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Letting Go of Our Human Mentalities and Truly Saving Sentient Beings
2004-07-21When a project needs to be done, we usually first ask for help from those practitioners who are more active. However, once these practitioners take over the project, they may have to set aside the projects they have been doing. A better way is to encourage more practitioners to participate; otherwise, when a new project takes off, an on-going project will stop. On the whole, their may be little overall gain.
Some Dafa Practitioners from Beijing Recount Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Teachings of Falun Gong
2004-07-18Many Falun Dafa practitioners in Beijing were fortunate enough to attend the classes Master gave, where he personally lectured and taught the exercises. In these classes, every disciple's body was purified and their thoughts were improved. During that period, we experienced, learned, and heard many stories regarding Master. Some stories seem like legends when told, but all of them are real.
Each Chance is Precious
2004-07-18As I was wondering what had happened, an older man beside me said: "I'm sorry. Somebody stepped on my foot. When I lifted my foot, I kicked you accidentally." I hastened to say: "Don't worry. Don't worry. You didn't kick me for no reason, right?" He looked at me with his eyes wide open. I told him close to his ear: "This is forming our karmic relationship." Then I gave him a booklet about Falun Dafa and told him that he would benefit from it when he read it. He was quite happy and thanked me several times.
Our Experiences in Calling Those Responsible for the Persecution in China
2004-07-16Calling people who are involved in the persecution is different from calling the general public. In the past, I worried that people might think I was strange. At the beginning, I preferred to have no one around when I made phone calls, even though my husband is also a practitioner. Then I realised I had the attachment of fear. I was afraid that the person at the other end would hang up on me or I could not convince people with my words. So I decided to change this situation.
2004-07-16Several cultivators were cultivating in the same Taoist temple then. There was another cultivator among us who loved you and bared his heart to you one day, but you rejected him. He knew that you were in love with me, so jealousy made him hate both of us. He said bitterly at that time, ‘So, you want to cultivate! I will stop you from reaching Consummation even if it will cost my life!’
"If Teacher Said This to Me, Would I Accept It?"
2004-07-15Finally I realised my problem: I tried to persuade fellow practitioners not to go out, because I was afraid of being involved if something happened to the fellow practitioner. Actually I do have the mentality of fear. The only thing is that when a fellow practitioner pointed it out, her tone was not so kind, so I did not want to change myself. Then I thought: if Teacher had said this to me, would I listen and change myself? Of course I would. At this point, my mind became more peaceful.
My Understanding of "Looking Inward"
2004-07-15It does not matter whether other people have cultivated well or not. Even when a child points out our shortcomings, we should look inward. It does not matter whether other people talk with strong attachments to fame and self-interest or not, as long as we are not 100% pure, we should look inward. Looking inward is unconditional, just as cultivation itself.
2004 European Conference: Maintaining The Austria Newsletter
2004-07-13For over a year ago now we have had a project in Austria called “The Newsletter.” It is a monthly media publication, primarily meant as a continual information about all aspects of Falun Gong for politicians, journalists and other interested individuals. Beyond that it is primarily an endeavour by which a larger number of practitioners in Austria can work together in a never seizing project.
2004 European Conference: A Step Forward
2004-07-13One day when I was sending righteous thoughts and trying to calm my mind, one thought just kept rising. It was like a dialogue with me, talking with myself. I was telling me to go to the hospital, to stores, to different places to clarify the truth, I even spoke about what to say. It was strange. But I didn't take that seriously and I was just kept holding on to my pitiful excuse. I wasn't feeling good inside. It was like a war was going on within me. I didn't want to wait but I did.
2004 European Conference: Providing Real Protection To A Country
2004-07-12In the very eventful year of 2002 there was a state visit from China, through which the German government, our authorities and our police permitted to be put so much under pressure that several illegal measures against practitioners were taken by the police. This happened in Berlin, Potsdam, Dresden and Goslar, without ourselves at that time being clear right away on the issue which proceeded to follow. We thought about how we should react to this situation.
Studying the Teachings of Falun Gong with a Calm Mind
2004-07-12I realised that I had completely missed a sentence or I had memorised a sentence incorrectly. I realised it was because I didn't have a calm mind and couldn't concentrate enough. I then concentrated with all my effort on the book. I tried to memorise word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence. Those words would then appear in front of me clearly. When I recited sentence after sentence with a quiet mind, it seemed I had purged many attachments and passed a barrier.
2004 European Conference: Telling the Facts During the ‘China week’ Activity Held at Bruug Middle School in Switzerland
2004-07-11I met my daughter’s tutors to see how she was doing at school, and wanted to use this opportunity to clarify the truth to her two tutors. They signed the petition immediately after they had learnt about the truth. For their interest, I also brought forward the idea of giving an introduction to Chinese culture at the school, including Falun Gong and human right status in China. Both tutors agreed that it was a great idea, afterwards they contacted me to make an arrangement.
2004 European Conference: People are Waiting for The Truth
2004-07-11One day I sent a heartfelt prayer into the universe, to be given directions as to what to practice and how to improve myself. Three days later I found a Falun Gong leaflet in my mailbox. I was somewhat surprised that my prayer was answered so quickly. I read the leaflet from back to front. When I finished reading it became clear to me that Falun Gong is everything I had been searching for.
Regarding the Attitude of "Just Going through the Motions" in Clarifying the Truth
2004-07-10When I clarified the truth to my relatives, friends, and colleagues, I just casually talked about it, and then I gave them a book and a few VCD's. I even felt complacent and pleased with myself. I calculated that I had clarified the truth to this many people yesterday and that many today. I didn't know whether they understood or not and whether they had read the book or not, or even watched the VCD's. I didn't know whether they had any misunderstandings that couldn't be resolved. When I asked them after a long time, I found out that they neither read the book nor watched the VCD's. I didn't achieve the effect of saving the sentient beings at all.
An Understanding I Gained While Clarifying the Truth
2004-07-10Before writing this letter, the first obstacle was fear. I was afraid of running into trouble, revealing my identity to them, and being implicated. The second obstacle was laziness. Even if I had quite a bit of time, I still didn't want to start writing. Later, I intensified my study of the Falun Gong teachings and realised that it was still my attachment to "fear" that was affecting me.