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Advertisement Design for the "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance" Art Exhibition
2005-04-01 -
Poem: The Beast (Chinese Communist Party)
2005-04-01How far do its menacing claws extend, How much longer must its cankerous heart Poison the world before its fateful end?
Poem: Collusion
2005-03-31From the horrors of the forced labour camps To the dens of the psychiatric institutions.China betrothed still to the Chinese Communist PartyTogether, a most vicious collusion!
Poem: Forever Bright
2005-03-30The path rises steep and narrow,A journey through mist and maze.Let the ‘Great Law’ shine wide From inside your heart,Come seize the day!
Universe Today: Super Star Cluster Discovered in Our Own Milky Way [Excerpt]
2005-03-30The Milky Way has several star clusters; collections of stars pulling each other into a tight group. But now astronomers have located a super star cluster, containing hundreds of thousands of stars in a region only 6 light-years across. It's called Westerlund 1, and nobody discovered it before now because it's hidden behind thick clouds of dust.
Poem: Chinese Communist Parties Descent (Part 2)
2005-03-29Betrothed to such burdensome lies, Calculated deceptions that build a stranglehold From core to circumference. A wilt to any sanctuary crowded of crimes, Realms storm-pitched behind sullen skies.
Song Lyrics: Practising the Exercises
2005-03-27It does not matter that legs hurt for a while,Tiredness of hands can be tolerated.Practising the exercises and enduring hardship increases wisdom,Being healthy in both mind and body is good fortune.
From the Discovery of Organisms in the Deepest Part of the Ocean to the Diversity of Life on Earth
2005-03-27In the past few years, more and more of these types of findings have been recognised and reported. According to modern textbooks, these life forms are not possible because organisms cannot survive in such a hot, cold, profound depth on earth, or in highly salt-concentrated water and highly toxic places. Yet similar findings keep coming to the spotlight.
Poem: The Path of Returning
2005-03-26Our faraway home is diluted, Fading in our memories,Millions of years of re-incarnation Covered life with layers upon layers of filthy stains.Finally a ray of light at sunrise penetrates through the horizon,Rinsing away those deposited laments and pains.
Poem: Coming Home
2005-03-25Relinquishing fearOf the evil’s darkness,Fear of all realms unknown.
Chinese Brush Painting: “A Music Ensemble in Harmony”
2005-03-24The lady with her back facing the audience is playing a Chinese pipe, and the lady on the right is playing a Chinese harp (guzheng). The beautiful scenery, lovely weather, beautiful gentlewomen, and the music together give us a harmonious and pleasant feeling. The portrait of the music ensemble means musical instruments playing together, but it also implies a harmonious relationship among the three gentlewomen and a harmonious relationship between them and the natural environment.
Painting: Chrysanthemum Blossoms Seen at Chongyang Festival
2005-03-23The artist stated, "It is my wish that my art will convey to every viewer the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance". Her work is dedicated to the unalienable right of the individual to freedom and justice worldwide, and is testimony to the highest expression of the human spirit.
Scientists Say Hassled Galaxy 'Thriving on Chaos'
2005-03-23Powerful but unknown forces are at work in a small companion galaxy of the Milky Way, astronomers say in the latest issue of the journal Science. Something is keeping the structure and magnetic field of this galaxy (the Large Magellanic Cloud) strong and ordered, even while the Milky Way's gravity works to tear them apart.
Poem: Chinese Communist Party's Descent
2005-03-21Beguiled by skies already eclipsed, Cowering behind torrents constrained to the eye.All furled, fractured insideA more than flagrant heart!
Painting: Child Holds, "Falun Dafa is Good" Banner