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The Times: Oliver August in Beijing: life without Google
2002-09-04 -
BBC: Behind China's internet Red Firewall
2002-09-03 -
BBC: Google fights Chinese ban
2002-09-03 -
Wiesbaden Courier: Hong Kong Government Undermines Human Rights With the Verdict Against Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-08-31 -
BBC Monitoring: Eight Chinese teenage illegal immigrants surrender to police in France
2002-08-31 -
BBC Monitoring: Noted Chinese Dissident Bao Tong Slams Party For Exploiting Peasants
2002-08-30"Books that you are not allowed to read of course include Falun Gong books.[..] The contents of the books promote physical and spiritual training with true, kind, and forgiving feelings."
Iceland Media Reports: Spokesmen of Falun Gong Visiting Iceland
2002-08-28 -
The Scotsman: Falun Gong in city centre protest march
2002-08-27 -
Dagbladet (Norwegian daily newspaper): The opposition in mental hospitals
2002-08-27 -
UK: Words From a Non-Practitioner: Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong and Falun Gong Practitioners.
2002-08-25Jiang Zemin's Regime is in blatant breach of human rights. The Chinese government has ordered the arrest and torture of its own citizens; people whos only crime is the wish to meditate and read a book that helps them to become more tolerant and kind.
2002-08-23 -
Ireland: British Embassy in Dublin Replies to Letter from Irish Falun Dafa Association
2002-08-22"We do have serious concerns about human rights abuses against Falun Gong adherents in China. We have made it clear to the Chinese that their actions contravene the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which China has signed but not yet ratified."
Sweden: Newspapers Report on Hong Kong Trial Result
2002-08-20We felt surprised at the verdict of the judge, said Sharon Xu, we would definitely urge him to change his wrong sentence and we are going to appeal until our innocence is affirmed. To Hong Kong, this was a black day.
BBC: UN's Robinson "concerned" over China
2002-08-20 -
BBC: Falun Gong to appeal HK convictions