification materials and the police found Falun Gong flyers in her home. The authorities sentenced her to three years in prison and sent her to the Mudanjiang Prison. On May 25, 2004, Xu Jinzhi's family received a notice stating that Xu Jinzhi was in critical condition. When her family arrived at the hospital, they saw Xu Jinzhi's emaciated body. They were told she died from a brain hemorrhage. The police didn't allow Xu Jinzhi's family to examine her body and had it cremated two days later, on May 27, 2004.

Xu Jinzhi was healthy before her arrest. The police blocked any examination of her body in an effort to cover up their crime.

Chinese version available at

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