Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • EFGIC: U.S. House of Reps. Passes Resolution Urging Censure of China for Human Rights Abuses

    'LONDON (EFGIC) – The House of Representatives passed resolution H. Res. 530 urging the international community to rebuke the People’s Republic of China for a litany of human rights abuses. Yesterday’s vote on the resolution was 402-2. H. Res. 530 urges the Bush Administration to sponsor and aggressively pursue a resolution condemning China for its human rights abuses at the annual meeting of the United Nation’s Commission on Human Rights, which will meet later this month in Geneva.'
  • French TV Report on “Spring Telling” Exhibition Explains the Facts About Falun Gong

    A French TV station recently reported on Falun Gong practitioners' participation in the recent “Spring Telling” Exhibition in France. This provided a chance to clear the good name of Falun Gong and to explain the facts about the nature of Falun Gong and the persecution. This TV report was a significant opportunity to clear out the poisonous lies behind which the Jiang regime has hidden its evil persecution from the conscience of the world's people and the condemnation of the international community.
  • EFGIC: Despite Cosmetic Reforms, U.S. Department of State Says Human Rights in China Backsliding

    'The 2003 US Department of State Annual Human Rights Report issued last week, points to China’s degenerating rights practices, some cosmetic beautification not withstanding. “Although legal reforms continued, there was backsliding on key human rights issues during the year,” says the report. One of these key issues is Falun Gong. As in previous years, the severe persecution of the practice is a central concern throughout much of the report, with extensive citing of torture, arbitrary detention, and unlawful killing, as well as denial of freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and association.'
  • Article from Website “”: Dungeons and Dragons

    'Last month saw five more Falun Gong followers imprisoned for posting news to an internet site on the torture of a student practitioner. Commenting on this case, international press freedom group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said: "The five internet users were convicted for posting online what is already very well-known to human rights organisations, that [practitioners] of Falun Gong are systematically tortured in prison".'
  • Reporters Without Borders: Fourteen Years Jail Sentence for Posting an Article Online

    "The crackdown of members of this spiritual movement is completely unjustified," said a reporter of the RSF group. "The five Internet-users were convicted for posting online what is already very well known to human rights organisations, that members of Falun Gong are systematically tortured in prison."
  • Reader's Letter to a Swedish Newspaper Bohusl'ningen: “Falun Gong and Freedom in China”

    France is a nation known for upholding freedom and justice. However, why were more than seventy Falun Gong practitioners, including two Swedes, detained during the Chinese leader’s visit to France? Only because they wore yellow clothing or scarves imprinted with the words “Falun Gong”.
  • Latvian Media Reported on Falun Gong Practitioners’ Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy in Riga

    Recently, more than twenty more Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted to death by the Jiang regime within one month, bringing the total number of verified deaths to 896. On Saturday, practitioners from Riga, the capital of Latvia, gathered near the Chinese Embassy to expose the illegal actions of the Jiang regime and call for the culprits to be brought to justice.
  • Article from German Newspaper Bruchsaler Rundschau: “My friends are being persecuted.”

    'Ms. Wang’s friends and many other incarcerated Falun Gong practitioners have to endure psychological terror, brainwashing, gross physical and psychological abuse, mistreatment and torture. One of those, once a successful young scientist, is now a broken man who does not even recognise his family anymore. Approximately 700 of those mistreated people did not survive the torture and have died, states one of the Falun Gong information publications. Falun Gong has followers in more than fifty nations around the globe.'
  • Germany: Falun Gong hold a Protest due to the Misconduct of the Volkswagen Company

    '“Since Falun Gong was banned, the practitioners of Falun Gong have suffered discrimination in China. This also happened in foreign businesses.” At the Volkswagen company in China, if the job applicants do not sign an agreement to indicate that they are not Falun Gong practitioners and do not support Falun Gong, their applications will be refused. There are a lot of examples of this.'
  • Radio France Internationale: An Actor from "Yong Zheng Dynasty" Appeals for an End to the Brutal Persecution Against Falun Gong

    'Many of my friends who practise Falun Gong suffered from the brutal persecution. One of them was arrested in winter. They poured cold water on him after stripping him of his clothes and binding him to iron handrails. The temperature in Beijing was minus 20 degrees Celsius at that time. Another Falun Gong practitioner was forced to crawl on the ground covered by thick snow. To make the torture even more painful, the guards poured water on the practitioner’s feet. The purpose of the torture and persecution is to make Falun Gong practitioners give up their practice, and abandon their belief.'
  • Article from Washington Post: 'New' China, Old Repression

    China has changed in some ways in the past decade. Ordinary citizens can generally say what they want in private or in some public settings -- so long as they remain completely unorganised and unchallenging to the regime. But when it comes to tolerance of any political opposition, or to human rights standards as generally defined by the international community, China is essentially the same as it was a decade ago. The regime has never expressed the slightest remorse for using weaponry against its own people.
  • French Internet Security Magazine Denounces Mock Trial against Falun Gong Practitioners who Exposed the Persecution in China

    On February the 24th 2004, the French magazine "", which is well known in the field of Internet security, published an article denouncing this mock trial against Falun Gong practitioners in Chongqing. The article quoted “Reporters Without Borders” who asked for the immediate release of 22 Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned for publishing information on the Internet.
  • IFDIC: Falun Gong Practitioners Peacefully Appeal at EU-China Human Rights Dialogue in Dublin Castle

    'Practitioners of Falun Gong will hold a peaceful demonstration in front of Dublin Castle today and on Friday as officials from Europe and China come together to discuss human rights. This dialogue has been cited by governments across Europe as the proper means to pursue human rights issues with China. However, to date, the proceedings of the dialogue have not been openly disclosed to the media thereby putting little public pressure on the Chinese to improve the situation on the ground.'
  • Flemish Magazine Publishes Interview with Falun Gong Practitioner and Famous Musician Sterling Campbell

    'Truthfulness, compassion and forbearance are the three virtues Sterling Campbell, the drummer of David Bowie, strives for. He is a practitioner of the old Chinese meditation system Falun Dafa. ‘Falun Dafa keeps me on the rails. It made me into a better person,’ he says, when we meet him in a hotel in Brussels.'
  • Italian Human Rights Organisation Again Published a Press Release to Declare Support for Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights

    "There is evidence that the French police used brutal and excessive methods to handle Falun Gong practitioners. They came to Paris to attend the Chinese New Year Celebrations staged by the Chinese and French Governments. The arrested people did not protest. They only wore yellow. Two women were arrested while they walked on the Champs Eylsees. When they asked the reason for their arrest the police said: “You are wearing yellow - today yellow is illegal.”"