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Swedish Prime Minister: Speaking out for freedom of belief and human rights is everyones duty.
2003-06-29"The Swedish government understands very well how Falun Gong practitioners are being treated in China, which shows serious violations of human rights. It is important for the international community to voice strong opposition to this. The Swedish government can never approve of the persecution of individuals for their beliefs or political views, nor of brutal oppression. Its everyones duty to speak out for freedom of belief and human rights."
Speech by European Friends of Falun Gong at Article 23 Press Conference in London
2003-06-29"We know how many people are against the introduction of Article 23. 26,000 people have signed a petition against it in the last few weeks alone. Article 23 must be stopped in its present form. We must help maintain the One country-two systems principle, which China agreed to in 1997. Hong Kongs citizens must be given the chance of freedom of belief and expression, which we in the west take for granted, but which should be extended to all citizens of the world."
Members of European Friends of Falun Gong Sign a Petition to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-06-22Lord Hylton said, I give my full support to the case to bring former Chinese president Jiang Zemin to justice, for acts against humanity in his persecution of Falun Gong practitioners since July 1999 till now.
Cultural Revolution-Style Attack Amidst the SARS Crisis -- Another Round of Slander Against Falun Gong from Xinhua Net
2003-06-19We all know how SARS spread in China and to foreign countries, leading to hundreds of deaths. This happened because Jiang's regime covered up the epidemic during the Sixteenth Congress last year and during the Two Conferences this year. The title of the Xinhua Net's article reads, "Impervious to the Sense of Justice." I think this is reminding all of us of the true nature of the Jiang group's cover-up of the epidemic and their usual callousness toward human life.
Response from Swedish Foreign Minister to an MPs Question about the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-06-18"When it comes to the Chinese authoritys treatment of Falun Gong practitioners, we have, as I have mentioned on several earlier occasions, urged the Chinese government to stop its severe assault on Falun Gong practitioners human rights...We have also made it clear to the Chinese government that we will continue to monitor its treatment of Falun Gong practitioners and criticise the authoritys assaults on Falun Gong and other groups human rights."
Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs We will Urge China to Respect the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2003-06-16We have received your letter of support concerning Falun Gong, and have learned that there are more than one hundred million people practising Falun Gong around the world...."
Without High Mountains One Cannot Experience the Lowness of Valleys -- Why Jiang Wanted to Persecute Falun Gong
2003-06-16Jiang's actions can only be explained by looking at the difference between Falun Gong's principles and Jiang's character. There is as an old saying in China: "Without high mountains one cannot experience the lowness of valleys." Falun Gong teaches people to follow the universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, so the practitioners experience deep spiritual awareness and maintain high moral standards. By comparison, the deceitfulness, wickedness, and cruelty of Jiang's character are exposed. Therefore, he could not allow Falun Gong to exist.
Swedish MP Questions the Foreign Minister about Falun Gong
2003-06-14"Pirjos case is only one of the many similar incidences of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Last year when Jiang visited Iceland, more than 100 Falun Gong practitioners were prohibited from entering the country because they were placed on a blacklist. In Denmark, permission for Falun Gong practitioners to attend a Cultural Festival on September 21 2002 was cancelled due to pressure from the Chinese authorities."
European Friends of Falun Gong asks Members to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-14"Today, the worlds determination is put to the test as genocide is taking place in China. It is waged by former Chinese president Jiang Zemin against over 100 million people who practise a peaceful meditation and exercise system known as Falun Gong. Hundreds of thousands have already been sent to concentration camps, and thousands have already been tortured and killed."
Letter to Pirjo Svensson from a Geneva Student Association
2003-06-08"In the University of Geneva, in a very small period of time, more than 1000 students from the Faculties of Medicine, Law, Economic Science and Psychology have signed a petition asking Switzerland, the European Parliament and the United Nations to intervene for your freedom. A lot of students were worried about the outcome of this affair."
Jiang's Unreasonable Request When He Visited the US Last October Rejected by the Texas Government
2003-06-08At that time, everywhere outside the hotel Jiang was staying in were all kinds of Dafa banners printed with "Falun Dafa," "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," "Stop the Persecution," etc. Jiang was very angry as well as frightened. He pressured the state government to force practitioners to remove all the banners. But the state officials immediately turned down his request, "No, this is a free country!"
Statement by the Swedish Ambassador to Thailand Regarding Thailand's Decision to Revoke Swedish citizen Pirjo Svenssons Visa
2003-06-07"Thailand's decision to revoke Mrs. Svensson's visa is regrettable. The Falun Gong Movement and its information materials are not prohibited in Thailand. According to our knowledge, Mrs. Svensson has never acted in such a way as to disturb peace in the Kingdom of Thailand nor against the Thai government. The opinion of the Thai authorities that Mrs. Svensson constitutes a risk to the country's security is therefore hard to comprehend."
Three UK Bishops Express Opposition to Article 23 Legislation
2003-06-07Recently the Bishop of Bradwell, the Rt Rev Laurie Green, wrote to Falun Gong practitioners regarding the Article 23 legislation. She said I do assure you that I will do all in my power to support the intention of your letter and will press for the Hong Kong government to have a proper degree of independence of mind and authority whenever I find myself able to do so.
French Green Party Writes to King of Thailand
2003-06-06"We also know that the former chinese president Jiang Zemin is responsible for the death of many Falun Gong followers. Jiang Zemin and several other Chinese leaders are now sued by courts in USA and Europe for genocide and crimes against humanity. Our Party has for several years now expressed its continuous support to the efforts of Falun Gong followers to let the truth of the persecution they endure be known. We can say they are not at all the kind of people described by the chinese propaganda ; they are good people."
Germany: Speech by Peter Muller of the International Human Rights Association at a Falun Dafa Appeal in Hannover
2003-06-06"It is every U.N. members responsibility to guarantee [basic human] rights. However, none of these rights are guaranteed in China. In this regard, no one knows this better than the Falun Gong practitioners in China. Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted and tortured to disability or death in China. Their family members and friends are even oppressed by the dictator and his accomplices, and this is absolutely unacceptable."