Ms. Yu Guirong Recovered from Leukaemia after Practising Falun Gong, Now Faces Prosecution

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Ms. Yu Guirong from Zhongxingtun, Yanshou County, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, was framed by Zhang Qingfeng, chief of Yanshou County Domestic Security Team, and her arrest was recently approved.

Ms. Yu, in her 40s, once suffered from leukaemia, rheumatism, and other illnesses. She couldn't afford medical treatment because she was poor, and there is no cure for leukaemia. She and her family were desperate. She started to practise Falun Gong. The leukaemia and other illnesses were soon gone, and she didn't have to spend a penny or take a pill. She became free of illness and regained her health.

Ms. Yu followed Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be an ethical and good person. She treated her mother-in-law with respect and treated her husband with courtesy. She became the main breadwinner in her family. She is regarded as a kind and capable person in her village.

Ms. Yu benefited greatly from practising and wanted to tell people the facts about Falun Gong. She was seen by an instructor from the Liutuan Police Station while she was distributing pamphlets about Falun Gong on the evening of August 27th. The instructor reported her to the Yanshou County Police Department. The Domestic Security Team arrested her that day and ransacked her home the next day. The police said that there were no women's cells in the Yanshou County Detention Centre and took her to the Harbin No. 2 Detention Centre instead. To this day, Ms. Yu is still being held there.

When Ms. Yu's family went to the Domestic Security Team, Zhang Qingfeng tried to deceive them into giving him other practitioners' names. Because Ms. Yu refused to renounce Falun Gong and didn't reveal the source of her pamphlets, Zhang framed Ms. Yu and sent the application to the Procuratorate to approve Ms. Yu's arrest.

Chinese version available at

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