Voices of Support, Awards and Recognition
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European Friends of Falun Gong: It is Time to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-06-05"We believe that it is right that Jiang Zemin, the perpetrator of a four-year campaign of brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China, be brought to account for his evil actions in a court of law, and that the worst example of mans evil against man in recent history should be exposed to the world. We give our full support to those in Chicago (USA) and Switzerland who are currently in the process of prosecuting Jiang Zemin through the courts in their own countries."
Russia: Information and Public Facility Association Supports Falun Dafa Activities
2003-06-04"Our information indicates that there are about 100 million people in almost half of the countries in the world practising Falun Dafa. Our investigation had led to the conclusion that the activities of Falun Dafa do not violate the laws of Russia...Judged by the democratic characteristics of the political system in Russia, however, I believe the activities of Russian Falun Dafa practitioners will mature and establish freedom of belief, a right protected by the Constitution."
Lord Bishop of Oxford Writes to Chinese Ambassador to Express His Grave Concern Over the Treatment of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2003-06-02 -
Response from the Swedish Foreign Minister to a Practitioners Question on the Foreign Ministrys Open Day
2003-05-31"Regarding the woman who is now jailed in Thailand, we have raised the issue with the Thai authorities and demanded her release and we have been trying to help her in every possible way, because this is another example of how someone has been stuck in another country, where Swedish law cannot reach them. So we have taken both jurisprudential and political actions. So far we have not succeeded. We hope to have better results in the near future."
Human Rights Organisation Writes to Thailand Prime Minister Calling for the Release of Detained Swedish Practitioner
2003-05-30"Our human rights organisation, ACAT-Switzerland, which is affiliated to the International Federation FI.ACAT and has consultative status at the UN, is deeply concerned by the arrest of the Swedish citizen Mrs. Pirjo Svensson on April 29th 2003 in Bangkok...Mr. Prime Minister, we appeal to you to pay full attention to this case and seek cooperation with the relevant Ministries and administrative officials in order to release Mrs. Svensson as soon as possible and without any restrictions to her staying in Thailand."
Irish Parliamentary Questions About Falun Gong and the Detention of Two Ireland-Based Practitioners
2003-05-30"[The Irish] Government takes seriously concerns about human rights in China, including those of Falun Gong members. Both the Taoiseach and I have raised this issue on a number of occasions with the Chinese Government. We will continue to raise human rights issues in our bilateral contacts."
World Psychiatric Association Members Strongly Condemn China's Abuses of Psychiatry to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-05-29"Despite the resolution of the WPA at the 12th WPA conference in Yokohama Japan...there have been new cases of abuse and torture of Falun Gong practitioners in mental hospitals, some concluded in death, after almost four years of persecution the torture and killing of the practitioners continue. Over 1000 practitioners have been involuntarily detained in mental hospitals at least 91 hospitals have been identified for being engaged in this psychiatric abuse of the practise. Today the number of normal healthy Falun Gong practitioners incarcerated and abused in mental hospitals way way way exceeds one thousand."
At International Meeting of Psychiatrists, UK Researcher Exposes Jiang's Use of Psychiatric Hospitals to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-05-26"Many reports provide evidence that detained Falun Gong practitioners are forcibly locked in mental hospitals. They are obviously mentally healthy but are forced to receive psychiatric treatments and are mistreated or beaten. None of this is treatment; it is persecution. It is very clear that over the past nearly three years, there have been a few hundred of these kinds of cases, each of which has reliable evidence."
Austrian Foreign Ministry Writes to the French Falun Gong Association about Human Rights of Practitioners in China
2003-05-25"The Austrian Foreign Ministry is very clear about the seriousness of the situation of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and we share your concern on this matter."
Letter from Member of European Parliament to Thailand Ambassador
2003-05-24"The world knows that the Chinese government hid the truth of SARS and this has severely contributed to the current worldwide disaster. This incident shows again the attitude of the Chinese regime. What the Swedish citizen Mrs. Pirjo Svensson was holding was material that told the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and the human rights abuses there...I am truly concerned, not only for my countryman Mrs. Pirjo Svensson but also for the people and the government of Thailand. The longer this situation continues, the more it is unworthy of an independent and democratically ruled Kingdom."
Letter from Front Line Human Rights Defenders to Thai Prime Minister regarding the Illegal Detention of Pirjo Svensson
2003-05-23"It seems that Mrs Svensson has been given no explanation or reason for her arrest and detention but it would seem to be in connection with her Falun Gong activities. If this is so then her continuing detention is a violation of her rights to freedom of belief and expression. We therefore call for her immediate and unconditional release."
Letter from a UK MEP to the Thailand Ambassador about Illegally Detained Swedish Practitioner
2003-05-22"Thailand is supposed to be a democratic and independent country but it seems that the Thai authorities are violating both national and international laws and human rights. Two weeks ago a diplomatic note was issued by the Swedish Embassy in Thailand to the Thailand authorities, but there has been no reply as yet. I am extremely concerned about the situation of Mrs Svensson and other Falun Gong practitioners."
French Mayor Writes to Guadeloupe Falun Dafa Association
2003-05-22"Thank you for letting me know about the persecution against Falun Dafa practitioners in China. I have noted your concerns. Please trust me that I will pay full attention to this human rights issue. My support team working in the Parliament, along with myself, will provide assistance to you at any time."
A Letter from Lord Moyne to the Ambassador of Thailand
2003-05-21"There is widespread and increasing disgust in many countries of the world at the unprovoked and inhuman persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist authorities; and your Governments action in collaborating with this persecution is disappointing in that it appears to show that it is to curry favour with its large neighbour. Such action can only diminish the respect with which your country is regarded in the rest of the world and lead to doubts as to the genuineness of its sovereign independence."
Letter of Support from a German Mayoress
2003-05-20A German practitioner wrote to a Mayoress, who swiftly penned a reply encouraging practitioners To have formidable courage, firm belief and brave hearts to advance the efforts of all those people who are working tirelessly to end the repression of Falun Gong in China.