Other News
Some Experiences in Clarifying the Truth to Chinese People in South America
2003-03-11One day some fellow practitioners and I came across two Chinese people who worked at the Chinese consulate. I seized the chance to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to them. After listening for a while they said, "We already know the truth. Although we work for the government, we understand you." They then said, "We already have these materials, save them for other Chinese people."
"610 Office" Director Realises the Truth: "Practitioners of Falun Gong Are All Good People"
2003-03-11When I clarified the truth to a resident, she told me that practising Falun Gong was good, and that she used to have a friend who practised Falun Gong and that his illnesses were cured, and he had become a good person. She doesn't believe the television propaganda. Whenever someone talked about Falun Gong in front of her booth, she wasn't afraid of saying, "There are still so many people practising Falun Gong under such severe persecution -- Falun Gong is great!"
Germany: Practitioners Appeal for Lin Wenrong by Revealing the Truth to People in Mainland China
2003-03-07Many Chinese practitioners in Germany have telephoned the labour camp in China where Lin Wenrong is being wrongly imprisoned. Surprisingly, western practitioners often achieve better results than Chinese when phoning labour camps in China. The labour camp authorities are astonished when they hear the truth from western people.
People Admire Falun Gong
2003-03-02The Falun Dafa practitioners sent the information about the truth-clarification website to these young people to allow them to come to understand the true facts about Falun Gong. My cousin also said, "Many people received phone calls from Falun Dafa practitioners from overseas. Falun Gong is splendid. Under such suppression, they still dare to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. People really admire Falun Gong."
Righteous Actions Lead to Righteous Results
2003-03-02The second time, I was taken away by the police from my home. My mother asked my elder sister to hide all of Teacher's books and other Falun Gong literature at her home, but my elder sister was so badly frightened that she did not dare to take them. My mother instead delivered all the literature to my younger sister's home again, and she immediately received and hid the literature.
An 80 Year-Old Intellectual Starts to Practise Falun Gong In China
2003-03-01Seeing that he had such a steadfast belief in Falun Dafa, I replied, "Let me give the book to you as a present." He firmly declined the offer, saying, "I have read countless books but none is as precious as this and I cannot accept it without paying for it." He said from the bottom of his heart, "I will keep this treasured book with the utmost care."
People Recognise the Righteousness of Falun Dafa and Practitioners
2003-02-28It's very difficult to read Falun Dafa books in the labour camp. Some of the guards with compassionate thoughts will secretly help practitioners. One practitioner often "borrows" Falun Dafa books from a guard for everyone to share. When the officials do a search in the cells one of the guards will warn the practitioners beforehand.
Even the Police Are Awakening to the Truth
2003-02-26After having been deceived by the Jiang regime's fabricated propaganda, a policewoman committed many wrongdoings against Falun Dafa practitioners. After she had the chance to get to know the practitioners, she began to feel guilty and started to treat them with kindness. One day near the beginning of winter, she heard that many practitioners may not have winter clothing, so she gave them her own coat.
Wondrous Experiences Lead People to Practise Falun Dafa
2003-02-26Mrs. Liu, a Falun Dafa practitioner in her sixties who lives in Gansu Province, is faithfully diligent and never lets up in her cultivation. Through practising Falun Gong she now looks like she's in her thirties. Though her retirement annuity is only around 5000 Yuan, she understands the urgency in revealing the true facts about Falun Dafa and doesn't hesitate to help financially with the production of Falun Dafa materials.
Young Chinese Students Learn the True Facts About Falun Dafa in Singapore
2003-02-23There are now many international organizations condemning the persecution in China and who are closely watching the situation. We must tell people about the truth of Falun Dafa and the persecution in China. Please help us to inform more Chinese people about the truth facts of Falun Dafa." The girl said, "Absolutely."
Righteous Thoughts from Chinese Citizens on the Internet
2003-02-22"Our locality also has been harassing and arresting Falun Gong practitioners. Some people who are old enough be my grandmother were detained in a middle school during the summer. They took off their clothes and forced them to run around the playground. What is this? I would say that it's a moral disaster! Who does not have any parents? What have they done? Did they rob anybody? Did they kill anybody? Those who really kill or rob people are left alone!"
Friends of Falun Gong USA: Wenbo Zou, A Courageous Man in Danger
2003-02-22Wenbo is under constant threat of being kidnapped and brought back to China to be persecuted further. See the main article to learn about who he is, what he does, and FoFG's efforts on his behalf.
A Village Party Secretary's Righteous Thoughts
2003-02-17The secretary and tax collectors went to every villager's home to collect the tax. When they came to a practitioner's home, the practitioner was busy making a huge banner reading "Congratulations: The Anniversary of [city name omitted to avoid persecution] City's Falun Dafa Day." He immediately paid the required agriculture tax. The tax collectors said to him with a smile, "Keep making your banner, we won't bother you."
A Chinese Restaurant Owner Learns Falun Gong
2003-02-17Gradually, my father brought up the topic of Falun Gong. The owner right away said, "Who would believe what they say? More and more people are practising Falun Gong. Is it really good?" My father replied, "Of course it's good! I have done research on qigong and martial arts for so many years. I can clearly judge whether it's good or not."
Practitioner Chen Ruichang Is Released After A Global Rescue Effort
2003-02-15With the collective efforts of the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners and all Dafa practitioners around the world, Dafa practitioner Chen Ruichang in China, the former Deputy Chief of the Editor-in-Chief's Office at Guangdong Province TV Station, was released on January 15, 2003 after being illegally detained for two years.