Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • Europa Press (Spanish Newspaper): A Falun Gong practitioner's bereaved wife exposes the persecution in Madrid and Appeals to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice

    Since then Falun Gong practitioners have also accused Jiang’s regime of extending the suppression overseas. Chinese embassies around the world, including the one in Spain have refused to renew Falun Gong practitioners’ passports even though they have legitimate residency status and working permits. As to the western Falun Gong practitioners, they have been denied entry to Chinese territory. Moreover, many Chinese newspapers in foreign countries have been acquired and controlled by the Chinese embassies. “They dare not carry the true news about Falun Gong. They simply carry fabricated and slanderous news given by Chinese government.”
  • Reference Material: The Economic Threat from China

    'An invisible cause for concern is the extremely cheap labour costs in China. Everyone knows that in China the rights and interests of workers are seldom safeguarded. They have no trade unions and are not allowed to have trade unions. Most workers do not even know how to protect themselves from being injured and the worst is even if they do know, they have no way to deal with it, because nobody wants to help them. Laws are for suppressing the workers rather than safeguarding them.'
  • "The World Journal" (Spanish Newspaper): Falun Gong Practitioners file Complaint about Jiang’s Crimes of Genocide

    'Followers of Falun Gong, a traditional cultivation practice, filed a human rights abuse lawsuit in Madrid yesterday against China’s former president Jiang Zemin. Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted since 1999 by Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese president who has gained the highest position in the Communist Party after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and is now in full command of the “6-10 office”.'
  • Dafa Practitioner Interviewed on Holland Radio Programme about the Lawsuit Launched in Belgium

    'At the time when Jiang Zemin wanted to start the persecution, not everyone in the Politburo agreed with it. But Jiang Zemin pushed his wishes out of jealousy or a desire for power. He has tried to create a kind of internal enemy of Falun Gong and in that way forced everyone within the Communist party to choose sides, for or against him, and tried to increase his power in this way.'
  • Media Reports on "UK Falun Dafa Day" Celebrations

    'Birmingham's Chamberlain Square was a picture of serenity when practitioners of Falun Gong, a traditional form of Chinese meditation, visited the city on Saturday. Eliza Li practises a meditation exercise which helps to improve mind and body. Falun Gong was first made public in 1992 and quickly become popular as people were drawn by stories of great health improvements.'
  • Article from Finnish newspaper “Hämeen Sanomat”: Falun Gong Acts Against the Persecution with Weapons of Spirituality

    Falun Gong has five simple, smooth exercises. It is said that the exercises purify the energy channels in one’s body...The principle is to follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in one’s daily life. According to practitioners, Falun Gong is actually about striving to behave better 24 hours a day and to consider other people before one’s own desires and intentions.
  • Switzerland: Press Release on the Hong Kong Trial and Launching a Lawsuit against Jiang

    To denounce human rights violations in China is considered as “stealing State secrets” and liable to a sentence of forced labour. To go to Tiananmen Square and quite simply to unfurl a banner displaying the three words: “Truth – Benevolence – Tolerance” will cost you dearly. To be able to continue to speak on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners detained and tortured in China, the Swiss practitioners, victims of the persecution, have decided to take action and to ask for compensation.
  • "Kalmar Barometern" (Swedish Newspaper): Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of Dafa’s Introduction to Kalmar City

    'Truthfulness, Kindness and Tolerance are the three principles of Falun Gong. On Saturday, Falun Gong practitioners from Kalmar and all over Sweden were celebrating the fifth anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to Kalmar city. Music and songs that are playing describe the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners started by the Chinese government.'
  • Article from Falun Gong files Genocide Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin

    'The 30-page suit accuses Jiang -- who remains China's military head -- of "torture, crimes against humanity and genocide," said lawyer Georges-Henri Beauthier after handing it to federal prosecutors..."Jiang's horrific form of a terror that does not just destroy lives, but destroys faith. It is a terror that should not be allowed to exist in the modern world," said Beauthier. "It is a terror that must be brought to justice."'
  • Radio France Internationale: Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Cuiying will Officially Sue Jiang Zemin at the United Nations

    'Australian Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Cuiying, who is originally from China, will formally sue ex-president of China Jiang Zemin at the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Zhang Cuiying’s lawyer Chris Nyst has informed the media about this news.'
  • Report from a Swedish Newspaper "Östran": Falun Gong Helps You Become a Better Person

    'Practitioners [in China] have been persecuted and tortured. Falun Gong practitioners believe that the immense popularity of Falun Gong frightened the Chinese leaders. “It is all because of power. The Chinese chairman Jiang is afraid of losing his power. Chinese people were deceived for decades in their speech and behaviour, first by communism, now by this Chinese government. Some Chinese in Sweden and I are blacklisted by the Chinese Embassy and we cannot get a visa back to China.”'
  • Interview on Belgium TV1: Jiang Zemin and His Accomplices Sued for Genocide in Belgium

    "Six Falun Gong practitioners, a spiritual meditation movement from China, have filed a lawsuit against the former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin in our country. This is the first criminal lawsuit for genocide that has been filed under the New Belgian Law, which had been amended before the Parliament broke up. The plaintiffs claim that the Chinese government, under orders from Jiang Zemin, has systematically persecuted Falun Gong since 1999."
  • Article from Belgian Newspaper “Het Laatste Nieuws” about the Genocide Lawsuit filed in Brussels

    'They accuse the authorities in Beijing of genocide, crimes against humanity and torture of Falun Gong [practitioners]...One of the people who submitted the complaint is an inhabitant of Ghent, Matthias Slaats, who was imprisoned in Beijing in February 2002 for two days.'
  • Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong Practitioners in Germany prepare to file a Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin

    “This lawsuit is unprecedented. Trials in the past, such as the Nuremburg trial, took place after the persecution failed and ended. This lawsuit is taking place at a time when the persecution is still under way. Therefore, this kind of lawsuit not only exposes the perpetrator’s crimes whilst they are happening and alarms those still engaged in the persecution, but also exposes the perpetrators’ lies and wakes up all good people to help stop the persecution.”
  • Belgian Newspaper ‘De Morgen’ Features a Full-Page Spread on Falun Gong and the Genocide Lawsuit filed against Jiang

    'According to Matthias Slaats, the Belgian plaintiff, there is a lot of evidence. “We could have involved thousands of cases in this complaint but we wanted to keep it clear. One of the plaintiffs is a Chinese woman with Australian nationality. In China, she was arrested and severely tortured in prison...Another woman says that her husband was tortured to death in 2001. The evidence in these cases is very strong.'