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Relatives and Neighbours Learn the Truth about Falun Gong
2004-11-21I thought that by improving my heart according to "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" would lead to my recovery. By practising Falun Gong, all of my illnesses have now disappeared. Since then, I haven't suffered from any form of illness and have been very healthy. I am now determined in practising Falun Dafa more than ever.
Letter to Fellow Practitioners by a Falun Dafa Practitioner in China, Prior to Her Imprisonment in a Forced Labour Camp
2004-11-21The following is a letter addressed to those who practise Falun Dafa that was written by a Falun Dafa practitioner from Kaifeng City, Henan Province in China before she was sent to a forced labour camp. This practitioner has been detained many times and subjected to several brainwashing sessions. Despite this, her determination to follow Falun Dafa's principles has never wavered.
An Aromatic Lotus Flower: A Young Russian Falun Gong Practitioner
2004-11-19When this elderly lady returned she realised that Sofia had carried out these tasks really well. She was so happy that she even kneeled on the floor in front of Sofia to express her thankfulness. Sofia’s face reddened to the ears, so much so that she hid her face with her hands. Actually, so long as it is something for Dafa, Sofia will actively and conscientiously take part.
Only With Firm Belief in Falun Dafa and Teacher Can We Do Well
2004-11-19That evening, the pain became excruciating. The following day, the pain became almost unbearable. During the night, because of the pain, I often could not breathe. The pain I felt cannot be described in words. I can only say that to be alive and feel such pain is almost worse than dying. For 24 hours a day, the handcuffs remained in place. Guards arranged for a person to help me brush my teeth, eat and relieve myself. Some criminals shuddered after seeing me handcuffed like that. Every second of such suffering felt endless. The cell head said I would have to write the Guarantee Statement.
Following the Path toward Divinity with the Diligent Use of Righteous Thoughts
2004-11-17To ensure that I do well on the things stipulated by Teacher, I have not taken festival celebrations seriously during these last few years. On the contrary, whenever the festival season arrives, I do more sending forth righteous thoughts, and I do not sleep for more than four hours each night. I often ask myself, "What have I come here for? Have I not come for the Fa? Since I came for the Fa, should I not be happy and proud to be a Fa rectification period Falun Dafa practitioner ?"
Recounting Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Teachings of Falun Gong
2004-11-17It just so happened that in the lecture Teacher was lecturing on the, "Placement of the Mysterious Pass," when talking about the books of the past Teacher said that they are very hard to guide people to cultivate any more. Teacher said that "Now a lot of books that have been published are fake. Even that copy of Huangdi Neijing is a fake but you have bought it." The practitioners who went to the Fa lecture with Mr. Zhao were all shocked. After the lecture they all said, "Even though you hid the book in your bag Teacher still knew!"
Sixteen Yuan
2004-11-15One day, a fellow Falun Gong practitioner from the countryside brought sixteen yuan to me, saying that it must be used to make Falun Dafa materials. "Just sixteen yuan?" I said. She replied, "This sixteen yuan was saved up cent by cent by a fellow practitioner whose family is very poor. After she saved up enough small change to make one yuan, she exchanged them for a one-yuan coin in a grocery store. Only after she saved up for several months could she accumulate these sixteen yuan..."
Overcoming My Deeply Hidden Thought Karma to Complete My Path of Cultivation
2004-11-15At first, I would try to tolerate them, but I did so with the mentality of a non-practitioner. That means I was actually seething in my heart, but I did not say anything or talk back. Later on when the severity of the conflicts increased, I found it extremely difficult to even tolerate them at a non-practitioner's level. While I was tormented by these conflicts, I often heard a voice shrieking viciously, "I cannot take it any more! I don't want to take it any more!" The more miserable I felt for myself, the more thought inference I experienced to discourage me from studying the Fa
I Am a Disciple of Master Li Hongzhi (Part 2)
2004-11-14In the last few days, all the detainees saw the magnificence of Falun Dafa from practitioners. They started reciting the scriptures and practised with us everyday. The whole prison cell became our practice and study area. No one, from the discipline-instructor to the directors, opposed what we did. A political instructor said to a sickened detainee, "Get up. Go and practise with the Falun Gong practitioners, then you will get well."
Resisting the Persecution with Righteous Thoughts, Words, and Deeds, I Left the Detention Centre Within 48 Hours
2004-11-14The two policemen became frightened and released their grip. I called out loudly again, "Everybody look, a good person is seized by the police. Is it wrong that I practise Falun Gong? So why do they seize me? Falun Gong is being practised in more than 60 countries over the world. Jiang Zemin has been sued in the overseas courts for his persecution of Falun Gong. The Tiananmen Self-Immolation was a fake, everybody - please do not believe the propaganda fabricated on TV. Falun Gong is being treated unjustly!" While I was speaking, people started to gather around me.
I Am a Disciple of Li Hongzhi (Part 1)
2004-11-13Facing the lies and terror that covered the sky and earth, some practitioners hesitated and felt confused, not knowing whether it was wrong or right to step forward. Some did not step forward because they feared being arrested. It was a small Fa conference that united the hearts of all practitioners and made our practitioners realise the importance of going to Beijing to appeal for a stop to the persecution. Practitioners stepped forward one after another.
I Was Once Illiterate, But Now I Can Read Falun Dafa Books
2004-11-13All the Falun Gong practitioners who participated in the appeal on the 14th of July were beaten up. They kicked me with their boots and beat me with a broom until the broom snapped into pieces. They even asked me to buy a new one. How ridiculous they are! I was beaten until both of my arms were black and blue. They also detained us and forced us to pay 600 yuan each before they would release us. The town officials asked my family to give them the money, or we could not go home.
Actually, Cultivation Is Not That Hard (Part 2)
2004-11-12The rule of the day was that all practitioners who went to Beijing to peacefully appeal for Dafa would be imprisoned for at least one month in criminal detention. If the practitioner did not stop practising by the end of that time, he or she would be imprisoned for another fifteen days of administrative detention. I did not accept such a concept in my mind. All I thought about was that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner.
A Story About How Someone Came to Practise Falun Gong
2004-11-12It is well known that supervisors in the city government assign Falun Gong arrest quotas to the police stations. They make money by arresting Falun Gong practitioners. Once they extort some money from you and fingerprint you, they will release you. If you don't comply, the officers will beat you until you loose the ability to take care of yourself, and their supervisors will even reward them for doing so.
Actually, Cultivation Isn't That Hard (Part 1)
2004-11-11While in the police van, I gave an appeal letter to the police and hoped that they would help me submit the letter. At Qianmen Police Station in Beijing, I reported my name with a calm mind. When the police asked me if I was a party member, I said "Yes." The police said, "It's most telling when party members come to appeal." Tears immediately came to my eyes. I was very thankful to Master who had enlightened me through the police's words.