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Letting Go of Selfishness and Melting Into Falun Dafa's Teachings
2004-03-27My wife and child also practice Falun Dafa. Compared with our fellow practitioners, our income is quite good. However, our tendency is still to put more money into our savings and use less money for validating Dafa. We hope to lead a comfortable lifestyle and to cultivate Dafa at the same time. We address the solemn responsibility of Dafa practitioners with the mentality of ordinary people. This is like wanting to become enlightened without letting go of our attachments. Of course we should do our best in the ordinary human society without going to the extreme. However, the basis of this mindset is selfishness.
A Lesson Learned from the Folk Tale of Nanny Wang Burning Incense
2004-03-26With the enlightenment from this story, I dug out some deep rooted and dirty attachments. For instance, I pay too much attention to my appearance. I often thought that if I have good complexion, it would help me clarify the truth of Falun Gong to people. However, deep in my heart there existed the attachment of showing off. See how well I have cultivated, my skin is healthy and delicate. The more I became attached to it, the worse my complexion became.
Let People around the World Know that They are the True Victims of the Persecution
2004-03-26We should help people learn that the persecution of Falun Gong is in essence destroying human nature since it targets human being's virtue. Therefore, the persecution is destroying people. We need to let them be aware of the principle of the cosmos that good will be rewarded with good. We need to tell them that bad things happen when people have no virtue. They'll then come to realize that they are the true victims of the persecution. Then they'll have proper thoughts towards Falun Dafa and be saved.
A Brief Record Of Experience Sharing Before The United Nations Human Rights Conference In Geneva.
2004-03-25US practitioners mentioned that practitioners in Canada and North America regularly hold large group gatherings in different cities. Beside this, practitioners in every exercise site are also keen on group Fa-study and experience sharing. Because they emphasise group Fa-study and experience sharing, they can not only enhance as a whole, but can also avoid conflicts between practitioners, so that they can fully exert the power of the whole. Therefore, practitioners can successfully accomplish the goal by mutual coordination, even though there are many specific items for truth-clarification and they lack manpower.
Bringing Compassion and the Truth of Dafa to People
2004-03-25Before becoming a Dafa practitioner, she once wrote a poem entitled: “I am a child of the universe”. The poem goes: “I am a child of the universe, who forgot her own home; I am a guest on the Earth, and a guest of the world. What is the best gift for the guest…” As soon as she encountered Falun Dafa, she immediately realised that Dafa was the best gift for her.
Dafa Practitioners’ Clarifying the Facts with Righteous Thoughts Inspires European Policemen
2004-03-24At first, some of our practitioners were kind of nervous because; they are decent citizens and had never been treated like this in the past; moreover, they were shocked at this occurrence as Falun Gong has been awarded and commended in many peaceful countries. Nonetheless, through reminding each other, we soon thought of our responsibility as a Dafa disciple, our reasons for coming to Paris and of the urgent things we should have been doing at that precise moment. Therefore, we adjusted our own mentalities quickly.
A German Falun Gong Practitioner’s Impressions of the Events in Geneva
2004-03-24I am visiting Geneva during the 60th session of the Commission on Human Rights, the annual UN human rights conference. Many Falun Gong practitioners visit Geneva at this time of year for a reason: to call attention to the human rights violations committed against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Today, practitioners will man five information booths, located at different locations in Geneva, to inform Geneva’s residents and visitors about the persecution of Falun Gong in China, a persecution that has already caused hundreds of deaths.
Thoughts After An Experience Sharing Conference On Clarifying The Facts
2004-03-23Participants benefited from the rich and valuable experiences shared by practitioners and they also benefited greatly from the proposals that were a result of the collective thoughts and the process of encouraging practitioners to overcome difficulties and attachments and join the great tide of the Fa rectification. They deeply felt that it was worthwhile making the trip.
On Encompassing Others
2004-03-23Sharing experiences in and of it self doesn’t mean you are forcing others to accept your opinion but rather speaking out to allow others to know how you view a particular matter. Any practitioner who holds views on a matter reflects their cultivation state. It is not an objective discussion and conclusion of the matters at hand. Because of different cultivation states it is natural that there are different opinions of the same matter.
The Environment for Clarifying the Truth Should Also Be a Purified Place of Dafa
2004-03-22As the Fa-rectification proceeds unceasingly, the number of Falun Dafa activities that I participate in has gradually grown. During this process, I have found that some common problems and tribulations have repeatedly occurred. After I had thought about these issues I came to realise that they are tricks used to consume Dafa practitioners’ energy. This is what I have enlightened to recently and is what I would like to share in this article.
Coming To Geneva Once Again
2004-03-22As I approach Geneva to go to the headquarters of the United Nations I came to realise that this trip will have been the seventh for many practitioners among us. The earliest trip would have been when Master personally taught the Fa in Switzerland in 1998. After that, and since the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong in China on 20 July 1999, each trip here has been made to appeal to the Human Rights Commission which convenes in March and April of each year.
The Duty of All People Against Persecution is to Clarify the Truth to All Citizens
2004-03-20The other day I heard a practitioner say that reporters from nearby cities like to get in touch with her. Having clarified the truth for a few years, she has been contacting reporters about every event. She even lets reporters know when she is going to Falun Gong Experience Sharing Conferences in other cities. Every time she meets with them she is again able to reveal the true facts about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Now those reporters get on so well with her that they aren't willing to leave when they have finished interviewing her at her home.
"Being a Good Person" and "Validating the Fa"
2004-03-20A Dafa practitioner should, of course, do well in his work and validate the Fa with his actions or words. However, it is not completely right for a practitioner to consider that he has validated the Fa and clarified the truth just because he has done well in his work and has harmonised his surroundings, and that all his neighbours or colleagues consider him "a good person." Here is an actual example that describes how Dafa practitioners in a certain rural area of China deal with the issue of being good people and harmonising the environment. I wrote it out to share with fellow practitioners.
Great Britain: Practitioners vs. Disciples
2004-03-19In the past, when I wrote reports, I frequently submitted the articles in the name of “Dafa practitioner in Great Britain” because I felt that whether we have fulfilled the requirements of Dafa disciples or not should be judged by Master, not proclaimed by ourselves. As a practitioner, being modest should be correct. Furthermore, it is just a matter of a title, not a big deal. Not until many incidents recently occurred around me did I start to realise the inherent distinction between being a practitioner and being a disciple.
A Story from China: A Small Table
2004-03-19"I found that the materials squeezed in the door by the Falun Gong practitioners sometimes fell to the ground and got trampled. I felt bad and so I put a small table out so the materials do not get dirty." I asked, "You have collected so many materials to show other people. Are you afraid?" He said seriously, "What is there to be afraid of? I am in my 80's. The Falun Gong practitioners are not even afraid of being arrested, imprisonment, even death. Why should we be afraid for just reading the materials?"