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My Experiences of Moving from Australia to Cornwall
2007-10-14When I had just started practising I had the sense that I would one day return to Cornwall to give the people in that area a chance to find out about the practice and the brutal persecution. Now it seemed that was coming true. However, instead of making the best use of my new found time, my attachment to comfort came up and I became lazy and found excuses for not practising the exercises or studying the Falun Gong teachings, the Fa, saying “I have to spend time applying for jobs” or “I have to fit in with my family’s routine now”.
A Reminder to Value Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts
2007-10-14Gradually I reduced my sending forth righteous thoughts to three times daily, then to twice or once a day. My excuse was I felt tired during sending forth righteous thoughts. This abnormal state continued for several months. Finally the evil took advantage of my loopholes and started persecuting me.
A Matter of Life or Death
2007-10-13Right now I must tell you that writing a sharing article like this is an accelerated cultivation process and so I am not the same person at the end of this sharing as I was when I began the first draft. As you will see, I begin full of doubt and uncertainty - to explore rather than to explain. As I am going to talk about a recent event where I was confronted with a life or death choice, I would like to say a few words about events in my life prior to this that put this specific event into some context.
A Brief Sharing
2007-10-11Later at moments when I had a more peaceful mind, I found what annoyed me most was not so much his opinions as the fact that his opinion was different, very different in some aspects, from that of mine. At these peaceful moments when I could better let go of the ego, I could see more clearly the value of the suggestions of the other party. Even when facing the issues on which I still believed the other party was not correct, my mind state was one of more benevolence, care and respect for the other party.
My Fellow Practitioners in Mainland China
2007-10-11The head of the security bureau said, “No wonder that there has recently been a lot more leaflets in our area. Tell the truth, was it you?” This seemingly simple question sounds completely different in the kind of evil and harsh environment of mainland China. If you admitted guilt, ordinary people would take it to mean “doubly guilty”. So many would reply, 'No, it was not me'. The lady, on the other hand, said, “I really would like to distribute leaflets across the whole world, telling everybody about Falun Gong. It’s a shame that my means are limited.”
My Cultivation Journey
2007-10-10He told me that the book talks about a lot of good things and to follow the principles of the book, he shouldn’t allow a divorce to happen and should instead work on improving his character. He asked me to give him a three year chance to improve his character and be a better person. How could I refuse an opportunity to save our marriage? For him to have the confidence that he would change and to make the effort, Falun Dafa must be good.
Experiences In Organising the Edinburgh Cavalcade In Scotland
2007-10-10The Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh has tried to pressure the Cavalcade organisers to refuse our entry for the last five years. Although the current Organiser has not given in to the Consulate’s demands, we have not been allowed to hand out leaflets with information about the persecution of Falun Gong for the last two years. Also the Edinburgh Chinese Community, which is backed by the Chinese Consulate, has taken part in the Cavalcade this year and last year.
Escaping from my Handcuffs and Foot Shackles With Ease -- Let's End the Persecution Immediately, Starting with Myself
2007-10-04This evil persecution against Falun Gong should have never begun. But there hasn't been a day that has gone by in the past eight years that Falun Gong practitioners have not been persecuted to death. To this day we are paying a dear price to resist the wicked persecution of Falun Gong. It has been eight long years. Each of us should ask ourselves, "Why? What have I done to completely end this persecution? What have I been doing?"
Thoughts From Children Complaining to Their Mothers
2007-10-02On the surface, I am able to endure hardships when doing truth-clarification projects. Sometimes when fellow practitioners treated me unfairly, I controlled myself well. But after digging deeper, I realized that whenever I had disagreements with our local coordinator, I always thought of complaining about it to Teacher. Isn't this thought of mine the same as that of the kids complaining to their mother?
A Brief Discussion on Compassion
2007-09-26After some time, practitioners started to have disagreements about this and divided into two factions. With the differences growing larger, intense arguments followed. Practitioners who like to listen to these stories said that it helps them to understand their own attachments and let go of those attachments. Practitioners who refuse to listen think this is a kind of interference, specifically an attachment to previous lives. During this time, the practitioner who likes to recount such stories has been keeping quiet.
A Good or Bad Outcome Comes From One Thought
2007-09-18His words reminded me of what Teacher said, "...good or evil comes from a person's spontaneous thought..." I gritted my teeth and stood up, saying I was fine. Actually, I was in a lot of pain at that moment. I thought all of my organs must be injured. But then I remembered what Teacher said, and I did not think that way nor express my thoughts out loud. I prepared to go back to work by patting the dirt off my clothes. As I patted, all of the pain disappeared! There wasn't any pain left and I also felt very light. I was surprised and happy.
Directly Targeting Attachments By Looking Inward
2007-09-17However, we have sometimes failed to pay attention to this, and we have lost a lot of opportunities to upgrade our characters and temper our hearts. I have come to realise that it is often these little things that touch upon our fundamental attachments.
The Best Thing to Do is to Simply Follow What Teacher Says
2007-09-10Previously, I did not work as hard and yet no one found fault with me. Funnily enough it was when I began to make changes in myself that people started to find fault with me. As the conflicts escalated, I remembered that Teacher told us to look inward. I wondered if I needed to let go of my strong attachments to competitiveness. Amazingly as soon as I enlightened to this, the people who had problems with me seemed to have forgotten what happened and started to act nicely toward me
My Experiences Translating and Polishing Articles
2007-09-10I have been translating and polishing articles for about two years, and during that period have been able to make some real advancements in my cultivation. At first I did not realise it but much later I recognised the fact that most of the articles I received contained something that directly related to my attachments or the current issues I had been dealing with.
Led by my Mother's Example I Came to Practise Falun Gong
2007-09-06After cultivating for one year, I came to truly understand the founder of the practice and also my Master, Mr. Li Hongzhi's benevolent care for us, which helped me to overcome difficulty after difficulty. I started to studiously read the precious book Zhuan Falun, and I was convinced by the principles laid out in the book. I saw how attached I was to ordinary people's fame, self-interest and emotions and also how lucky I am to have come to understand Teacher's great benevolence at a deeper level.