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My Recent Understanding About the Attachment of Fear
2008-05-07Feeling fear is not your true self; fear is a notion formed after birth in this world. When the attachment of fear appears, we should instantly deny, repel, and reduce it. If we openly and righteously go and do whatever we should do, we will never be affected by the attachment of fear. Otherwise, can we believe that we are practitioners?
A Different Approach to Teaching
2008-05-06After looking inward I began to understand that this opportunity should not only be used to help their education but also to help them understand the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China, and to explain to them the history of the Communist Party. Then they would be able to make their own decision of whether they still wanted to be a member of the Party and its affiliated organizations.
A Practitioner's Every Thought Is Important
2008-03-12If we truly want to help people, when we clarify the facts with a compassionate and calm mind, when our own space emits positive energy, people will naturally feel comfortable and be willing to listen to us, and it will be easier for them to accept what we have to tell them.
Facing Accusations from Fellow Practitioners
2008-03-12I composed myself and thought over my recent conduct, coming to the conclusion that the incorrect circumstances at the materials site and in my surroundings were reflections of my own cultivation state. Master in many lectures had told us about searching inside so why is it that I couldn't manage to do so?
My Understanding about Sharing among Fellow Practitioners
2008-03-06Nowadays when sharing, practitioners sometimes become trapped within the constraints of who is right and who is wrong. The real issue is that we should look inward so that we can meet the requirements and standards of the Fa at different levels.
Using Technology to Support Falun Dafa
2008-03-06When distributing materials containing the facts about the practice and the truth behind the persecution and other such activities, practitioners immediately recognize interference as soon as we encounter difficulties. That's when we have to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference. By contrast, when we face technical difficulties, we tend to be immediately trapped within the technology and have a hard time extricating ourselves
Some Understandings about the Attachment to Personal Gain
2008-03-04I always thought that I held little interest when it came to money. I always thought that even if piles of money were put in front of me I would not take any and my heart would not be moved even a bit. I thought I had let go of the heart of seeking personal gain, but in reality that was not the case. I lost my job because of the persecution. I was in a financially difficult situation. For years I pinched and scraped. Unknowingly I became very attached to material gain.
A Farmer in China Shares his Cultivation Experience
2008-03-04Later, I stopped taking medication, and my neighbours and friends asked me why. I could barely speak, so my wife explained to them that we were Falun Gong practitioners and our Teacher was taking care of us. After a month, I was able to walk again. Others felt that it was incredible since they thought that I would be disabled. Knowing that I practised Falun Gong, they started to see Falun Gong as being miraculous and spread the truth about the practice.
The Power of Compassion
2008-03-03I could not help looking back at my cultivation journey. How much had I truly thought about others during those painful tribulations or conflicts? How many times had I truly let go of the attachment to myself? How many times had I really realized, from the bottom of my heart, that I should be a genuine Falun Dafa disciple who always searches within himself, compassionately treats others, and tries to offer salvation to the numerous sentient beings?
All Issues Can be Resolved Simply by Looking Inward
2008-01-28I began practising Falun Gong in 1999. After the illegal, ruthless and highly inhumane persecution started against the practice in China on July 20th, 1999, I used my human notions to show other that Falun Gong is something and good and shouldn't be treated in such a way, as a result I was subjected to constant harassment. Afterward I diligently studied the Falun Gong teachings and found that I needed to change my thoughts.
Doing Well in my Cultivation Enables me to do Well in Exposing the Persecution
2007-12-10At the very beginning I was afraid that other people might know that I practised Falun Gong and so I hid the Falun Dafa books and practiced the exercises in secrecy. In doing things for Falun Gong I was always timid and felt like my heart was in my mouth. Whenever someone knocked on the door or the telephone rang, I would instantly be overcome with nervousness. Even when I saw a police officer or a police car in the street I would be terrified.
Miraculous Things Happen When You Look Inward
2007-12-04Is my kindness selective and conditional? If I like you, then I am compassionate. If I don't like you, then I am not compassionate? Isn't this a manifestation of selfishness? I suddenly came to realise that my son's behaviour is a mirror of myself.
Treasure your Cultivation Environment
2007-12-03Right then, I suddenly saw my husband walking towards me. I couldn't believe my eyes. My husband drove all the way from San Francisco to Los Angeles! It must have taken him a minimum of six to seven hours of driving. How would he know that I would be in front of the Consulate? Why did he come? Would he force me to go back? I must not go back, because tomorrow was the Conference. Would he make a scene? All sorts of thoughts flashed through my mind.
Letting Go of Human Attachments and Self-Validation
2007-11-25Although I kept reminding myself of these things, I couldn't help feeling good about myself and held myself in high regard for my understanding of the Fa. I didn't realize that the thought was not from my true nature, and as I didn't eliminate it right away, it gradually grew into an attachment to self.
Looking Inward Should be our First Action
2007-11-23I have noticed that whenever I feel uneasy or angry because of another practitioner's behaviour, I have always started venting at them, resulting in a heated and negative outcome. I can now see that this is all caused by my attachments and notions.