Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • Apple Daily: US Congress Is Concerned About Article 23 Legislation

    Apple Daily reported on April 17 that the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law continues to receive worldwide attention. The report points out that even though Hong Kong still respects the freedom to enter and leave Hong Kong, last June, 90 Falun Gong practitioners were denied entrance to Hong Kong.
  • EFGIC: SARS - China Lies, People Die

    “The SARS tragedy demonstrates the Chinese regime’s willingness to lie and spread propaganda for its own self-interest, even when the lives of millions are at stake,” explains European Falun Gong Information Centre spokesman, Mr. Peter Jauhal. “For almost four years, we have witnessed this regime severely persecute Falun Gong and then lie and spread propaganda to the world to cover it up. It’s the same pattern, and it poses an extraordinary threat not just to China but also to the world.”
  • Radio Free Asia: “Jiang Brings Troubles Wherever He Goes.” – A Report on the Lawsuit Against Violations of Human Rights by German Police during Jiang’s Visit to Germany

    In the past few years, Jiang Zemin, the ex-President of China, and several senior Chinese officials have become the subject of a large number of direct and indirect international lawsuits. On April 14 2003, the US District Court of Illinois began the legal procedures for a genocide lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. This lawsuit was filed by Falun Gong practitioners.
  • The Baltimore Sun: Deal with devil proves deadly

    'China sat by idly for four months as SARS cases accumulated in its southern province, hoping nobody would notice so as to avoid embarrassment. The lack of a free press to alert the public to the developing pattern not only cost untold Chinese lives but put at risk tourists, business managers and other expatriates. Among them are citizens of nations that didn't believe that Beijing's oppression affected them...Suddenly, the world's investors recall why China is still a risky place to open a franchise or build a factory. If Beijing will lie about something as serious as its own public health crisis, how trustworthy are the delirious economic statistics it publishes? And if there's no democratic way to remove corrupt leaders, isn't corruption also a real threat to that cherished "stability," too?'
  • BusinessWeek: China's Deadliest Plague: Authoritarianism

    'Now, everyone can see that democracy isn't just a luxury. They can see that authoritarianism doesn't even guarantee stability. A government that represses information not only kills its people -- and those of other countries -- but it spreads panic and disbelief as its credibility erodes.'
  • Several Medical Personnel in Beijing Reveal That the Authorities Deceived World Health Organization Inspectors (photos)

    Time, a prominent magazine based in the United States, revealed that the Chinese government hid SARS cases in Beijing from the World Health Organization (WHO). On Friday, Time quoted several doctors and nurses at Beijing hospitals who revealed that on Thursday, hours prior to the WHO inspectors' arrival at the No. 309 People's Liberation Army Hospital, the hospital moved 46 of the confirmed SARS patients to a hotel, and there are about ten SARS patients in the ward.
  • Time Asia: Unmasking A Crisis

    As a Time reporter continued through the ward, a nurse who wouldn't give her name stopped him and explained, "[...] All of these wards are full of SARS patients, there are over 100 at least. Don't believe the government--they never tell you the truth. They say it's a deadly disease with 4% mortality? Are you kidding me? The death rate is at least 25%. In this hospital alone, there are over 10 patients dead already."
  • AP: Hundreds Demonstrate For Falun Gong Movement

    'Several hundred demonstrators peacefully protested in Times Square and elsewhere in the city Saturday to attract attention to China's ban on the Falun Gong meditation movement. The protesters listened to music and speeches and passed out literature to people passing by in Chinatown and midtown Manhattan.'
  • Radio Free Asia Reports on Appeals in Support of Lawsuit Against Dictator Jiang Zemin

    Radio Free Asia broadcast a report about Falun Gong practitioners in Germany and Europe holding peaceful appeals in front of the Chinese embassies to support the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. Practitioners are successively filing lawsuits in the courts of European countries, charging Jiang with genocide and anti-humanitarian acts through his persecution of Falun Gong.
  • Central News Agency (Taiwan): SARS Strikes Beijing, Citizens Are In a Panic

    "The Beijing Travel Bureau recently conducted an investigation of local hotels, and discovered that since March, hotel occupancy rates have seriously declined. A large number of tour groups have canceled their trips to Beijing. SARS has caused the country to "to stop all foreign contact" and people are in a panic. Both international conferences and general mass activities had to be canceled, causing a severe blow to the general development of the Chinese economy."
  • EFGIC: Brother and Sister Hung by Their Wrists and Beaten - Brother Dies from Torture

    'The police took the siblings to an outdoor “yard”. The police hung them both up by their wrists and then proceeded to beat them severely. These sources say that Mr. Chen was beaten until he spat up blood; his entire body was black and blue, and both his legs were broken. After the beatings, the police sent Mr. Chen to the Huailai Detention Centre.'
  • Pohjolan Sanomat (Finland): Cultivation of Mind and Body

    'Falun Dafa is an ancient Chinese qigong practice, which has been founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi. He brought his practice to the public in 1992 and ever since it has attracted millions of practitioners worldwide.'
  • EFGIC: Lawyer for U.S. Rights Org Takes Aim at Overseas Assets of Chinese Officials Persecuting Falun Gong

    'The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong recently launched an initiative targeting assets and properties of Chinese government officials who have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong in China.'
  • Looking at the Credibility of China's Official Propaganda in Light of the SARS Outbreak

    If the media had been allowed to cover the issue openly at the beginning of the outbreak, reveal the reality of the situation and the risk to the public and to people's lives, it would have resulted in the necessary precautions being instituted earlier. How many lives could have been saved in China and elsewhere?
  • Ming Bao (Hong Kong Chinese Newspaper): Falun Gong Sues Immigration for Discrimination

    'In total more than eighty Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners were refused entry to Hong Kong including the four plaintiffs. They had planned to attend the "World Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference" on February 22 2003. When they arrived at Hong Kong on February 21, the Immigration Office rejected their entry without reasonable explanation and expelled them...Two of the plaintiffs were violently expelled, though they offered no resistance.'