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  • Braving the Storm with My Head Held High (Part 1)

    On the 20th of July, 1999, a historically unprecedented persecution began. China was shrouded in an atmosphere of terror. During the morning of July 20th, my mother and I went to the Falun Gong practise site as usual. We saw uniformed and plainclothes police everywhere. It was mother's turn to teach the Falun Gong exercises.
  • I Would Still Want to Be a Falun Dafa Practitioner If I Were to Choose Again (Part 3)

    After this incident, everyone in our small group searched deeply within themselves. Nobody blames others any more, and everyone realised that it's the responsibility of the whole body. Everyone understood the concept of whole body more deeply, instead of understanding it only from a theoretical perspective. We were becoming more and more united as one body.
  • Talking About Falun Gong to Over Twenty People at a Restaurant in China

    They were shocked and said, "Why are they doing something so inhuman?" They continued, "This is violating the law and committing crimes! You should go to the court to file a lawsuit against them!" I said, "Jiang Zemin issued an order: 'Beating them [practitioners] to death counts as their committing suicide. Cremate the body directly without identifying the person. These cases will be handled without investigating or affixing responsibility.' We have been appealing for Falun Gong in accordance with the law. As a result, we are arrested and sent to prison or labour camps.
  • Progressing In My Cultivation

    After three months of cultivating alone, unable to meet with other practitioners, I finally made it to New York to take part in activities to let more people find out about Falun Gong and the persecution, and was so happy to see the yellow Falun Dafa t-shirts that my eyes filled with tears. I had so much energy that I felt like I had to give a flier to everyone I saw, smile without fail, and speak until my throat ran dry. The second time and third times I went to New York, I was much calmer.
  • Stories of Two Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioners in China

    Her daughter-in-law pushed her to the Falun Gong teachings study site in a wheelchair to watch Teacher's lectures on Falun Gong on video. After the lecture she took the stairs by herself. Her daughter-in-law wanted her sit in the wheelchair to push her back home, but she refused and walked home by herself. The study site is about one mile away from her home, but she would walk back and forth every day to watch Teacher's lecture. She insisted on studying the Falun Gong teachings and practising the Falun Gong exercises every day and has not needed to take any medicine since.
  • I Would Still Want to Be a Falun Dafa Practitioner If I Were to Choose Again (Part 2)

    Only two other practitioners supported me. Even I held a lot of fear in my heart. But I knew I could not retreat and let the arrangement of the old force be realised. Under this great pressure, I still insisted that if the hearsay were true, and if they found out anything on the computer, I would bear all the responsibility. So I stayed in the computer room myself. The sky was grey with drizzle, and my heart was very heavy.
  • I Benefit Tremendously from Fellow Falun Dafa Practitioners' Experience Sharing and Encouragement

    People both within and out of my family began to treat me like a hated enemy, hurling insults and ridicule, and treating me most disrespectfully. At that time I thought the world was very cruel and I had no place in it. So I went to my mother and shared my questions and anxieties with her. She said, "How can Dafa be fake? Through practising Falun Dafa, my illnesses have been cured and my body revitalised. The stuff on TV is just nonsense."
  • From a Farmer's Hoe to a Computer Mouse

    There was a struggle in my mind: although I was the appropriate candidate to learn the computer skills, I was very afraid, realising that all the practitioners who had accessed the Internet for us had been arrested, and I would be no exception if I learnt the skill. At that time I had just come from the local detention centre, where I was so badly tortured that I lost consciousness several times. I was still under the shadow of the persecution.
  • I Would Still Want to Be a Falun Dafa Practitioner If I Were to Choose Again (Part 1)

    I often went outside to distribute materials by myself and stayed until the next morning. Many times I felt very thirsty and it was difficult for me to walk a single step further, so I kept encouraging myself by reciting Master's lectures until I passed out the last leaflet I had. Some practitioners were worried about my safety, for I was a girl. I thought, I'm Master's disciple and what I'm doing is the most sacred thing, I will be fine.
  • The Cultivation Story of a Civil Servant in Taiwan: A Happy Day

    I met a colleague on the stairway who practised with me before. She had been very diligent, but suddenly she just stopped coming. I was surprised, so I asked her why she stopped coming. She replied: "I am practising a better form of qigong now." A few days later, she gave me the book that contains the Falun Gong teachings, Zhuan Falun, and told me that Falun Gong cultivates both the mind and the body, and that those who practise Falun Gong truly cultivate themselves.
  • A 70-Year-Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Relates Her Experiences in Letting People Know that Falun Dafa is Good

    I told them that there is nothing wrong with practising "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance." Falun Dafa cured our illnesses and taught us to be good people. I told them the principle that "Good is rewarded with good and evil will be met by evil." Although these people all understand the truth, they said that it was their job and they still had to monitor me every day. They kept me under surveillance for five days.
  • Purifying Ourselves While Helping Let More People Know the Truth About Falun Gong

    I began practising Falun Dafa together with my daughter in August 1995. During the period of self-cultivation, my moral character continually improved and my body also underwent great changes. I truly experienced personally what it means to feel light and be free of illness. From the first time I held and read the core Falun Gong teachings in Zhuan Falun, it was as though I had found a precious jewel.
  • Some Enlightenment from Reading Teacher's New Article 'My Version of a "Stick Wake-up"'

    In the past, when Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted, we would look for their shortcomings first, to see where there were gaps, what concepts of theirs were not in line with mine, what were their attachments, and so on. It seemed that the persecution was regarded as a matter of course.
  • Pure Compassion Shocks And Frightens those Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners

    How could someone who had benefited so much from practising Falun Dafa ignore this. It was only natural for me to go and peacefully appeal for a stop to this persecution. I therefore went to Beijing twice to appeal. Having the teachings of Falun Gong embedded in my heart, I never wavered in my faith in Falun Dafa and in Teacher whilst facing the evil policemen, regardless of the tricks and tactics they tried on me. I firmly believed it is never wrong to practise "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance."
  • After Being Deceived By the Lies I Once Again Start to Practise Falun Gong

    Before I started practising Falun Dafa, I suffered from rheumatism and I often felt very uncomfortable and even suffered from pains in my heart. On cloudy and rainy days, I would feel terrible pain in my joints. When it rained, or during periods of high humidity, my skin would develop pimples. So whenever it rained I would stay in bed wrapped in a quilt . This condition had been going on for seven or eight years.