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For Years I Have Supported My Wife in Her Practice of Falun Gong
2004-04-11I located the Labour Education Committee in Kunming City, and asked them where my wife was being detained. They informed me that if I was not happy with her sentence, I could appeal for reconsideration. I told them that if this was a place with justice, my wife would not have been arrested, where else could I go to appeal? No one there could answer me.
Creating Momentum to Oppose China’s Human Rights Abuses
2004-04-10According to news released by the Falun Gong Information Centre on April the 6th, during the 60th Session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission, several dozen non-governmental organisations will gather at the U. N. headquarters in New York on April the 8th to urge the member countries of the U.N. Human Rights Commission to pay attention to China’s human rights practices. They also will urge the U.N. Human Rights Commission to support the resolution introduced by the U.S. to condemn China’s human rights practices.
WOIPFG Publishes New Book, "Investigation Reports on the Persecution of Falun Gong" -- - Spokesman sends a copy to the ministers of each country during the United Nations Human Rights Commission Meeting in Geneva
2004-04-10The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) announced on April the 6th 2004 that it had published a new book entitled "Investigation Reports on the Persecution of Falun Gong" and its spokesman Mr. John Jaw would introduce the book for the first time in Geneva, where the United Nations Human Rights Commission meeting is being held.
Germany Supports Resolution Condemning China’s Human Rights Practices
2004-04-09The 60th Session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission is being held in Geneva from March the 15th to April the 23rd 2004. Member of the German Human Rights Committee, Mr. Haibach, who is also member of the German Parliament, arrived in Geneva on Monday. Here is a transcript of an interview held prior to his departure for Geneva.
Speeches Delivered by Falun Gong Practitioners at the UN Forum on Human Rights in China
2004-04-09On the afternoon of April the 2nd, the American delegation attending the meeting of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights organised a seminar regarding the resolution condemning China’s human rights abuses. Those attending included representatives of the United Nation’s member states, human rights organisations, Falun Gong practitioners and members of Family Church etc. The auditorium did not have a vacant seat.
Human Rights Organisations Encourage U.S to Introduce a China Resolution at UNHRC
2004-04-08This resolution points out that China's human rights record continued worsening in the past year. Examples include the on-going repression of spiritual and political groups such as Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetans, Catholics, Protestants, the unjust arrest and detention of spiritual leaders and political dissidents, harsh conditions in prisons and labour camps, forced-labour in labour camps, coercive family planning policies, and deprivation of fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly and press.
UNHRC: The Draft Resolution Proposed by the United States
2004-04-08On April the 2nd 2004, during the U.N. Human Rights Commission in Geneva, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations held a consultation to discuss the draft resolution on China’s human rights abuses, which the U.S. government planned to introduce to the U.N. Human Rights Conference. More than one hundred representatives from various governments’ and non-governmental organisations' missions to the United Nations participated in this consultation.
Two French MPs Express Concern about the French Police’s Misconduct Towards Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-07In March 2004, French MPs Christina Jeanjean and Roger Karoutchi sent letters to Falun Gong practitioners expressing concern about the French police’s misconduct towards Falun Gong practitioners at the time of Hu Jintao’s visit during the Chinese New Year, and asking the French government for a strict investigation. Roger Karoutchi said in his letter, “The issue you stated is extremely serious, so I will definitely ask the French government to allow the facts to be openly discussed.”
MEP Liz Lynne writes to European Friends of Falun Gong about the “worrying, and deplorable” Events in Paris
2004-04-05"The Liberal Democrat party recognise the on-going struggles of the Falun Gong practitioners, and have written to the UK government on their behalf in the past. I have also contacted the French authorities personally, and requested of the Directorate General of the National Police that an investigation into this matter be conducted and that steps be taken to ensure such a situation will not arise in the future."
Radio Free Asia: Germany will Support US Resolution Condemning China’s Human Rights
2004-04-04On March 22nd, the US government put forward a resolution condemning China’s human rights. In response, the Chinese government not only put forward a White Paper to defend its position, but also tried to persuade some member African nations to shun the resolution. To gauge the reaction of the German society and government, RFA’s correspondent interviewed a Law scholar from the University of China, Ms Zheng Zhihong, now living in Berlin, on the evening of Tuesday 30th.
Spain: The Ambassador to Chile Replied to a Letter from Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-04'You mentioned in your letter that China (Jiang’s regime) persecuted the human rights of the Falun Gong group who persevere in practicing a traditional Chinese meditation practice. For this reason, I have passed all this information to the foreign department of my country. Regarding this issue, my country will carry on investigating and will reply and provide help accordingly.'
Announcement by China Mental Health Watch: Investigating Mental Torture and Misuse of Mental Institutions in the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-04-03Ever since the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners began on July 20, 1999, the media and human rights organisations around the world continuously reported on the Chinese Government's cruelty towards Falun Gong practitioners, including psychiatric abuse. According to incomplete data, about 1,000 healthy Falun Gong practitioners were forcibly sent to mental institutions, and many were forcibly injected with psychotropic drugs. They received forced electro-shock and some were tied up and force-fed for long periods of time. At least 10 practitioners died from this type of maltreatment. Many of these practitioners were held in hospitals for as long as two and a half years. At least ninety mental institutions in China participated in this particular part of the persecution.
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" by the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-03"The core mission of GMR is to “Call for conscience, moral courage and actions for justice”. In particular, we are committed to raising the awareness of the genocide, genocide of conscience and brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China; and we strive to rescue all the Falun Gong practitioners that are persecuted and tortured in jails, labour camps, mental hospitals, and detention centres. Last but not least, we will initiate, coordinate, and support any efforts of the international community that help to end the persecution and bring the persecutors to justice internationally and in China."
UK MPs and Lords Raise Their Concerns About China’s Human Rights Record
2004-04-02In the last two months, several Lords and MPs have raised questions in the UK parliament about China’s worsening human rights record. For example, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr. Bill Rammell, said, “…we urge that the rights of Falun Gong adherents be respected.”
The World Psychiatric Association Will Investigate Psychiatric Abuse against Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-03-31According to the message sent out through an NGO established last year in New York, China Psychiatric Watch, that Further to last month message, a plan for WPA and SP joint meeting (visit) in Beijing on April the 4th 2004 was accepted by the Chinese Minister of Health and the CSP for examining the records, interviewing patients and their families or doctors who were involved in the examination of those patients after obtaining their consent and access to what is required for those cases that allegedly were subjected to psychiatric abuse.