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With Compassion to Save People, Truth-Clarification Materials Will Be Effective
2008-08-20A practitioner was going home around noon one day when she passed a kiosk, and bought an ice-cream. The owner of the kiosk was watching a truth-clarification video using a small DVD player. The practitioner asked her where she got the disc. The owner said that someone brought it to her home. This practitioner had never brought truth-clarification material to people's homes in the city, so the owner must have received the disc from someone else, maybe an ordinary person.
The Danger of Allowing Attachments to Grow
2008-08-19When others were going through tribulations, my uncultivated speech did not give them any support; it instead created bigger tribulations for them. Therefore, cultivation of speech is very advantageous with no shortcomings for either others and myself. I must truly pay great effort to cultivating my speech well.
Overseas Phone Calls Frighten the Evil
2008-08-19Some people that we called did not want to listen, or at first would say that the CCP is not that bad. However, remembering our mission, and maintaining our firm righteous thoughts, compassion, and the perseverance that we truly want to save them, we continue clarifying the truth to them. Finally they would agree with us; and some said they would quit the CCP. At moments like these, we bust into tears of joy.
Saving People Is Part of One's Cultivation
2008-08-18We should try to make use of any opportunities, spread important messages including "Falun Dafa is good," "Withdraw from the CCP to safeguard yourself" in clear and brief words, and try our best to tell them more. Experience has taught us that for those who need to hear or see truth clarification more than once, it is possible that we usually have a moment to say a few more words to them. As long as we can manage the timing according to people's mindset, we can clarify as much as possible.
Witnessing the Power of Dafa During Truth Clarification
2008-08-18We could tell from the expressions on their faces, which cannot be described in words, that they were extremely grateful. We then explained the facts about Dafa and asked them to quit the CCP. Both of them immediately agreed to quit.
Steadfastly Maintaining Righteous Thoughts and Actions While Imprisoned
2008-08-17From this incident, I realized this was Master's compassionate arrangement giving him one more chance to mend his ways. So I used this opportunity to clarify the truth to the prison directors and got an unexpected good result. When I was clarifying the truth to those directors and guards, some of them even had tears in their eyes
The Mighty Power of Righteous Thoughts Helps Me Overcome Tribulations
2008-08-17To the disciples who are being imprisoned and constrained, hurry and use righteous thoughts to rid yourselves of the shackles, return to and assist Master in the tide of Fa-rectification. Time is pressing, so don't hesitate. Use a Dafa disciple's righteous thoughts to strengthen fellow practitioners in the forced labour camps or jails." I looked at the clock. It was 12:40 p.m. I had sent forth righteous thoughts for 45 minutes. The pain had disappeared, though I didn't even notice when.
To Practitioners Outside China Whom I Have Never Met
2008-08-16Falun Gong practitioners outside China may not be living in the same cruel and adverse environment as in China, but you have given up your comfortable life in a stimulating and free world and let go of fame, self-interest and sentimentality among ordinary people, remaining steadfast for the sake of ending the persecution of Falun Gong and saving sentient beings. This is most precious.
Walk the Final Path of Fa Rectification Well
2008-08-16In order to do it well, we must study the Fa well. Fa study is the foundation for eliminating all attachments and establishing firm righteous thoughts. Fa is the foundation for every Dafa disciple. No matter how busy we are, we cannot ignore Fa study. Even if we only have a little time, even if we can only read a small paragraph, it is better to do intently than to read the entire book with an absent mind
My Thoughts on Cultivation Regarding Eutelsat Cutting Off NTDTV Broadcasts into China
2008-08-15This time [during the 2008 New York Fa Conference in May], Master has made the Fa very clear. But why have we still failed to take the Fa as our guide? Why are we still unable to read or memorize the Fa often and use the Fa to defeat the evils' plots? We have instead become more intimidated by the evil, and have even almost lost the environment that Dafa practitioners have come by through making sacrifices and enduring hardships.
Reflections on the Eutelsat Incident
2008-08-15I feel that the main problem with overseas Dafa practitioners is a lack of sufficient truth-clarification efforts, and not thinking over the situation cohesively. They did not put much value on clarifying the truth to Eutelsat, the American Government, different levels of government agencies and some large companies. The same situation occurred in dealing with other countries. They did not think of clarifying the truth until problems occurred, and then they complained about those in the ordinary society being wrong.
Sharing on Giving Up Attachments After Being Attacked
2008-08-14I also wondered why the person who was hit didn't fight back. I felt injustice but at the same time, I knew to ask myself whether I could follow this same noble principle if it had happened to me. My self-doubt allowed my thinking to become more entrenched, and I believed that because I had not experienced such a test, I could not have passed the test. Doubts about my own xinxing grew from there.
Reminding Fellow Practitioners Not to Neglect Doing the Exercises
2008-08-14Studying the Fa and cultivating oneself is most important, but we should not neglect exercise either. Because we have the sacred mission of assisting Teacher to rectify the Fa, we need to use our physical body to validate the Fa and save sentient beings. Sometimes I felt that I was very busy and had no time to do the exercises. But was this really the case? Looking back, it was an excuse to not do the exercises. I claimed to be busy to cover up my pursuit of comfort and ease. In essence, I still have a gap and am not diligent enough.
The Danger of Having Attachments to Everyday Things and Setting Aside Dafa Work
2008-08-12Then I saw a lot of Dafa disciples in the images of Gods, Buddhas, or Taos rising up from the ground. I was very excited. But I also saw some painful scenes: some Dafa practitioners, many of whom I had known, who had not done the "three things," were waving in tears and saying goodbye to those practitioners who flew away.
Only By Renouncing the Old Forces Can We Emerge from the Persecution
2008-08-12Some other practitioners took down their dishes voluntarily after hearing about this incident. However, some other practitioners at several villages had very strong righteous thoughts. They said, "Since this is not arranged by Teacher, why should we believe in it?" They shared among themselves, completely rejected the old forces in their minds, and kept sending forth righteous thoughts. The police never went to their villages!