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What I have learned from my cultivation
2007-09-01Today, I would like to share with you my experiences in Fa rectification cultivation. It was in June of 2004 that I moved to London with the thought of participating in the twenty four hour peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Embassy, in addition to helping distribute the Chinese Epoch Times newspaper. At that time, we did not have as many newspapers as we do today. By using knapsacks and a cart, several practitioners could manage to take the newspapers to China Town.
A Brief Sharing on Dealing with Other Opinions
2007-08-30Like other practitioners, I have understood the principle of letting go of oneself for a few years, but at the moment when a tribulation occurs, I might at times deal with it like a person who doesn’t understand this principle. After struggling through the tribulation, and looking back for some enlightenment, it is interesting that often what I got enlightened to was the same principle of letting go of oneself, known many years ago. Maybe this is because we cultivate layer by layer, and the layer that is cultivated and clear-minded will be separated from this human side and whatever that is left is again not clear and needs to cultivate anew.
Recognizing my attachments in cultivation
2007-08-30I first read Zhuan Falun when I was about 10 years old. I did not read it in one go, and I hardly understood the content, but I did not doubt a word of what was written. My mother also did the exercises, but due to her language barrier did not read the books so much. The main thing that held back my mother was fear. Recently, I have seen this in myself, which I had never thought of before. I found it could be categorized into two types which are 1. Fear of what people may think of you, this is the attachment of reputation 2. Trying to protect oneself and not thinking of others. I often got scared for no reason, but then came a stage when I realized that “fear” itself is not a part of me.
Lost in Delusion
2007-08-29I can clearly see and interpret the bird's foolish attempts to defend his imagined territory against an imagined enemy (actually himself). Blinded by the reflection of the woods in the window glass, the bird cannot look beyond the window into my world--to him, the world of the enlightened beings. I know that if the bird only had a better level of understanding and stopped to think and look inward, he would quickly recognise himself in the reflection.
Letting Go of Fundamental Attachments and Validating the Fa with Wisdom
2007-08-28"I’d like to share today three experiences I had that I hope will be helpful to fellow practitioners on their path of cultivation and saving sentient beings. The first is about finding a fundamental attachment, the second is about trying to validate the Fa through academic research, and the third is about coordinating a small truth clarification project."
Stepping Forward Instead of Just Following Others
2007-08-28Where before I was afraid, I can now feel Master is taking care of things, and if I can have faith in Dafa and just do my best in all situations, the true purpose will be revealed. Ultimately, coming to the UK has given us the opportunity to really step forward rather than just following others. I will try my best to catch up with exercises and Fa study and become truly diligent.
Finding the Reason for My Poor Results in My Efforts to Study the Falun Gong Teachings
2007-07-11My attachment of selfishness was exposed. It was so shameful and formidable to have the attachment of trying to take advantage of Falun Dafa. As Teacher said in On the Novel The Cosmos' Calamity: " shouldn't let your heart and mind bob about like duckweed, stirred at the first hint of wind." My mind and body weren't truly rooted in the principles taught in the Falun Gong books.
Removing the Attachment of Relying on Others - We Each Should Walk our Own Path
2007-07-10For example, when distributing materials, some practitioners wanted to go with those who have strong righteous thoughts since they would feel "more relaxed" with them. Some practitioners at the materials center are dependent on those who have technical skills. If those practitioners left, the center could be paralyzed. We've had many lessons when we are too dependent on others.
Promoting the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular Is A Way of Letting More People Learn the Facts
2007-05-03I am a Falun Dafa practitioner working in a large U.S. corporation. Today I would like to share with everyone how I negated arrangements and removed my mental obstacles to clarify the truth and promote the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular and Christmas Holiday Wonders in a U.S. corporation so more people might have a chance to see the performances.
What a New Falun Gong Practitioner Wants You to Know
2007-05-02So, what is Falun Gong? Why did the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) want to suppress Falun Gong? Why do Falun Gong practitioners risk their lives to keep their belief? Although I had been a CCP member for about forty years, I knew that CCP leaders change CCP dogma whenever they want to. I knew I could not trust statements from the CCP. Thus, I wanted find out the truth. I started reading the book Zhuan Falun after someone introduced me to it.
Sharing My Shallow Understanding with Fellow Practitioners Who Don't Know How to Look Inward
2007-04-30As a matter of fact, I don't really have a deep understanding on how to look inward. Whenever I encountered conflicts and could not pass through certain tribulations, I became anxious. I looked inward, but could not find the fundamental attachment. I would tell myself, "Forget about it. I will try to do well by following the Falun Gong teachings." In this way, I did not truly let go of the attachment.
Rescued from My Dissolute Life
2007-04-27Then I was introduced to Zhuan Falun. When I first read the book, I immediately felt its extraordinary power. After reading through the book again and again I was greatly shocked. I had found a real way of life in the maze,
Letting Go of Self
2007-04-06When fellow practitioners were persecuted, I did not treat it as my own thing, did not actively cooperate to rescue them, nor paid enough attention to sending forth righteous thoughts. I feel that I am responsible for the persecution of my fellow practitioners. I blamed myself and was ashamed to visit them. Sometimes I feared that their families might not like to see me or I might make trouble for them if I visited the arrested practitioners. In reality, I was protecting myself and my style of “individual cultivation.”
An 83-year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner's Cultivation Experiences
2007-04-05After another practitioner introduced me to Falun Dafa, all of my illnesses disappeared. I have thoroughly gotten rid of the bad habits of smoking and drinking. My bad temper has completely gone away and I became a totally different person.
Why Don't You Also Have a go at Practising Falun Dafa
2007-03-21Having come to realise so many of the truths taught in Falun Gong via my own experiences I am able to be more steadfast in forging ahead on my cultivation path. This shows me how to be a good person and how to treat my work and colleagues. I won't live aimlessly because this Great Law, this Dafa, can solve everything and truly provide me with answers to all my questions.