Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • EFGIC: Chinese Communist Propaganda Continues to Find an Unwitting Audience in the West

    LONDON– This Sunday, January 23, 2005, will mark four years since five individuals allegedly set themselves on fire in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Beginning just hours after the incident and continuing to this day, China's Ministry of Propaganda has produced an onslaught of hate propaganda claiming the immolators were Falun Gong practitioners – all in an attempt to justify the violent suppression of the practice started in July 1999 by then-Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.
  • Radio France Internationale: The Premier of Canada Asks the Chinese Government to Provide an Explanation for Revoked Visas

    The Canadian Prime Minister demanded that China provides an explanation for the cancellation of two Canadian reporters’ visas. China approved the visas initially for the two journalists, but dismissed the applications later. Both journalists were reporters of New Tang Dynasty TV and were gearing up for joining the reporters group with Prime Minister Martin. In fact, they had received the approved visas, which were recalled later. Martin told a reporter, “It was a serious matter for us. Freedom of speech and journalism are our values and principles. We have been in negotiations regarding this incident with the Chinese Embassy in Canada.”
  • Spanish Newspaper "The State" Reports on Falun Gong Anti-Torture Exhibition

    On January 9th, “The State” newspaper published a photo showing the anti-torture exhibition demonstrated by Falun Gong practitioners. The report revealed the practitioners displayed and exposed the various torture methods inflicted on their fellow practitioners in China. According to their introduction, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have died of torture in Chinese prisons and labour camps.
  • Spanish Newspaper "Europa Press" Reports on an Anti-torture Exhibition in Madrid

    On the morning of January the 8th, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners at Puerto del Sol in the centre of Madrid acted out the torture methods which have been commonly employed by the Chinese Jiang group to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in prisons and forced labour camps since it started to implement its policy of genocide against Falun Gong in 1999.
  • EFGIC: Class-action Lawsuit against Chinese T.V. Director Targets Use of Media for Aiding and Abetting Torture and Genocide

    LONDON [EFGIC] – In a recent court filing for a class-action lawsuit against Zhao Zhizhen - the director of a Chinese television station - the defendant claims free speech laws in the U.S. should protect him. Zhao’s defence, however, is not supported by the facts and diverts attention away from the central issues of the lawsuit – torture and genocide.
  • EFGIC: Press Conference & 20 European Countries Parade in London to Raise Awareness of Persecution Against Falun Gong

    LONDON [EFGIC] – On Saturday 15th January, Falun Gong practitioners from 20 European countries including Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Israel, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the UK will gather for a rally and press conference at Whitehall Place SW1 at 9.30 am. The aim of this event is to increase awareness of the severe continued genocide in China against innocent people, who are persecuted for their belief in Falun Gong.
  • Ukraine: Film Portraying Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners at the Human Rights International Cinema Festival

    The movie “Sandstorm” was shown at the Human Rights International Cinema Festival. On the 15th of December, a national Ukraine TV channel screened a brief report about “Sandstorm”. Scenes from the film depicting the torture used against Falun Gong practitioners were also shown.
  • Bulgaria: Practitioners Appear on a National State-run TV Show and Expose the Persecution in China

    The presenter asked why Falun Dafa is persecuted in China. The practitioners explained that after estimating the number of practitioners to be 70 to 100 million in 1999, the former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin personally ordered a campaign of persecution despite the disagreement of the other Politburo members...The practitioners went on to talk about how the Chinese Communist Party has never showed any regard for human life and has continually persecuted and oppressed the Chinese people since it came into power.
  • The Media Reports on a Famous Beijing Lawyer’s Appeal for Falun Gong

    Hong Kong's Ming Bao reported that Mr. Gao wrote an open letter to Chairman Wu Bangguo of the Chinese People's Congress. He said in the letter that he had received many appeals and letters from Falun Gong practitioners who were tortured in prisons or labour camps. Mr. Gao pointed out that the local government abused Falun Gong practitioners by imprisoning them in labour camps. He said that he "felt extreme sorrow" in his letter to Wu Bangguo.
  • An Interview on England’s BBC Radio Leeds Focuses on Falun Gong and the Persecution

    “You may remember listening to BBC Radio Leeds a few weeks ago when we featured the moving case of a Chinese woman who now lives here in West Yorkshire, in fact in the city of Leeds. She fled China because she says she was being persecuted there. She claimed that it was because she practised Falun Gong, a kind of self-improvement technique which its followers say is based on the three principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance."
  • Radio France Internationale: Falun Gong Practitioners in China Use Photos to Expose the Torture they Suffered

    According to the Reporters Without Borders and AFP, eleven Falun Gong practitioners in China were arrested when they used photos to expose the brutal torture they have suffered...Falun Gong’s reported that these Falun Gong practitioners acted out the brutal torture they had suffered in prisons and made public the photos they took. Like articles, these photos were produced to expose the brutal torture taking place in China.
  • German Newspaper Reports on Practitioner’s Two Year Ordeal in a Chinese Forced Labour Camp

    Encounters with the “Re-education staff” were the worst. They beat, abused and cursed her. She was forced to listen to the indoctrination while squatting for long periods. She told us that she had to endure this without being charged with anything and without due legal process. She was ordered to sign a document, promising to renounce this spiritual practice. She did not relent and wrote, “Falun Gong is good.”
  • Radio Free Asia: Former Government Official Imprisoned for Practising Falun Gong

    Radio Free Asia reported on December 28, 2004 that Mr. Liao Yuanhua, former Discipline Committee Secretary of Wuxue City, Hubei Province has been imprisoned because of his practice of Falun Gong. According to news exposed on the Internet, Liao Yuanhua has been beaten and tortured during his imprisonment. However, the official People's Daily denied this statement. At the same time, Falun Gong practitioners from Hubei Province revealed inside stories about the mistreatment experienced by Falun Gong practitioners in Fanjiatai Prison, Hubei Province.
  • Sweden: Swedish Media Report on Practitioners' Activities to Expose Torture by Jiang Zemin and Other Chinese Officials

    Falun Gong practitioners in Sweden exposed the crimes of China's former Head of State, Jiang Zemin, by re-enacting some of the torture methods used by his regime against Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. This attracted the attention of several Swedish newspapers.
  • The Epoch Times: 700 Days in a Nanjing Jail: Woman Works to Free American Fiance

    Charles Lee sits unmoving on a wooden stool. His heart is beating fast, his breath is short, his back is straight, and his eyes look straight ahead at the television. He is not allowed to move. After seven hours or longer, he may be taken into a room to make Christmas tree lights for export. For Lee, this is another holiday season away from his fiancée as a prisoner of conscience in China.