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France: Letter from Ministry of Foreign Affairs Expresses Concern About Missing Falun Gong Practitioners in Cambodia
2002-11-10"The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Mary Robinson, made her concern regarding this issue known to the Cambodian authorities during her visit to that country at the end of August."
Member of European Parliament Writes Letter of Support for Rights of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-11-03"I indeed support your cause on behalf of the Falun Gong and do not believe any regime should be allowed to get away with using bullying tactics, particularly to the extent that the Chinese regime has done in this case."
Letter from UK MEP Caroline Jackson to Hong Kong Chief Executive
2002-11-02"I very much hope that you will use your powers to ensure that there is no repeat of the most regrettable incidents in the spring of this year when Falun Gong practitioners were treated very badly by police who seem to have been out of control. If Hong Kong wants to be a part of the modern world, it needs to leave behind the kind of mindset that has produced the proposal for its 'subversion' law."
EU Foreign Ministry: We are monitoring the developments in Hong Kong closely
2002-11-01The Office of Chris Patten, the EU Commissioner for External Affairs, wrote to a Falun Gong practitioner in September. The letter stated: "Concerning the development in Hong Kong, our delegation is monitoring them closely".
French Presidential Office Express Concern over the Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2002-11-01France and her European partners have been attentively following [details of the persecution of Falun Gong] since 1999..France seizes each high-level bilateral meeting to address the issue of human rights, as during the recent visit to France by the Chinese Prime Minister, Mr. Zhu Rongji
UK: M.P. Writes to Hong Kong Government to Express His Concerns over the Consultation of Article 23
2002-10-30It is of particular concern to me when states respond to threats, whether perceived or real, without due process. When states use their power to oppress and persecute in this way, it becomes almost impossible for individuals to protect themselves and for independent observers to get to the truth of the matter.
Financial Times (London) : No room OBSERVER COLUMN
2002-10-29"But the Falun Gong delegation had its 50-room hotel booking mysteriously cancelled a few days ago and were offered rooms elsewhere, far away from where Jiang is staying. The hotel insists it was suddenly overbooked. Perhaps the US has taken some tips from the UK which, three years ago, shamefully quashed all peaceful protest against Jiang while he was on a state visit to London."
The Epoch Times (Chinese language newspaper): Lord Provost of Dundee attends Minghui Thank-You Meeting
2002-10-26Mr. Ian Luke MP and Mr. John Letford, Lord Provost of Dundee, with Baby Minghui and her parents. They are holding Baby Minghuis new Chinese passport and her mothers passport, on which her registration was stamped but later cancelled by the Chinese Embassy.
UK: Letter from MEP to Chief Executive of HK government.
2002-10-20If Hong Kong wants to be a part of the modern world, it needs to leave behind the kind of mindset that has produced the proposal for its subversion law...I urge the Hong Kong SAR government to investigate the human rights abuses that have been alleged and to drop the charges against Falun Gong practitioners.
UAW Strongly Urges China to End Its Repression of Trade Unionists, Close Its Prison Labor Camps and Respect the Fundamental Rights of Its Citizens
2002-10-18This is the text of a letter from United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger to President Bush urging him to advocate for the freedom of imprisoned trade unionists in China.
France Digipresse: Zhu Rongji Faces Human Rights Issue in Paris
2002-10-16"..What Zhao Ming has gone through is quite different to what any other students of his age have gone through. Solely for his faith [in Falun Dafa], he was tormented by cruel torture in a labor camp in China."
Jyllands-Posten (Denmark): Photos of Falun Gong Practitioners Appealing During ASEM Summit Published
2002-10-14On September 24 2002, one of Denmark's major newspapers, Jyllands-Posten, published photos of practitioners peacefully appealing at the Asia-Eruope Summit Meeting. Left: One of the pictures to appear in Jyllands-Posten.
Schwetzingen News (Germany): Falun Gong in Steffi Graf Park Traditional Chinese Exercises for Inner Peace
2002-10-13"Falun Gong encompasses five easy to learn movements and the teachings of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, the principles taught and thoroughly explained in the book Zhuan Falun. These all help people to lead a life of inner peace and harmony, free from excess stress."
Amnesty International Urge the European Union to Stand up against the Chinese Communist Partys Suppression of Falun Gong and Minority Nationalities
2002-10-11On Monday 23rd September, International Human Rights Organisations urged the European Union to take an uncompromising stand and oppose the Chinese governments suppression of Falun Gong and other minority groups.
Statement of Support from Danish Member of Parliament
2002-10-10"We have during the recent period experienced how the Danish authorities, in what can hardly be seen as anything other than obliging the Chinese authorities, have limited peaceful demonstrators protesting the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners...We strongly protest this. If we start to lose our democratic rights then the terrorists -- whether they are individuals or states -- have won."