Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • Excerpt from Finnish Newspaper “Huvudstadsbladet” about Genocide Lawsuit launched against Persecutors of Falun Gong

    '“Through the legal process against the ex-president, we hope that he will be finally brought to justice for all of the violence he initiated,” says Bachmann. According to him, one month before Falun Gong was banned in July 1999 when actions to crush the Falun Gong movement began, the so called “610” office was founded. Since then, thousands of practitioners have witnessed mass arrests, murders and brutal torture against practitioners. “The “610” office is similar to the Gestapo. Their aim is to organise the fight against Falun Gong by any means” says Bachmann.'
  • Swiss Attaché follows Practitioners’ Appeal Hearing in Hong Kong

    Jiang Zemin has committed crimes of Genocide in his mad persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. To enforce his policy of “defaming their reputation, bankrupting them financially and destroying them physically” he has forced people to act against their own will. Under his orders many people have committed atrocious crimes that will weigh heavy on their conscience for the rest of their lives.
  • Comprehensive Report: Luo Gan Charged With Torture and Genocide in Iceland; International Media Pays Attention

    On September 9, a renowned Icelandic human rights lawyer, filed an action with the State Criminal Prosecutor. The legal complaint against Luo Gan is based on the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which Iceland signed in November 1996. Plaintiffs in the lawsuit include practitioners from Australia, Canada, the United States, Britain, Italy, Holland, Denmark and Ireland. It is the twelfth international lawsuit in nine countries to emerge in the past two years against high-ranking Chinese officials or government bodies for their roles in persecuting Falun Gong.
  • “AFI”: Falun Gong Practitioners File a Lawsuit Against Luo Gan in Finland

    According to news on the Falun Gong website on Thursday afternoon, Finnish human rights lawyer Erkki Kannisto was instructed to submit a lawsuit to the national Prosecutor’s Office and the police department. The lawsuit was filed by Falun Gong practitioners against Luo Gan, the head of the “610” Office. Luo Gan is being charged with brutal torture and Genocide.
  • EFGIC: Six-Month Pregnant Falun Gong Practitioner Beaten With a Wooden Rod by Chinese Police

    According to the victim, police kidnapped her and other Falun Gong practitioners from a friend’s home and detained them in a local police station. “They jumped on me and again beat me with the stick, while grabbing my hair and punching my face,” said the woman. “My face and mouth were covered in bruises and blood, I had loose teeth, and my clothes were bloodstained.”
  • EFGIC: Armenian Falun Gong Practitioners take the First Steps in Court Action against Luo Gan

    LONDON (EFGIC) – The string of court cases against the Chinese officials responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China will continue to Armenia. Luo Gan, the head of the notorious 6-10 office which is responsible for the worst abuses of human rights, is today in Armenia and Falun Gong practitioners have already met with lawyers to start a court action against him.
  • “Radio Free Asia”: Finnish People Dislike Luo Gan’s Human Rights Records

    'On Thursday morning some Falun Gong practitioners, who have personally experienced persecution or whose relatives have been persecuted, submitted a lawsuit against Luo Gan to the Finnish court. Furthermore, the Finnish Falun Dafa Association has already submitted a criminal lawsuit against Luo Gan to the prosecutors...The Finnish public took a strong dislike toward this criminal.'
  • Article from Icelandic newspaper “Morgunbladid”: Organisations and Individuals Press Charges against Luo Gan

    “If the government does not respond it can be considered that the Icelandic people are in agreement with this man’s conduct as well as that of the Chinese government,” says Ragnar. Since Luo planned to leave the country today, Ragnar wants him to be investigated immediately so that the claim for his arrest or detention can be submitted.
  • Article from “The Epoch Times”: German President to Raise Human Rights with China

    'Amnesty International’s German branch and Frankfurt-based International Association for Human Rights (IGFM) wrote letters to President Rau on September 9th, asking him to appeal for people who are being persecuted in China, and specifically mentioning Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioner Xiong Wei. Xiong Wei studied in the Technical University of Berlin during 1993 to 1999. She was sentenced to 2-year labour education for distributing Falun Gong materials in January 2002 in Beijing.'
  • “Radio Free Asia”: Falun Gong Practitioners file a Lawsuit Against Luo Gan in Finland

    According to a local Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Wang, the Finnish Prosecutor’s Office have revealed that they are under pressure from Chinese authorities. She added that a renowned local human right lawyer Erkki Kannsto, who was entrusted by the Finnish Falun Dafa Association, filed the lawsuit. Two Australian Falun Gong practitioners are also participating in the campaign.
  • Finnish Newspaper “Lapin Kansa” Reports on Dafa Practitioners’ Appeal at the Rovaniemi Airport during Luo Gan’s Arrival

    The article explains how the Chinese leader avoided the 22 practitioners who had come from around the world. According to the newspaper, Luo Gan is someone who is accused of being involved in the Tiananmen student massacre of 1989, and also in suppressing Falun Gong.
  • Article from Icelandic Newspaper "Frettabladid": The Fourth Lawsuit against Luo Gan - Ready to Detain and Investigate

    "According to Icelandic law, the Icelandic government has power over this man, if he is guilty of breaking laws with regards to torture, no matter where [the torture] happened” said Ragnar in a public announcement. “Lou Gan has been charged with torture, genocide and crimes against humanity, and now there is a unique chance to begin an investigation of this man.”
  • Excerpts from Evening News Report on Iceland’s TV Channel 1

    At the state attorney’s office, Ragnar put forward a lawsuit against Lou Gan. This is an unprecedented move, to do this to a high ranking foreign official whilst he visits Iceland. In the lawsuit, it says that Luo Gan is one of three officials in charge of the “610 Office”, an organisation that is responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, by murder, torture, sexual abuse and other cruel methods. In that respect, Lou Gan has broken international agreements that the Icelandic people abide to.
  • FDI: Human Rights Lawyers Say Law Does Not Grant Immunity to Chinese Official for Crimes Against Falun Gong

    'Luo Gan, a Standing Committee member of the Chinese Communist Party’s Politburo and notorious abuser of human rights, does not merit immunity overseas for his crimes of genocide and torture, human rights lawyers say. Luo Gan, who is currently on a tour of four European nations, is facing a number of criminal lawsuits in multiple countries in Europe.'
  • Article from UK Newspaper “Nottingham Evening Post”: Lawsuit Bid on 'Abuse' Claims

    An Academic has launched a legal challenge over China's alleged human rights abuses. Dr Li Shao, a lecturer at the University of Nottingham, is among a group who have brought a lawsuit in Iceland against Chinese official Luo Gan. It charges him with torture, genocide and crimes against humanity, and has been timed to coincide with Gan's visit to Iceland this week.