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EU Commissioner Shows Concern over the Paris Incident
2004-02-29"As you certainly know, the EU meets with China biannually to hold a joint dialogue on human rights. Violations of the individual rights of members of Falun Gong in China are among the issues regularly raised, under the banner of freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of belief. We will again raise these concerns at the next session of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue to be held in Dublin on 26 and 27 February."
Delegates at Human Rights Convention in Lyons Express Support for Falun Gong
2004-02-29The conference delegates expressed concerns on the issue of human rights in China, particularly in relation to Falun Gong. Many of them knew what happened during the Chinese New Year in Paris after hearing about it on the TV or radio. Due to lies and pressure created by Jiang’s regime, French policemen had treated Falun Gong practitioners in a manner which violated human rights and opposed the founding principles of the French nation.
Mayor of Spain’s Toledo City: “I will take every possible opportunity to appeal for the end of this persecution.”
2004-02-28"I carefully read your letter introducing the information about the Spanish Falun Dafa Association and the terrible situation that Falun Gong practitioners face under persecution in China...I will take every possible opportunity to raise your issue to the relevant people in Spain and abroad, and to appeal for the end of this persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China."
French MP: “We should give human rights higher priority than economic benefits.”
2004-02-28Recently, a French practitioner wrote to Franck Marlin, Member of Parliament for Essonne and Mayor of Etampes, complaining about the unfair treatment Falun Gong practitioners received in Paris at the end of January. The MP replied saying that he completely agreed with the practitioner and thinks “we should give human rights higher priority than economic benefits.”
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" by German Lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck
2004-02-28The International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”, organised by “Friends of Falun Gong Europe” and “International Advocates for Justice”, took place in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm from January 26th to January 28th 2004. This is one of the conference speeches by Wolfgang Kaleck, a German lawyer who has worked on legal actions against the chief persecutors of Falun Gong practitioners.
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" by Harry Wu
2004-02-27The International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”, organised by “Friends of Falun Gong Europe” and “International Advocates for Justice”, took place in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm from January 26th to January 28th 2004. This is one of the conference speeches by Chinese dissident Harry W who is the author of two best-selling books and is one of the world’s foremost Chinese dissidents. His experience is grounded in 19 years as a political prisoner in China. In the 1990’s, Harry returned to China several times to document human rights abuses and in 1995 he was detained, causing international outcry.
MEP Letter Expresses Hope of Apology from French Authorities to Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-26"I am writing as a European Parliamentary Friend of the Falun Gong to protest the arrest and handcuffing of practitioners who were peacefully demonstrating in the Champs Elysees on Saturday 24th January. There are serious allegations that this was done at the request of the Chinese Embassy. France as a member of the EU and Council of Europe is committed to the fundamental right of peaceful political protest. I find the allegations of giving in to pressure from the Chinese authorities anxious to deny any platform to protesters during the parade deeply regrettable. I do hope that the request by Falun Gong for an apology from the French authorities will be shortly forthcoming."
Italian Human Rights Organisation Again Published a Press Release to Declare Support for Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights
2004-02-25"There is evidence that the French police used brutal and excessive methods to handle Falun Gong practitioners. They came to Paris to attend the Chinese New Year Celebrations staged by the Chinese and French Governments. The arrested people did not protest. They only wore yellow. Two women were arrested while they walked on the Champs Eylsees. When they asked the reason for their arrest the police said: “You are wearing yellow - today yellow is illegal.”"
Irish MEP Replies to a Letter Regarding Recent Incidents in Paris
2004-02-24“The EU, in all political dialogue meetings with China, underlines the importance it attaches to respect for human rights, including the freedom of religion and belief and that it will continue to do so on every possible occasion. At every session of the human rights dialogue with China, the EU urges the Chinese authorities to respect the human rights of the followers of Falun Gong."
President of Swedish Centre Party: “We totally agree with your standpoint that this persecution is not acceptable.”
2004-02-24"Thanks for your letter. In your letter you mentioned the persecution of Falun Gong. Our Centre party and I totally agree with your standpoint that this persecution is not acceptable. We are happy to help you and pass this information to other people as you requested."
MEPs Talk about the Violations of Human Rights Against Falun Gong in Paris
2004-02-23"I am very happy that this morning the European Parliament passed a resolution regarding the preparation for the UN Human Rights Conference in Geneva. The resolution urged the European Union to initiate a motion at this year’s Human Rights Conference to condemn the human rights abuses in China and a series of other countries. In the resolution, the persecution of Falun Gong was mentioned in the text about China. Let’s see if the EU member states would make some active responses to European Parliament's initiatives."
MEP Writes about Mistreatment of Practitioners in Paris: “I take this matter very seriously.”
2004-02-22"I have been in close contact with my colleague Michael Cashman who has written to Ambassador Sellal, head of the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union, not only to express our concerns that this may be a continuation of the campaign by the Chinese authorities against Falun Gong, but also to raise our concerns about the behaviour of the French Police during the New Year parade. This is an issue we have been monitoring for some time and we will continue to do so."
MEP Writes to European Friends of Falun Gong about the Violations of Human Rights in Paris
2004-02-21"I am aware of the Chinese government’s policy on persecuting the practitioners of Falun Gong. My colleagues and I have made representations to the Chinese authorities regarding this issue on a number of occasions and I also raised it myself when I visited Beijing on a British Council sponsored visit eighteen months ago. I am therefore particularly disappointed to see that the French government appear to be seeking to curry favour with the Chinese authorities by the actions to which you have referred concerning the Chinese New Year parade."
A French Councillor Wore a Yellow Scarf to Express Support for Falun Gong
2004-02-21"From this story, I can tell that some French Government officials' orders to "ban yellow scarves" and arrest Falun Dafa practitioners during Hu Jintao's visit does not represent the attitude of all French Government officials or the French people. As a French citizen, I feel ashamed. Why have the policemen from the free land of France arrested their own citizens and followed the Chinese regime’s threats and pressure to arrest Falun Gong practitioners without any justification?"
Irish Councillors Support Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights and Help Two Chinese Students to Return to Ireland
2004-02-20On the 9th of February, Fingal County Council passed a resolution condemning China’s persecution of Falun Gong and strongly arguing that the Chinese Government release the two Chinese students Liu Feng and Yang Fang and help them return to Ireland to continue their studies. At the same time, two other councils passed similar resolutions.