Press Releases and Media Reports
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AFP (Agence-france Presse): US has "serious reservations" about Proposed Hong Kong Sedition Law
2003-05-08'"Serious reservations remain about provisions for the proscription of organizations endangering national security. As currently drafted, the law stands to blur the dividing lines between the Chinese and Hong Kong legal systems," Reeker said in a statement. Human rights and pro-democracy groups fear China could use the new law to suppress freedoms including those of media, speech and religion.'
Times of India: Falun Gong Wave Reaches Indian Shores
2003-05-08'"The SARS issue will help focus the world's attention on the way the Chinese government lies," points out Jauhal. "Our newspaper, Falun Dafa Today, reported about the virus as far back as November. But the government made sure that the news did not spread." He feels that India's admiration for China and its economic might is misplaced as the Chinese government is merely inserting statistics to show its development.'
Time Asia Magazine Criticises Thai Decision to Ban Falun Gong Meeting: "I Thought Thailand Meant "Land of the Free"
2003-05-08(March 2001) The article harshly criticised the decision as an act of persecution and pointed out that despite the countries pride in the fact that it has never been never colonised, its claims of independence in foreign policy, and its profession to be devoutly Buddhist, the government in Bangkok is allowing Beijing to dictate religious policy in Thailand.
FDI Press Release: Sweden Responds to China's Pressure on Thailand
2003-05-07As part of its worldwide campaign to persecute Falun Gong, the Chinese regime is exerting pressure on the Thai government to deport a Swedish Falun Gong practitioner living in Thailand. The Swedish Embassy in Thailand quickly demanded "an immediate explanation" from the Thai Foreign Ministry for this blatant violation of the human rights of an innocent Swedish citizen.
The Scotsman: Painted Protest
2003-05-07'A professional artist for many years, Zhang began to suffer from severe arthritis in 1996. Unable to paint and barely able to walk, there appeared to be little conventional doctors could do to help. But then Zhang decided to try using the five basic positions of Falun Gong to ease the pain in her joints. The results exceeded all her expectations and in just five weeks she was cured.'
Radio Free Asia: Interview with Falun Gong Practitioners from on the 4th Anniversary of the 4-25 Event
2003-05-05'Jiang Zemin and his group have directed this persecution and one of its most important aspects is telling lies. This can be clearly illustrated by the recent evolution of SARS in China. In the past, people may have argued that what Jiangs group did was to maintain social stability and the image of the nation. However, the issue of SARS makes it undoubtedly clear to us that if they really cared about public interest and social stability, they would have taken proper measures at an early stage. In fact, they do not really care about social stability or public interest; all that they care for is preserving their vested interests, and maintaining their power and influence.'
Swedish Newspaper Reports on Falun Dafa Appeal
2003-05-04The article stated that, Besides the information about the persecution, a special flyer has been printed about the lung disease SARS, and continues by quoting a Swedish practitioner: The fact that China kept the spreading of SARS secret from other countries for several months, is another example of how the regime lies to the people of China and the people of the world.
Washington Post: China Feels Side Effects From SARS
2003-05-04'Officials loyal to Jiang, who stepped down from the presidency in March, are believed to have backed the idea of underreporting the SARS epidemic and lying to the World Health Organization and foreign governments about its spread..."The Jiang clique has miscalculated the situation and is becoming rapidly irrelevant," said Yu, the specialist at the U.S. Naval Academy. Chinese Internet chat rooms are full of invective against Jiang and significantly are not being censored.'
EFGIC: 12 More Falun Gong Practitioners Confirmed Dead From Torture in China Actual Death Toll Remains Unknown
2003-04-30'Inside sources in China have reported the deaths of 12 more Falun Gong practitioners, raising the total confirmed dead in the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong to 673. With the regimes tactics of lying to hide unpleasant news from leaking out made tragically clear to the world in the cover-up of the SARS epidemic, the true number of Falun Gong deaths is surely many times greater.'
Reuters: Could SARS Be Reform-fostering "China's Chernobyl"?
2003-04-29""SARS showed that the Chinese political system has got to catch up with the technology," Lord said. "In the age of the Internet and cell phones that it could keep this sickness secret from the Chinese people and ultimately the world ... the Chinese ought to get on top of this and change that system...It's going to cost them diplomatically and economically. I say this as a friend of China who continues to work for good relations but I believe in being candid," said Lord, who was ambassador to Beijing just before the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre of students demonstrating for political reforms."
The Tech (MIT's newspaper): Lawsuits Against Genocide
2003-04-29'Individual Falun Gong plaintiffs in the U.S. have filed a lawsuit charging Jiang Zemin and other top officials in his "610 Office" with genocide and torture...This lawsuit will require Jiang Zemin to answer for the crimes he has committed against the Chinese people. It will restore China's dignity and virtue as well as social stability built on justice and human rights.'
Time Magazine: Hiding The Patients (Photo)
2003-04-28"We have clearly told the government the international community doesn't trust your figures," said Henk Bekedam, the WHO representative to China.
Press Statement by Irish Falun Dafa Association: On the Fourth Anniversary of April 25
2003-04-26'During the past four years, while facing inhumane persecution, Falun Gong practitioners have maintained the spirit of tolerance, rationality and non-violence at all times. We are here today to commemorate this historical event that occurred four years ago and to call for people to pay attention to this groundless and brutal persecution that has also lasted for nearly four years.'
Report from the Taiwan Business and Commerce Times: Mainland China's Economy is in Shock Under the Effect of SARS
2003-04-26The spreading of SARS in mainland China is already having negative effects on the Chinese economy, especially jeopardising the tourism industry, commercial marketing and trade shows. Experts estimate that China's GDP may be significantly lowered. However, top Chinese economics experts are more worried about the long term effects, as it becomes clear to foreign investors that the Chinese authorities conceal the truth and risk the lives of their people to uphold their international image.
Apple Daily: Dismissing a Couple of Officials From Their Posts Cannot Possibly Change the Chinese Government's Vice of Lying
2003-04-26'The totalitarian system in China encourages lying to cover up mistakes. We should be clear that the administration of the Chinese government never follows any due process, nor does it have enough transparency and media supervision. Whenever there is any problem, the first thing officials will do is cover up the truth and prevent the news from leaking out.'