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Letter to Practitioner from Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2002-09-15"The Irish Government takes the human rights concerns of Falun Gong members in China very seriously. Both the Taoiseach and the Minister have raised the issue on a number of occasions with the Chinese authorities."
Amnesty International Holland Begins Campaign Together with Two Other Dutch NGOs
2002-09-15Prior to their campaign, Amnesty dedicated their two-monthly newsletter on human rights and philosophy completely to religious freedom in China. Falun Gong was extensively covered in the newsletter and mentioned as one of the most severely persecuted
The Guardian: Google is back in China but don't try asking any difficult questions
2002-09-14China's web censors have lifted their ban on access to the popular international Google search engine - but they have ways of making sure no one asks the wrong question.
Letter from European Friends of Falun Gong to the President of Ukraine
2002-09-13"We would further urge the Ukrainian authorities not to be influenced in its decisions by pressure from China, and to stand fast against a brutal regime, which has shown no mercy in its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in its own country, and which is now worryingly trying to widen its evil influence by persuading other countries to act likewise."
European Parliament resolution: "Extremely concerned" with China Human Rights
2002-09-12The resolution "Urges the [European] Commission and [EU] member states to exert a more effective control on products coming from China, making clear to the Chinese authorities that the EU can in no way accept products coming from forced labour camps; calls on China to end to this practice."
Financial Times: China steps up curbs on internet.
2002-09-11 -
Swiss Law Firm Expresses Support for Swiss Falun Gong Practitioners' Outstanding Action in Hong Kong
2002-09-10"I hereby take this opportunity to congratulate you on your outstanding actions all over the world, especially in Hong Kong, to protect human rights and to defend mankind's basic rights."
BBC Monitoring Story: Chinese circular on increased security until mid-2003 reported
2002-09-09 -
UK: Statement by Member of Parliament Glenda Jackson
2002-09-09"I remain deeply concerned with the treatment of Falun Gong leaders and adherents in China. Such treatment is in direct contravention of provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, signed by China in October 1999, but which it is yet to ratify."
De Volkskrant (Holland): China Closes Down Search Engines Again
2002-09-07 -
BBC Monitoring: China's Falun Gong [pre-empt] another television signal
2002-09-06Text of report in English by Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post web site on 6 September
UK Foreign Ministry raise Falun Gong issue with the new Chinese Ambassador
2002-09-06In recent months, many UK politicians have voiced strong disapproval of the Chinese Embassy's propaganda and its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the UK. In August, the UK Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Dr Denis MacShane, met the new Chinese Ambassador in London and raised the issue of Falun Gong.
The Guardian: Engine trouble
2002-09-05 -
BBC: China criticised for ban on Google
2002-09-05 -
Financial Times: Search engine moves to lift Chinese block