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Paying Attention to One's Speech is Paying Attention to One's Heart
2004-07-08I often notice that once the words are released from my mouth, it is very difficult to take them back. Although I say things without intention, an ordinary person still listens very closely. Therefore, minding our speech is very difficult. One day during studying, I was struck by Teacher's words, "You know, Buddhas don't speak frivolously." (Zhuan Falun - a book containing the principle teachings of Falun Gong). I suddenly realised that as a cultivator I should not confuse myself with an everyday person and talk without purpose.
Maintain a Humble and Objective Mindset When Considering Others' Opinions
2004-07-08We are practitioners. No matter how high we can enlighten and how well we do, what we have is just a bit of understanding at one level. What excuses can we have to be arrogant and conceited in front of our merciful Master and all the suffering lives? Fellow practitioners who have such attachments should determine to strive forward. If we cling to our personal attachments and bad notions, we will drive ourselves further away from the Fa.
2004 European Conference: Recalling an Afternoon in Poland
2004-07-06Those people as well as the journalists inquired, what is going on here, since they had observed the attitude of the Chinese people who were present. What a wonderful opportunity to explain the truth to them! They understood quickly. Many expressed their annoyance at the Chinese people’s rude behavior and then wanted to know what Falun Gong is all about.
2004 European Conference: An Arrangement
2004-07-06Shortly after that I received an e-mail from a colleague about an international qigong website. There I found Falun Dafa. I surfed through the site and opened “Essentials for Further Advancement”. I started to read and I was literally glued to the screen. So many wise words, such a noble spirit! You don’t run into this every day. My actions were automatic and I thirsted for more. As I was afraid of loosing the website or that my computer would fail, I immediately printed all forty six pages.
2004 European Conference: Overcoming Difficulties by Clarifying the Truth
2004-07-04Just after hearing the news that we were not allowed to display our banner, I thought that we must at least try again: this is the banner that the evil is most afraid of, and we must display it; this banner was allowed to display in other countries and other German cities; why not in Munich? I went to see the relevant people in the city administration council and hoped that they would approve our request. But they firmly refused my request and said that if I don’t agree with their decision, they would cancel permission for all our activities.
2004 European Conference: Experiences During the Preparation of the European Falun Dafa Conference
2004-07-04Nothing in the world is really difficult or insurmountable. Once I understood that “every cause had an effect” or everything has two sides, my voice sounded as if I had practised for several hours daily. I suddenly recognised the importance and seriousness of my profession. I no longer held so many thoughts about my profession being a job or something artistic. Now I have to let go of the attachment to fame and wealth and let my music and art find its right place in my life. I now know that I will be fine in my job search.
2004 European Conference: Continuously Giving Up Attachments in the Fa-Rectification
2004-07-03Through sharing understandings of the Fa together, practitioners reached a common understanding: this unjustifiable treatment of Falun Gong practitioners is not just an injustice between ordinary people, but is the evil’s deliberate action against Dafa and Dafa practitioners. Our lawsuit is not against anyone, but we hope that through this lawsuit more people can learn the truth thereby see through the evil’s lies.
2004 European Conference: Some Experiences in Fa-rectification Cultivation outside the Chinese Embassy
2004-07-03Our 24-hour peaceful appeal outside the Chinese Embassy in London has been maintained for more than two years now. In the 700 days and nights, we have undergone spring, summer, autumn, winter, wind, frost, rain, snow and furthermore experienced tests and improvements in many ways in Fa-rectification cultivation. I, on behalf of all UK disciples who have joined the appeal outside the London Chinese Embassy, will share our experiences with everyone.
A Suggestion: Dafa Practitioners Outside of China Should Always Be Aware of Their Mindset and Behaviour
2004-07-02We need to be more conscientious and make more efforts in order to know how to exhibit the magnificence of Dafa practitioners, which is above that of ordinary people, in western society that values the surface culture. In a civilised society, many things are believed to be minimal requirements that the public has acknowledged for a civilised person. A person who fails to do well in the following criteria would be looked down upon by others.
Let Go of Pursuit and Progress with a Pure Mind
2004-07-02During my cultivation, I found that if I had pursuit in mind while trying to get rid of an attachment and cultivate myself, it would be difficult for me to progress forward on the issue. In other words, my cultivation would stagnate if I was pursuing something while trying to discard an attachment; the attachment would remain for a long time and I would be unable to progress in my cultivation diligently.
2004 European Conference: The Best Gift of my Life
2004-06-29It takes only a few days before the patient report improvement. For example the itching in their legs disappear, they are able to sleep much better, can cope better with stress and have more energy and love for life. They even disclosed that they are able to bear the following day the therapy at the clinic with much more ease. They enjoy the harmonic environment as after the exercises we have an exchange of ideas. The patients have a hard time understanding the brutal persecution. Also, many of them had not heard of Falun Gong.
My Cultivation Experience with Lawyers and Judges
2004-06-29Once I got to the meeting, I still could not approach anyone and was overwhelmed by the fear that someone would ask me to leave because I was a Falun Gong practitioner. I tried to overcome this feeling. The thought popped into my head that I should go back home to study more because my current state of mind was not righteous and I could cause damage. But then it hit me as I got up to leave and started walking toward the exit that this meeting was a precious arrangement for lawyers and judges to deeply understand the truth, and it is so critical to reach them at this stage of Fa-rectification.
Maintain a Humble and Objective Mindset When Considering Others' Opinions
2004-06-27The forms of manifestation are diverse. Some always love to flaunt their past brilliant achievements. Others profess to be above worldly considerations, are arrogant and do not listen to different opinions. Some justify their attachments with human logic. I personally think such notions have already hindered their improvement.
Be Levelheaded and Compassionately Help Fellow Practitioners Who Have Taken the Wrong Path
2004-06-27Without doubt, those who have gone astray have brought great losses to Dafa. They even repaid our kindness with enmity and obstinately followed the wrong path. But, as practitioners we live by the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, which asks of us to be compassionate towards others, and therefore, we must continue to still be rational in how we treat such people.
2004 European Conference: Learning from past lessons, Clarifying the Truth More Thoroughly
2004-06-25While I was talking, from my heart, I hoped they could know the truth and therefore make the right decision, not for myself but for their own future. After listening to my words, they not only helped me with getting a legal residence, but also kindly helped to find free accommodation for me. By clarifying the truth this time, I came to realise that when we sincerely hope other people to be good and think about others with a compassionate heart, the result would turn out to be good. This is because practitioners’ righteous thoughts are very powerful.