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UK: MPs Raise Falun Gong in Parliament Debate
2002-12-05Mr. Alistair Carmichael, MP for Orkney and Shetland, stated, If we allow ourselves to be seen as tolerating such abuses, the danger is that the view from inside China will be that we are more than tolerating themthat we accept and agree with them. That would be entirely regrettable.
Czech Republic: Letter of Support from Vice Chairman of the Czech Senate to Dafa practitioners during the NATO Summit
2002-12-05"But what the world today does not need less of is quietening down, meditation and knowing oneself. Only in this way shall we all be able to feel free and safe. Falun Gong connects both of these needs. That is the reason why I am personally sympathetic to the Falun Gong movement."
Finland: Letter to a Practitioner from a Parliament Minister
2002-12-05"The EU has repeatedly expressed to Chinas authorities its concern of the actions against spiritual groups. The EU has also in the same way brought up with Chinas authorities some single cases concerning members of Falun Gong. This will be done in the future too."
UK: MPs raise their Concerns over Hong Kongs Article 23 legislation
2002-12-05Dr Stephen Ladyman MP said this is an issue about which I am deeply concerned. Dr Ladyman has raised the issue with both the HK authorities and the UK Foreign Ministry.
Letter from Robert Evans MEP to European Friends of Falun Gong
2002-12-05"You may be pleased to learn that the human rights situation in Hong Kong has received serious attention within the European Parliament on many occasions. The persecution of the Falun Gong practitioners and general respect for human rights has been debated and MEPs have used their position to highlight the situation and apply pressure on the Commission and Council for action."
Amnesty International Issue Formal Response to Article 23 Proposals
2002-12-05"Amnesty International is disappointed that the need to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law has not led to the removal of archaic laws and the development of legislation in line with human rights and international laws and standards. Instead the authorities have included more offences, many of which have the potential to conflict with human rights standards."
BBC: China 'blocks 10% of websites'
2002-12-05"As many as one in 10 websites may be deliberately blocked to users in China, a US study suggests."
UK Foreign Office Minister: SAR Government should go the extra mile and ensure that no rights and freedoms are eroded
2002-12-04The Foreign Minister pointed out: the Sino-British joint declaration on Hong Kong provides that Hong Kong should have a high degree of autonomy from mainland China, In addition, we have noted strong concerns among many sectors of Hong Kong society about the SAR Government's proposals
MEP: Article 23 widens Jiang persecution of Falun Gong to Hong Kong
2002-12-04Mr Helmer MEP asked: How will the Commission oppose China's introduction of Article 23 which will tend to limit the right to free speech and freedom of the press in Hong Kong?
Best of Vienna Report (Austria): Free of Charge Outdoor Practise
2002-12-03The latest issue of the Austrian magazine Best of Vienna, which is published twice a year, contained a report on Falun Gong and some of the benfits of practising.
Finland: Letter from 15 Finnish Parliament Member to Jiang Zemin
2002-12-02We have been informed about ongoing repressions and violence against Falun Gong supporters...Arbitrary detentions, imprisonment without fair trial, abuse, torture and death in police custody should come to an end. We urge China to respect freedom of worship, freedom of opinion and the individual rights of Chinese citizens.
Tribune de Geneve: Falun Gong: Threat or Opportunity for China?
2002-12-02Whatever the line taken by the new leadership of the Party, the desire to eradicate Falun Gong is totally absurd and doomed to failure. Inner freedom cannot be destroyed, even by the most powerful tools of suppression.
Ukraine: Community Expo Certificate of Merit Issued to Falun Dafa
2002-12-01On November 7, 2002, a representative of the Ukraine government issued a certificate of merit to Falun Dafa practitioners who participated in the community expo. He said he understood Falun Dafa and that Dafa deserves the attention of the world's people.
Helsingin Sanomat (Finland): Prime Minister Lipponen defends President Halonen's remarks on human rights in China
2002-12-01[Finland's Minister for Foreign Affairs Erkki] Tuomioja also brought up the violations of the human rights of members of the Falun Gong [..] movement, which he said was a cause for concern in Finland and the rest of Europe.
Amnesty International Urgent Action to Rescue Yoko Kaneko
2002-11-30Amnesty International is seriously concerned for the safety of sisters Luo Rong (also known as Yoko Kaneko), and Luo Zhen, who are at serious risk of torture or ill treatment...