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Art Image: Unswerving Faith
2002-02-23 -
2002-02-18 -
Poem: A Land
2002-02-18 -
Poem: Journey
2002-02-11 -
A Poem
2002-02-11 -
When Buddhas Smile…
2001-11-27A poem by Falun Dafa practitioner, Peter Recknagel
Poetry: The Way of Truth - Compassion - Tolerance
2001-11-07 -
A Practitioners Understanding of DNA
2001-10-24So what is real science? Real science should dig out the nature of an object; investigate the reasons behind the phenomena. It is to advance to a deeper level, a more microscopic level, rather than argue about the superficial phenomena.
Poem from UK practitioner
2001-10-18 -
Consonantia: Reflections of Respect: Honours Awarded Falun Dafa is Published
2001-09-24This book is a collection of over 600 proclamations awarded to Falun Dafa from 1992 to 2001. The proclamations were submitted by various governments and civil organizations from the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Russia, and Japan, to name a few.
Poem for the Chinese Police: What Do You Think About?
2001-09-11 -
Poem: Wisdom
1899-12-30Every single movement in the cosmos reflects the empty nature of Law,When one's mind is tranquil like a still pond,The magnificent moon is perfectly reflected,All beings are harmonized with the Law,From nothing to everything,All are equal in the Law.
Poem: Sails
-Sails across horizonshaving braved many a storm and seatowards the sunriseand ever beyonduntil new realms come to be.
Stories from Ancient China: Repaying Others Who Have Helped Us
-The owner received a letter from his family saying that his wife was very sick and that he must return to his home immediately. Knowing Zhan Gu to be a honest man, the owner entrusted the business to Zhan Gu and went back home. Zhan Gu promised the owner that he would take care of the business in the best way possible and hoped the owner would come back as quickly as possible.
Ancient Cultivation Story: Penetrating a Rock with a Wooden Drill
-Once upon a time in China, a man went to Jiao Mountain in search of the Dao. He sought the Dao for seven years before he finally met a Daoist deity called Most Exalted Lord Lao. Lord Lao gave him a drill made of wood and told him to drill a hole through a rock that was five-foot thick. Lord Lao said, “You will obtain the Tao as soon as you penetrate a hole through that rock.” It took the man forty years to finally drill a hole through the rock.