Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • TV Interview: The Two Faces of China’s Economy

    "A habit of depending on the government’s expansionary economic policy has formed and this certainly is not a good sign. One more point is that banks in China have seriously bad debt problems, and they are still providing high-risk loans to state-owned enterprises without these debts being written off. That could initiate a financial crisis and will thus threaten the economy in the future."
  • UK: This Week’s University Radio Broadcast Featured the Beautiful Sounds of Falun Dafa

    Falun Dafa practitioners run a weekly radio show in a UK university. The show allows many students and other people in the surrounding area to learn more about Falun Dafa and the truth about the persecution happening in China today. Here is a brief report on the contents of this week's show.
  • AFP (Agence-France Presse): No Let-up in Harsh Chinese Line on Falun Gong: US rights Report

    "Police often used excessive force when detaining peaceful (Falun Gong) protesters, including some who were elderly or who were accompanied by small children," the report said. "During the year, there were numerous credible reports of abuse and even killings of ... practitioners by the police and other security personnel."
  • Article from London Student Newspaper: Falun Gong Petition

    Over 15,000 students and professors have signed a petition in support of Chinese students who are Falun Gong followers persecuted by the Chinese authorities for their spiritual beliefs.
  • SCMP (South China Morning Post): US says HK Press Falun Gong

    'The US State Department has voiced concern over what it perceives as pressure on Hong Kong from the mainland to restrict Falun Gong criticism of Beijing's policies on the banned spiritual group. The report, issued on Monday, said a series of developments in 2001 sparked worries about pressures on the special administrative region (SAR) to suppress the group's freedom of expression, despite its legal existence in Hong Kong.'
  • EFGIC: Chinese Agents Use Violence Against Guests at a Picture Exhibition

    'On March 31, 2003 a famous Chinese painter, Ms. Zhang CuiYing of Australia was holding an exhibition of her paintings at the Art Galleries of “Teatrul Foarte Mic” Theatre in Bucharest, Romania when Chinese agents entered the exhibition; attacked the organisers; and forced the closure of the exhibition. Ms Zhang CuiYing had held similar picture exhibitions in over 20 countries all over the world. The theme of the exhibition was “Interior beauty and peace in the art of Zhang Cuiying”.'
  • South China Morning Post: EU Tipped to Air Article 23 Concerns

    'The European Union is considering using its next summit meeting with mainland officials to raise concerns over Hong Kong's enactment of new national security laws, according to the special administrative region's (SAR) Democratic Party...The move to legislate against subversion and other state security crimes under Basic Law Article 23 prompted the European Parliament to pass a resolution in December expressing concerns over the possible threat to civil liberties within the proposed legislation...'
  • Reuters: U.S. Accuses China of Broad Human Rights Abuses

    'The United States accused China of a broad array of human rights violations on Monday including summary executions, torture, forced confessions, suppressing political dissent and denying religious freedom..."Abuses included instances of extrajudicial killings, torture and mistreatment of prisoners, forced confessions, arbitrary arrest and detention, lengthy incommunicado detention and denial of due process," the report said.'
  • Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal for the Release of Lin Wenrong in Front of the Chinese Consulate in Bonn

    The reporter saw that many German citizens signed the petition immediately after they learned the facts about the treatment of Lin Wenrong. They also expressed their support for this activity...the activities to rescue Lin Wenrong will last from on 3 to 6 March, and will then move to the front of the Chinese Embassy in the German capital, Berlin.
  • Radio Free Asia Reports on Photo Exhibition in the City of Wartburg

    Wartburg City’s Cultural Bureau and the School of Further Education for Adults held the “Way to Peace-- Falun Gong Photo Exhibition”. The objective of this event was to introduce the worldwide popularity of Falun Gong, and tell the people of Wartburg about the persecution in China. The following is an English translation of the report on this event.
  • FDI: Rescuing Dr. Charles Li is a Matter of Morality and Justice

    Jiang Zemin's regime is severely persecuting Falun Gong in China with the intent of "Destroying the reputation of Falun Gong completely, exhausting Falun Gong practitioners financially, and eradicating Falun Gong..." Yet, during the past nearly four years, Falun Gong practitioners around the world have always used non-violent means to oppose the persecution.
  • URGENT APPEAL: Women on the Brink of Death in Harbin City’s Chamber of Horrors

    40 female Falun Gong practitioners are now facing extreme horrors – what many are calling a “slow execution” – in the Harbin “Drug Rehabilitation” Centre...Physical humiliation, brainwashing, extreme sleep deprivation, electric shock, and rape have all been utilised in attempts to break the will of those incarcerated there...
  • South China Morning Post: Europe urges HK to protect freedoms

    'He stressed that the details of the Article 23 legislation were "something about which we wanted to express particular concern". The report said the anti-subversion legislation could undermine existing human rights and civil liberties in Hong Kong and could be used against anyone the central or Hong Kong government objected to, including political dissidents and religious or spiritual groups such as Falun Gong.'
  • Radio Free Asia Reports on Geneva NGO “Track Impunity Always” Launching a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin

    'On Thursday, an RFA correspondent interviewed Ms. Zheng Zhihong, who rushed to Geneva from Germany simply because of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Zheng Zhihong graduated from Zhejiang University in China, and is now one of the leading figures of a German task force dedicated to the rescue of Falun Gong practitioners and their families. She outlined the situation inside and outside the U.N. building during the last two days...'
  • RFI (Radio France International): EU will Express Deep Concern over Human Rights in China During UN Commission on Human Rights

    'The European Council agrees to express deep concerns over the appalling violations of human rights in Mainland China and the pathetic promotion of human rights in some regions. Torture, execution, Falun Gong, Tibet, Xinjiang, and the ‘Strike Hard’ in fighting crime campaign have been emphasised in particular by EU Foreign Affairs Ministers.'