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An Ancient Chinese Story Regarding Tolerance: Wang Wenzheng
2005-05-06While one of Wang’s neighbours rebuilt his home, he laid a large pile of building material in front of the main entrance of Wang Wenzheng’s home. As a result, Wang was unable to use the main entrance. He had to use a smaller side door that required him to lower his head when passing the door. However, Wang never made any complaint to his neighbour or anyone else. It was not until his neighbour finished the work that Wang Wenzheng and his family could finally use the main entrance again. Wang Wenzheng acted as if nothing had ever happened. He simply started using the main entrance again.
Poem: Tomorrows
2005-05-05Weeding out all thatWould cloud one’s heart,Where any remnants ofDarkness now forever depart.
Poem: A 'Party Line'
2005-05-04A regime of terrorRuling by murderEver closer nowTo your demise.The world is waitingWith the tempest abatingCome truth revealedBehind your disguise.
Poem: Tides Turning
2005-05-03With the darkest tides turningThe truth at last unfoldingShining a new light upon our tomorrows.
Poem: Sleepless
2005-05-02Strained from sleep,Corridors darkened,Confined by such Vicious hearts…
Poem: Courage
2005-05-01A call to courage,Faith and trust where theLight of the ‘Great Law’ abounds.
Poem: Encompass
2005-04-30From heavens toEven farther horizons,Cultivating heartsTo encompass all.
Music: “Please Sit by My Side” CD Series (7): Predestination
2005-04-30Realplayer On-line (3:29)Realplayer Download (1.8Mb)MP3 Download(2.5Mb)
Poem: The Steepest Rise
2005-04-29Mountains before us,Many behind,Traversing the steepest rise.
Twenty-Four Examples of Filial Piety (7): Tan Zi Brings Deer’s Milk to His Ailing Parents
2005-04-28When Tan was quite young, both his parents came down with an eye disease that the doctors said could only be cured by giving them deer’s milk to drink. As the family was very poor and deer milk was both rare and expensive, the young boy was upset and worried that he wouldn’t be able to provide the medicine that could cure his mother and father.
A Bubble Bursts
2005-04-28The balloon of gas and dust is an example of stimulated star formation. Such stars are born when the hot bubble expands into the interstellar gas and dust around it. RCW 79 has spawned at least two groups of new stars along the edge of the large bubble. Some are visible inside the small bubble in the lower left corner. Another group of baby stars appears near the opening at the top.
Twenty-Four Examples of Filial Piety(11): Wu Meng Attracts Mosquitoes to Drink His Blood
2005-04-27In the Jin Dynasty (265-420 A.D.), a respectful eight-year-old boy named Wu Meng served his parents with devoted compliance. His family was extremely poor and could not afford to install any mosquito netting. On hot summer nights the mosquitoes would come swarming in as thick as smoke. The little boy would remove his shirt and let the insects land on his bare skin. He would watch then drink their fill of his blood, and fly away without raising a hand to shoo them off, no matter how painfully they stung him. Wu Meng wasn’t a fool, but why didn’t he brush the bugs away?
Spitzer Space Telescope: NASA’s Spitzer Telescope Sees Signs of Alien Asteroid Belt
2005-04-27(Spitzer Space Telescope) NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has spotted what may be the dusty spray of asteroids banging together in a belt that orbits a star like our Sun. The discovery offers astronomers a rare glimpse at a distant star system that resembles our home, and may represent a significant step toward learning if and where other Earths form.
Music: “Please Sit by My Side” CD Series (2): Awakening
2005-04-26Realplayer On-line (2:31)Realplayer Download (1.3Mb)MP3 Download (1.8Mb)
The Song Inside
2005-04-25Come find the song inside your heart,can you sing it from your soul?Shine forth the path of our tomorrowswhere the voice of freedom unfolds.