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What I Saw in a Dream About the Conclusion of Fa-Rectification
2008-08-04I carefully walked to Teacher and murmured in fear, "Teacher, can I go back with you?" Teacher slowly turned his head and looked at me with a very serious look and said, "You are still not good enough." Upon that, I slid down.
An Understanding about "Good or Evil Comes from a Person's Spontaneous Thought"
2008-08-04One may not be able to recognize one's attachment during a tribulation, however, the persecution should be sternly denied. When the tribulation occurs, one should be firm in his righteous thoughts and deny the persecution instead of making the tribulation worse by allowing the old forces to use our attachments. Afterwards, we should find out what the attachment is that caused our omission and eliminate it through cultivation so that the old forces will not have an excuse to use it again to interfere with our doing the three things.
Believe in Master and Dafa, Keep Up With Fa Rectification (Part I)
2008-08-03I wanted people to know what Falun Dafa was about and its worth, even if only one person learned the truth. I used pressure-sensitive copying paper so I could produce three copies at a time, and when I was tired, my sister took over. We accumulated 50 copies before going out and posting them. It was the first time we had some kind of authentic information about Falun Gong in our local area, and I did what a Dafa disciple was supposed to do.
Take the Fa as Teacher, Because There Are No Role Models to Follow in Cultivation Practice
2008-08-03In my understanding, a practitioner's being arrested during this time is perhaps because the old forces are using the excuse of his not respecting Teacher and the Fa, and therefore they use his attachments and loopholes in this respect as their excuse to ruthlessly persecute him. As Dafa practitioners, we do not acknowledge any persecution. But since it has happened, we should look inside to find the reasons why and the lessons that we need to learn from this.
My Understanding of "Harmonization Without Destruction"
2008-08-02When our thoughts deviate from the universe's fundamental principles of Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance, and our main consciousness realizes it, then we can actively assimilate to Dafa to rectify our thoughts. In the process, the negative substances within us will be reduced, and we will gradually become righteous. It is a repetitive process until we thoroughly assimilate to Dafa, align ourselves with the fundamental characteristics of the universe and finally reach the state of "all-harmonizing-and-never-failing."
A Few of My Truth Clarification Experiences
2008-08-02I have met people who don't understand what I'm talking about and simply laugh. They say, "Young people like you also believe in this?" Some people have refused to talk with me and some have reprimanded me. I refuse to let them move me. Instead I send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the communist evil spectre and other evil factors behind them.
Thoughts on Seeking "Inside Information"
2008-08-01At those times when the evils are gathering together to persecute practitioners, it's a good opportunity for us to clean them all out. Teacher provides us with opportunities to establish our mighty virtue and we should treasure them. Miracles can happen when we firmly believe in Teacher and the Fa and use Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts to handle all things.
Righteous Thoughts Led Me Out of the Detention Center
2008-08-01While sending forth righteous thoughts, I thought of eradicating all the demonic beings, demons, and dark minions, cleaning out the old forces' elements, and denying any pact with the old forces. At the same time, I called out to Master: "Your disciple is asking you, 'Help me out of here so I can fulfil the vows I have made in a prehistoric time and save sentient beings.'"
A Young Practitioner's Account of an Extraordinary Experience While Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts
2008-07-31Then a red faced general came towards me. I saw that he looked honest and reliable, thus I gave him my command seal to clean up the mess. After he took the command seal he looked at me with a guilty conscience and walked away quickly. I suddenly felt that he looked strange and thus I dragged him back and asked him what was wrong. He was so frightened that the did not say anything and his red face expanded and turned purple. I knew that it was evil and thus I put it inside the bottle too.
Exchanging Views with Fellow Practitioners on the Issue of Donations to Earthquake Disaster Areas
2008-07-31Regarding the fact that the village leaders were moved by the practitioner's initiative in donating the money, even though they expressed their wish to protect the practitioners, they were simply grateful for the practitioner who helped them to fulfil the task given by the CCP. They did not really understand that when the money went to the CCP departments it would be used to crack down on dissidents. They might not know that the CCP has always acted with utter disregard for human life.
Overcoming Poverty to Establish a Falun Gong Materials Production Site
2008-07-30As I continue studying and memorizing the Fa, I keep thinking of new ways to save sentient beings and persevere in executing these ideas. The evil beings can do nothing about me. After a while, I received money for the materials site. My company then increased my salary by 700 yuan. When I received the next pay check I was in tears. I knew Teacher had been watching over me and knew the increased salary was meant to fund the site.
Leave All People and Things with Compassion at All Times
2008-07-30Nowadays, there are all kinds of people on the streets: beautiful ladies, handsome men, homely ones, pretty ones, and beggars. What kinds of thoughts do we think about them? Are they compassionate? If the thoughts are bad, they have a negative effect, because a thought of ours is a substance that has energy. At the same time, we'd lose virtue (de). Also, our bad thoughts, which are alive, can have an impact toward developing viciousness in the person--it'd be just the same as pushing the person closer to hell.
Have We Found Joy in Hardship?
2008-07-29In the Fa-rectification period, Teacher will help us with everything as long as we have steadfast faith in the Fa. I have faced many tribulations, but Teacher has helped me pass all of them. When I wished to clarify the truth to people in order to save them, Teacher made arrangements. When I ran into trouble due to my attachments, Teacher helped me overcome the trouble once I detected my attachments and rectified my mentality. As a result, those difficulties didn't cost me any tangible losses.
When Will We Truly Become Divine Beings?
2008-07-29When we come across a problem, be it of human or divine nature, we are required to look within. To resolve the issue at hand is critical and it is the dividing line between a human and a divine being. At present some practitioners are taking a passive attitude and try to hide from the seemingly rampant persecution. They use human notions to look at the situation and a human method to achieve temporary security.
The Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions of an Elderly Practitioner
2008-07-28At the brainwashing centre, the staff said to her angrily, "What the hell are you doing here?" The practitioner kept her composure and said to the staff clearly, "I am here to distribute flyers. Falun Dafa is good!" Then she took out the two flyers left in her handbag and gave them to the staff saying "These are the only two flyers I have left, please take a look!" The staff turned to the police and said, "Take her back home!" Without saying anything, the police immediately drove the practitioner home.