Other News
AFP: Chinese SARS measures too late to prevent nationwide crisis: analysts
2003-04-26So far, 14 of China's 31 municipalities and provinces have reported SARS cases...The government has reported more than 1,800 confirmed cases nationwide, and at least 80 deaths, but few believe the statistics are complete.
For the Jiang Regime, Fabricating Lies Is Natural - the International Community is Wary
2003-04-25Because the ruling Party officials previously concealed the truth of the virus, the foreign media in Beijing no longer trust the government statistics. Although the government claims today's data [is accurate], a journalist from the Australian Broadcast Corporation condemned Gao Qiang, deputy minister of health, saying since there were so many lies told, what reason was there for the world to believe the words of the Chinese Ministry of Health?
Scholar in China: Epidemic in China Serious; Society Having Difficultly Accepting the Facts
2003-04-25A scholar from China pointed out that the situation of SARS is very serious now. Many Beijing hospitals removed all SARS patients and concealed the epidemic situation from the WHO professionals who went there for inspection. Public comments all point to the fact that the Chinese bureaucratic system has a deeply rooted tradition of deception, and government officials will watch each other's backs and cover up the truth. Similar incidents are certain to happen again.
The Chinese Ruling Party Covers Up the Truth About SARS; Health Minister and Beijing Mayor Become Scapegoats
2003-04-23Ever since Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) began spreading in China in late 2002, the Chinese ruling Party has covered up the facts and solemnly claimed that the situation was effectively under control. Under great pressure from the international community, the Party chose two scapegoats - the Health Minister and the Mayor of Beijing who faithfully carried out the Party's policy of secrecy.
M2 Presswire Reports that Commission on Human Rights Continues with Consideration of Civil and Political Rights
2003-04-21According to the report, Karen Parker of International Educational Development condemned numerous States for having used the fight against terrorism to carry out repressive policies against domestic opposition. In the case of China, the persecution of practitioners of the Falun Gong was among the worst such violations of human rights.
After Learning that Jiang Has Been Charged in a Lawsuit Overseas, Some Local Police Start to Return the Money They Extorted from Dafa Practitioners
2003-04-20The facts indicate that a certain police station in our city has extorted a lot of money from practitioners. After learning that Jiang has been sued overseas and their crimes have been exposed, the police started to search out practitioners to return the extorted money.
AFP: China admits SARS hit Beijing on March 1, weeks before acknowledged
2003-04-18(AFP)- "The SARS outbreak was first recorded in Beijing on March 1, the capital's mayor was reported as saying Monday, almost a month before its existence was finally admitted. The revelation adds weight to claims by a military doctor that the scale of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic in Beijing was covered up because it clashed with the annual sitting of China's parliament."
CCTV Produces Special Programs to Deceive the Public and Blocks Overseas Reports Regarding SARS
2003-04-18It has been reported from Beijing that Jiang and his cohorts have dispatched a "special envoy" to CCTV to supervise the coverage of the Iraqi war and of SARS. The development of SARS has been classified as "top secret". Briefings are exclusively controlled by a propaganda team reporting to Jiang. It has been learned that top Chinese leaders have become divided over the policy regarding the reports of SARS.
WOIPFG Has Obtained a Name List and Criminal Evidence of Individuals Involved in the Persecution Death of Yuan Jiang
2003-04-16The World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong ("WOIPFG") has verified that Yuan Jiang, a twenty-nine-year-old chief technology inspector, died as a result of persecution. Through our investigation and gathering of evidence from individuals and work units directly involved in Yuans death case, WOIPFG has obtained basic factual information concerning the individuals and work units directly responsible for his death.
Directors of Residence Management Committee's Come to Know the Truth
2003-04-16After she heard the Falun Dafa practitioner explain the facts, the director said, "When we met the first time, I wanted to 'transform' you (to persuade you to stop practising Falun Dafa). I didn't think that you would 'transform' me." The three people laughed together. Then the director said, "Go ahead. If some new some policies or directives threatening your safety come in, if I cannot leave to warn you, I will tell my friend here to call you. You won't be arrested."
Awakened to the Truth
2003-04-16All the officials in a village in Northeastern China have become awakened after Falun Dafa practitioners clarified the truth of the persecution to them continuously with righteous thoughts and actions. They no longer wanted to assist the police in their evildoing against Falun Dafa practitioners.
Chinas Economy Is Being Seriously Damaged by the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-04-16At present, corrupt officials in China are transferring capital to their personal bank accounts overseas. This figure is far more than the investment of foreign capital entering China. The Jiang regime has been pouring maximum capital into the large-scale persecution of Falun Gong and in maintaining its police system and propaganda machine. Therefore, all Chinese and foreign investors should awaken to this fact: Investment in China will no longer bring benefit to the investors or the Chinese people, but only to the corrupt officials and persecutors who will in turn be financially supported to continue their evil deeds.
Police Fail to Shift Blame for Factory Workers' Demonstration to Falun Gong
2003-04-14The workers also protested against the mill's actions by lying on the railway tracks in a desperate hope to solve their problems. The Jiamusi police cracked down on the workers' demonstration and framed them as "Falun Gong practitioners making trouble". The workers responded angrily and said, "Don't try to put the blame on Falun Gong. This has nothing to do with Falun Gong. We just want our delayed wages."
An Order to China's Military Attempts to Wrongly Implicate Falun Gong
2003-04-14"They issued a military order to try to frame Falun Gong." Jiang's political gang used monetary and material resources to persecute the good people who follow "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance"...From understanding this event, people can begin to see more clearly the deceitful tactics at work behind the fabrications Jiang's gang has created to persecute Falun Gong.
Stories of People Starting to Learn Falun Dafa in Prison
2003-04-13After meeting many Falun Dafa practitioners in the Shenyang Detention Centre in Liaoning Province, a female inmate realised the truth about Falun Dafa. She regretted that she did not know about Falun Dafa earlier, or else she would not have committed the crimes that had landed her in prison. She decided to study and practise with the Falun Gong practitioners. The police tried to stop her by shackling her legs for 15 days, but she didn't give in. She said, "The most regrettable thing is that I cannot get a copy of Zhuan Falun [The main book of Falun Dafa]."