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Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" by Peter Müller from the International Human Rights Federation
2004-03-31"We normally think of terrorists as a group of individuals who use violent methods to terrorize a state into submitting to their demands. State terrorism is when a whole nation’s resources are harnessed to terrorize its individuals into submitting to the will of the ruling party or leader. This is standard dictatorial and especially Communist practice, not only in China. The description fits exceptionally well the brutal persecution which the former Chinese President Jiang Zemin unleashed against Falun Gong practitioners in China."
Before the Meeting of UN Human Rights Commission, International Human Rights Organisations Held a Human Rights Dinner and Dance
2004-03-28Through beautiful music and dance, the human rights evening hoped to remind people of the continuous violations of human rights in other parts of the world. Taking place before the meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission, the human rights evening appeared more meaningful.
French MP Suggests an Investigation of the Paris Incident
2004-03-27The Celebration of the Chinese New Year in Paris this February was marked by the harassment of Falun Gong practitioners by the French police, who were under pressure from the Chinese government. A French Falun Gong practitioner wrote a letter to his MP. The MP Mr. Alain Marleix replied and suggested that the incident be investigated. Mr. Marleix immediately forwarded the practitioner’s letter to the president of UMP, his political party, and suggested an investigation of this incident. He also expressed his concern to the relevant departments.
Swiss Members of Parliament sent Speeches to the Falun Gong Anti-Persecution Press Conference in Geneva
2004-03-27On March the 15th, Mr. Ueli Leuenberger, member of the Swiss Federal Parliament, and Ms. Maria Roth-Bernasconi, councillor of Geneva State, sent speeches to the anti-persecution press conference held by Falun Gong practitioners at the Places Des Nations. In Mr. Leuenberger’s letter, he indicated his support for practitioners’ efforts to promote the value of human rights in China.
Message from German Lawyer at a Rally in Karlsruhe City Centre
2004-03-25On Saturday March the 6th, more than 50 Falun Gong practitioners from Karlsruhe and the surrounding cities held a rally in the Market Square in Karlsruhe city. They let people know about progress in the criminal indictment filed in the German Federal Procuratorate in Karlsruhe against the former Chinese President Jiang and his accomplices. Practitioners also collected signatures to support this lawsuit. Many NGOs gave speeches to express their support. The following is a speech made by a human rights lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck.
Swiss Member of Parliament's Speech from a Falun Gong Press Conference outside the Places des Nations in Geneva
2004-03-24"I hereby offer my support in your fight for the respect of human rights in China. I also express my support for women and men who take action worldwide in favour of human rights. Those who practise discrimination, suppression, imprisonment, physical torture and psychological torture, those who aim at the elimination of women and men because they belong to a particular philosophical, political or religious trend, must meet with wholehearted disapproval and condemnation."
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: The Free Practice of Falun Gong Should be Protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2004-03-23According to a report on March the 15th 2004 from Falun Dafa Information Centre, some Falun Gong practitioners submitted the case of illegal arrest of Li Ling and Pei Jilin for practising Falun Gong to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (the Working Group). After over 5 months of investigation, the Working Group rendered the above opinion, which will be reproduced in the Working Group's report to the Commission on Human Rights at its sixty-first session.
Message of Support from a Geneva Councillor: “I support the campaign of Falun Gong”
2004-03-23"Torture is unacceptable and total prohibition against all inhuman treatment that undermines the dignity of the individual must be promoted in the most forceful manner possible. Torture is one of the most shameful attacks against human rights."
UN Delegate from Association of World Citizens: “We hope that solidarity between NGOs and Falun Gong practitioners will help to change the attitude of the Chinese Government”
2004-03-22"In her discussion with China, the former High Commissioner of Human Rights, Mrs Mary Robinson, denounced the violations against Falun Gong many times. Special Rapporteurs of the Commission of Human Rights continue to report on the importance of the violations. At the present time, the Chinese Government does not abide by the international law, as it uses different means to prevent the Commission from discussing the topic of Falun Gong."
Message from UN Representative of the NGO Interfaith International: "Interfaith International supports your belief and the freedom of belief and expression in China"
2004-03-22"Interfaith International supports your belief and the freedom of belief and expression in China. We’ll support you during this Commission of Human Rights to denounce intolerance against Falun Gong in China."
International Society for Human Rights Speech during a Rally to file a Genocide Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in Germany
2004-03-22"The truth about the world’s most evil human rights abuser, Jiang Zemin, finally comes to light. Jiang Zemin uses state resources and orders Chinese government officials to carry out his atrocities. Fully utilising China’s media, Jiang initiated a fabricated propaganda campaign to present fictitious events, deceive people and incite hatred against Falun Gong."
Speech by “The Society of Threatened People” at a Rally in Germany
2004-03-21"Over the four years of repression, at least 880 adherents of this spiritual group have died in prisons, labour camps or police stations from torture. One is informed weekly of an increased number of deaths. Torture is a daily ritual in Chinese police stations and prisons. Please believe us that these are not abuses attributable to a few individuals, but a systematic suppression of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party and the country’s leadership. This is no secret, as the country and party’s leadership stressed repeatedly that Falun Gong had to be eliminated."
Speech by the "Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners" at a Press Conference in Geneva
2004-03-19"With the 60th Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva quickly approaching, we would like to encourage you to help rescue Falun Gong practitioners who are persecuted in China, to co-sponsor a China Resolution to highlight the Falun Gong persecution and other human rights abuses, and to obtain passage by the Commission of such a resolution."
Swedish Liberal Party: "We Are Eager to Understand More About Falun Gong!"
2004-03-19In the latter half of February 2004, a western Dafa practitioner received a phone call from the Swedish Liberal Party, inviting practitioners to join their meeting and introduce Falun Gong to them. A party representative said that they were very eager to understand more about Falun Gong and why it is being persecuted in China.
European Union Nations Raised the Issue of the Persecution of Falun Gong many times in the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue
2004-03-18“This cooperative human rights dialogue will make sense only after China has the sincerity to improve its human rights. Nonetheless, the cruel persecution participated and inflicted by all levels of the entire Chinese government system on Falun Gong has lasted more than four years. The facts showed that the Chinese government doesn’t have any sincerity to improve its human rights.”